Flea problem can be hard to solve

Published 5:09 pm Friday, July 1, 2016

The pesticide aisle at Garrison Farm and Home Center is stocked with a variety of chemical options to combat various pest problems. (Photo by Anthony Richards)

The pesticide aisle at Garrison Farm and Home Center is stocked with a variety of chemical options to combat various pest problems. (Photo by Anthony Richards)

Pests can create quite a problem for farmers and residents in Chilton County during the summer months, and it can turn into an endless battle.

According to Rick Green, manager at Garrison Farm and Home Center in Thorsby, summer is flea season and the majority of customers want to know how to combat the problem.

“There’s so many different species, and it’s always a struggle to find the right chemicals,” Green said. “A certain chemical could work in one house but be ineffective three houses down.”

Fleas hatch this time of year and get inside the homes of residents.

According to Regional Extension Agent Nelson Wynn, July and August are the peak months for fleas to hatch due to the higher temperatures, which can create even more of a challenge.

“You can knock it down, but it would be tougher to completely eliminate the population,” Wynn said.

Stores such as Garrison are there to inform the customer and get them pointed in the right direction to eliminate whatever pest problems they are dealing with, Green said.

“People tend to buy brand names and not the actual ingredients,” Green said. “Most people want a quick fix.”

Certain pesticides that Green suggests are Bifen I/T, Demon Max and Cyonara.

No matter the chemical, safety is always an important factor to remember and something that Green stresses to each of his customers.

“Don’t apply more than the label says,” Green said. “You have to remember to use the proper doses, so that you don’t accidently kill your pollinators (such as honey bees).”