Maplesville Baptist Church Hosts Bingo Night for Relay For Life
Published 3:26 pm Thursday, March 10, 2016
By Angela Hayes | Special to the Advertiser
Maplesville Baptist Church is hosting the second annual Bingo for Relay on March 12 at 6 p.m.
With donations and gifts from local business and individuals, the church, led by Pastor Terry Harris and the Relay Team, led by Captain Tammy Soltishick, is looking to have another great year.
“Last year, we raised over $1,000. We were looking for different ways to raise money when the idea for bingo came up. One of our local schools was using it as a fundraiser tool, and we thought it was a good idea,” Soltishick said.
Soltishick, who lost her father to the disease will be a five-year breast cancer survivor this August.
“We then were able to acquire donations, gifts and sponsorships from local businesses and individuals to give away as prizes,” Soltishick said.
Not one to mess with what works, they will once again have the Relay Queens on hand to help present the donated prizes throughout the night.
“We love to raise money towards finding a cure and are grateful for whatever we can donate,” Soltishick said.
To aid in their efforts, the church held a Valentine’s banquet earlier in the year, selling dinner plates within the congregation and delivering to shut-ins.
“We have several church members who are survivors are well, and this cause is close to all our hearts,” Soltishick said.
The cost is $10 per person and includes a hot dog dinner and multiple rounds of bingo, with all proceeds raised going directly to Relay For Life and their efforts toward finding a cure for cancer.
Seating is limited to 100 guests.
To reserve your spot in advance, or for questions, Soltishick at (334) 359-4117. Extra seating will be available if needed.