Man charged with sex abuse of children

Published 3:13 pm Friday, August 26, 2016

Brian Varden is being held in the Chilton County Jail until his trial. (Contributed)

Brian Varden is being held in the Chilton County Jail until his trial. (Contributed)


The Clanton Police Department arrested suspect Brian Keith Varden on Aug. 15 on two charges of sexual abuse.

According to Chief Keith Maddox, the CPD had received two separate reports of someone following and inappropriately touching young children in Walmart.

Investigators from the CPD looked into the incident and, with the cooperation of Walmart, they were able to watch video of the event and identify the suspect.

A patrol officer took Varden into custody and he is currently in jail. After investigators reviewed footage of the incident and interviewed Varden, he was charged with two counts of sexual abuse in the first degree.

He will be offered a preliminary hearing within the next 30 days. If he pleads not guilty, his case will go before a grand jury for a hearing.

Varden is already a registered sex offender, according to police.

“He’s not out, and we don’t anticipate him getting out. He’s got a high bond,” said Maddox.