City looking into paving shopping center parking lot

Published 2:53 pm Thursday, January 28, 2016

The parking lot of Park Plaza shopping center could be resurfaced soon.

Clanton’s City Council voted at a regular meeting Monday to solicit bids for the project.

The city owns the property, which houses several businesses, including Fred’s, and Senior Connection.

Once bids are received, the Council will decide whether to accept one and begin the work.

In other business, the Council:

•Approved the purchase of four police vehicles off the state bid list.

•Heard from a resident who lives off Fifth Avenue about his concerns with trucks’ loud brakes during late night hours in the downtown area.

•Heard from Katherine Reece with the Chilton County Humane Society, who updated the Council on the shelter’s recent intake.

•Heard from Jackie Baker with West End Neighborhood Watch, who thanked the Council and Mayor Billy Joe Driver for their work in re-opening the E.M. Henry Head Start Center.