Council approves sewer bid

Published 6:39 pm Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Clanton’s City Council on Monday approved a bid for Phase 2 of sewer rehabilitation in the West End community.

The low bid was received from Gulf Coast Underground, in the amount of $622,218.

Four other bids were received, ranging from $668,720.65 to $940,318.

Three other companies submitted a “no bid.”

In other business, the Council:

•Approved minutes from the May 23 meeting.

•Approved paying necessary bills.

•Approved hiring Jadarius Cohen at E.M. Henry Park to replace Tyler Williams as part-time summer help.

•Approved hiring Jaqarise Stacy in the sanitation department to replace Jarred Campebell for part-time summer help.

•Approved to send out bids on asphalt for paving streets detailed on a list.

•Heard from Jackie Baker with West End Neighborhood Watch about issues in the community including littering and parking.

•Approved to demolish two dilapidated houses and to place liens on the properties, at the request of Councilman Greg DeJarnett. The properties are located at the corner of Liberty Street and Second Avenue North, and at Martin Luther King Street between Second Avenue North and Fourth Avenue North. The projects will cost $3,000 and $3,800, respectively.

•Declared October as Chilton Month of Animal Compassion and to donate $2,500 to the Chilton County Humane Society, after being addressed Katherine Reece with the Humane Society about the shelter’s need for funding.