County votes to lower speed limit on County Road 184

Published 2:31 pm Wednesday, February 24, 2016

The Chilton County Commission voted unanimously on Monday to lower the speed limit on County Road 184 to 25 miles per hour.

County engineer Tony Wearren told commissioners the road was a dead end road off County Road 61 that goes in front of Lime Springs Church.

Wearren said the road has a lot of residents and curves, and recommended the speed limit be set at 25 miles per hour.

In other news, the commission:

•Approved a request from the road department to advertise and hire a truck driver to replace Jesse Connell, who is retiring March 31.

•Approved a resolution approving the preliminary plat for Quail Run—Phase 3. This is a four-lot subdivision off County Road 81 being developed by Mac Mims.

•Approved a resolution from ALDOT executing the agreement between the Chilton County Commission and ALDOT for the resurfacing of County Road 29.

•Authorized Wearren to purchase a 2015 backhoe off the National IPA program. Wearren told commissioners it was a zero-hour machine for $88,000, and the money was in the road department’s budget.

•Scheduled a work session for March 7 at 5 p.m. to discuss the implementation of a merit system and appointment of board members in the sheriff’s department.

•Approved a request from Jessica Carter with the Chilton County Transit Authority to hire Lisa Faulkner as a part-time driver to fill a vacancy.

•Voted to close nominations to the board of directors of the Chilton Water Authority.

•Approved a social media policy for county employees as an amendment to the county’s employee handbook. The policy was distributed by, and strongly recommended by the Association of County Commissions of Alabama that if the county does not already have a policy in place, to adopt this policy. It will be included in the handbook for every new hire, and a copy will be sent to all current employees for their signature and kept in their employee file.

•Approved a resolution of recognition to Raymond Oden for his 100th birthday.

•Heard from county administrator Connie Powell, who told commissioners she has been working with a company called Me2Graphics regarding upgrading the county’s website. Powell said she has also been working on developing a county brand/logo, implementing a social media policy and management, and the creation of a mission statement. Powell requested a work session to include executives from Me2Graphics for a presentation and detailed discussion regarding the topics. Commissioners decided to add the presentation to the March 7 work session at 5 p.m.

•Approved a resolution accepting Allen Goree as the new president of the Chilton County Volunteer Firefighters Association.

•Corrected minutes from the Oct. 26, 2015, commission meeting setting a pay rate for Derek R. Collum, who was hired as the Higgins Ferry Park ranger. The rate of pay was set at $14.43 per hour, effective Oct. 26, 2015.

•Approved a resolution of the TASC ACA Employer Reporting Comprehensive Plan proposal as presented in the Feb. 8 meeting. The cost is a one-time set-up fee of $2,300 and $1.25 per employee per month to be paid from the commission’s budget.

•Voted to let Wearren do some grading work on the grounds of the Chilton County Humane Society.

•Requested county attorney John Hollis Jackson draft a copy of a resolution between the city of Jemison and Minooka Park for commissioners to prepare to vote on at the March 14 meeting.