Maplesville tweaks reserve officer training

Published 1:56 pm Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Applicants training to be reserve officers with the Maplesville Police Department will no longer be able to partake in ride-a-longs as part of their training.

The change in procedure was discussed during the Maplesville Town Council’s monthly meeting on Monday.

The topic was brought forth after the Council had become aware that the individuals would not be covered under the workers comp and general liability insurance until they had officially been approved as reserve officers.

Also involving the police department, the Council discussed the reasoning behind exceeding their allotted data usage in the patrol car laptops over the past couple of months.

The Council agreed to look into possibly changing the current data plan if needed.

Cara Enfinger, Brenda Jones, Betty Barron, Glenda Fergueson and Peggie Lenoir were each approved as municipal election officials.

The municipal election is scheduled for August 23.

In other news from the meeting, the Council:

•Approved a one-year raise of 25 cents for officer Ken Casey that will become effective July 30.

•Approved the recommendation of David Wood as a reserve officer.

•Approved a car wash to be held by the Boy Scouts of America.

•Approved a three-month raise of 25 cents for senior center delivery driver Deborah Blais that became effective on Monday.

•Approved the resignation of garbage worker Michael Hunt and hired former employee Timothy Franklin to fill the position.

•Nominated Travius Hall, Bobby Agee and Darren Crocker to the Maplesville Park Board. Patty Crocker and Sheila Hall abstained from voting due to being related to those involved.

•Received a letter from ADECA stating that the town was not approved for a recreational trails grant.