Church news for the week of Jan. 28

Published 5:01 pm Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Samaria Baptist Church

Our service today was blessed by a special song performed by Jerry Greer and his guitar. Jerry sang “Wings of His Victory.”

Our prayer concerns are for Walter Hudgins, Mike Smith, Collis Easterling’s family, Bobby Davis’ family, Rita Lawrence, Connie Popwell’s mom, little Tucker Jones and his family, Scarlett Teel and Brother Shane and his party on their trip to Belize this weekend.

Our sermon came from Luke 5 verses 1-11. Brother Shane always speaks his messages directly from his heart by direction of the Holy Spirit. He speaks with emotion and wisdom gained by study and prayer.

We appreciate his service with us here, and his wife and daughters as they serve with him.

Simon Peter and his men were fishing all through the night and having very little success. Jesus asked Peter to move his boat out so that he could preach to the people gathered there.

Then, Jesus said to Peter, throw your nets again. Of course Peter said, but we have fished for hours with little to show for it.

Peter would not have even considered casting the nets again for any other person, but Jesus. So, since Jesus asked him, Peter said he would do so, by Jesus’ word.

So when we make a vow to serve our church and worship our Lord, how soon do we forget this vow? Do we make an excuse that we are tired?

Many people are tired, and work hard, long days. This is not the issue however. When God promises us that he will always see us through, that means he will be there when we feel we just do not have the strength to continue.

Jesus does not ask us for anything, that does not have a promise or blessing behind it.

Our obedience to him is the key to happiness, joy and peace in everything we do. Satan takes advantage of every opportunity to stand between us and our service to Jesus.

Simon Peter saw remarkable bounty as the nets were full and overflowing because he was obedient to the Savior. We need to bow humbly, and obey the directives of our Father, if we want to experience true success, peace, joy, and blessing.

Peter exhibited amazing faith in Jesus. This kind of faith makes Satan cringe, and by grace through faith, we can never fail.

Listen to his call on your lives today. Remember, God’s ways are not our ways, so let us follow him for he will lead us to glory.

God bless you.

Submitted by Diane Fisher

Friendship Baptist Church

Our choir special was “Bow The Knee” with solo parts performed by Dusty Dutton.

Bro. Ken’s (Daniel) message was from Luke 9:57-62. His title was “Unconditional Surrender.”

Jesus lacked a place to lay his head, but when we come together, we learn more about how to be disciples.

Our song special during evening service was “In The Garden.”

Bro. Ken’s message was from 2 Corinthians 4:16-18. His title was “Three Homes.”

What is unseen is eternal. Our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit. The world is our body and finally the heaven will be our body.

This Saturday, our kids will go to the circus.

Upcoming events:

Feb. 5-6 – IF:Gathering at 1st Methodist Church Friday 6-9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call (205) 755-7854 or visit to register.

Feb. 27 – Renew, a Day Away With Friends. It is for women of all ages at Westwood Baptist Church in Alabaster. Register with by Feb. 18, the cost is $35. Antiquing from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. with lunch at Steak N’ Shake that will cost $6 to $9.

Feb. 28 – G.A. Recognition Service.

March 4-5- Complete a gathering for girls in grades 7-12 at Eastmont Baptist Church in Montgomery. Register at Alabama by Feb. 15. The cost is $35 and includes lunch on Saturday and a t-shirt.

March 3-6 – Ladies’ Beach Retreat. Cost is $150 and see Anita ASAP if interested in attending.

May 2 – Senior Adult Evangelism Conference at Taylor Road Baptist Church in Montgomery from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Free admission and no registration.

Our homecoming committee is looking for old pictures or mementos to use for homecoming 100 years.

They are especially looking for pictures of the old church.

Please let Doris Wyatt, Yvonne Bryars or Diane Varder know if you have anything.

Happy birthday to Pam Marcus.

Our prayer requests are for Patty Headley, Stephanie, Bambi Lymand, Bobby Davis’ family, youth minister, Rachel Lowrey, military, Randall Mims, Randall Wyatt and Jimmy Martin (Mary).

Floyd Baptist Church

Bro. Mike Lawerence’s message was from Luke 5.

There are two types of sin that include omission and commission.

Omission is knowing to do right but not doing it. The priest and the Levite knew to help the sick man, was the right thing to do but did not.

Doing good helps others. That man could have died if it was not for the Samaritan.

We should help others when we have the chance because it helps people and it glorifies God.

Doing good is prompted by the Holy Spirit. A cup of cold water given in Jesus’ name will do good.

Jesus teaches us to go the extra mile. In those days, a Roman soldier could compel a person to carry his load for him for one mile. Jesus taught to go an extra mile for him.

We are like this injured man, dying in our sins. We need Jesus to take our sins and save us. We need to be telling people about Jesus.

Knowing to do good and doing nothing about it is disobedience.

Floyd will be having its Fifth Sunday Singing on Jan. 31 at 5 p.m. “The Colemans” will be the featured singers. Snacks will follow and everyone is invited.

Everyone is welcome to come worship with us at Floyd. We are located at 3439 County Road 59 in Verbena.

Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church

Even though the temperature outside was on the chilly side this past Sunday morning, this did not diminish the warmth that was felt as we gathered in God’s house with our Christian brothers and sisters.

This is just one of the many blessings that God sent our way. Our service began with Libby Warren playing for our penny march.

Kaitlyn Burnett read Matthew 10:39 before signing to the very inspiring song “My Life Song Sings.”

Bro. Travis Burnett used the scriptures in Luke 7:36-50 to bring God’s message on “Broken People.”

Have you ever looked into someone’s eyes and just knew that they were a broken person? Maybe it is someone that feels as if they are an outcast. It could be someone that feels they are no good.

Maybe it is someone that feels as if they have no place to turn. Perhaps they have been cast aside by society just as a broken seashell would be thrown aside by those walking along the beach.

These are the kind of people that Jesus came into this world for. He knows they are not too broken to be useful.

He has a plan and purpose for the life of those that are broken as we can see his response to the woman in these verses of scripture.

Do not let what others may think about you keep you from Jesus. Having faith in Christ and acting on that faith will cleanse sin and heal broken lives.

The comfort and assurance that you will receive from Jesus will be worth more than anything this world can offer. And, oh yes, it is free.

During Sunday evening’s service Bro. Travis preached about “A Threefold Purpose” using Genesis 1:14-19.

The heavenly bodies have declared the glory of God from the beginning of time and will until the end of time. They mark the times and seasons.

We go through seasons in our lives both good and bad. As God brings us through the bad ones our faith grows stronger.

The heavenly bodies distinguish day from night. As Christians we should be described as children of light easily distinguished from children of darkness. They also provide warmth while also giving light.

The light of a Christian needs to shine on the cold heart that have been harden by sin. When a heart has been warmed and softened, the love of God can enter into it.

We should always strive to have our light shine in a way that can melt cold hearts and lead someone out of darkness.

We will have a potluck lunch following our morning service on Jan. 31. After lunch there will be an activities planning meeting held for anyone that would like to stay.

All teachers and leaders are urged to make plans to attend this meeting. We will not have our fellowship time at 9 a.m. this Sunday.

We were blessed to hear praise reports from several of our members stating how God has answered prayers for them. We still have a lot of prayer needs.

Some of our members that have special needs are Hilda Cary, Mary Dean Higgins, Donald Liveoak, George Campbell, Leona Liveoak, Ruthie Jean Giles, Elladene Mims, Robert Childress, Tammy Harmon, Christy Lowery, Mary Maudlin, Gladys Franklin, and Minnie Childress.

If you do not have a church family, you are always welcome to worship with us at Mt. Carmel.

Our Sunday services are at 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. and we meet at 7 p.m. on Wednesday.

Submitted by Louise Liveoak


Bethany Baptist Church

Bethany Baptist met at 10 a.m. Sunday and sang “I Stand Amazed.” The devotion was taken from Romans 5”8-11 and entitled “How God Loves.”

A part of our duty is to share God’s love with others. Like the moon, we have no light of our own. The moon reflects the light from the sun, and we as saved people can reflect the light of the Son that lives in our hearts.

It is easy to love people who love us, but it is hard to love those who are our “enemies.” We as Christ should love those who harm us or ridicule us. At one point we were all enemies of God.

Before being saved we, even though we did not hate God or consider him our enemy, did not love God. If God had dealt with us like we deal with those who are against us, where would we be today?

Lost, and on the road to hell. God showed his love to those who did not love him by sending his Son to die for us. Man says “Do unto others before they do unto you.” God says “love your enemies.”

After being dismissed with a prayer, we had our Sunday School lesson and then sang “There Is Power In The Blood,” “Shall We Gather At The River,” “Face To Face” and “When The Morning Comes.”

Bro. Aubry made the announcements, this Sunday we will have our fifth Sunday meal after morning services with no evening service scheduled.

March 4 and 5 we will host the AMD and State Associational meetings.

Bro. Aubry began a three-part series of messages about “A Man Named Elijah,” I Kings 19:15-21.

He asked us to read I Kings 18-20. God speaks to our hearts through his Word. We must want to hear what God wants us to do or we will not obey his word.

In the 19th chapter of I Kings we see events unfolding as they pertain to Elijah. In verse 15, God told him to go after these things that was talking about the contest between God and the false gods of Baal.

Elijah’s God was the only God who could hear and grant prayers.

In the verses today we see how Elijah realized he needed to turn to God. He had allowed circumstances to get in his way of serving God, which is no different than we do today.

In verse 14, Elijah is feeling sorry for himself. He thinks he is the only one left who loves God. Many are working for the Lord today and we should also be serving God.

We are not the only one who loves God. God has a place for churches today. We need to listen and obey.

When we get discouraged while serving God, look up, he will help us do what he wants us to do. Only what matters to God is what we are doing for him now and what we will do in the future.

Get back on track if you have quit on God. When opportunity comes so that we can witness for him, take it. I John 1:9, if we fail God, ask for forgiveness. He will forgive us. Many times we sin and see our dreams vanish.

God will give us another chance. When we do part of the things God wants us to do, most of the time, we get complacent. Be careful about making promises to God. Allow the Holy Spirit to guide us in our service to God. Do all things God’s way!

We closed the morning services with a song “Jesus Paid It All,” and a prayer.

Evening services began with a song “Heaven Came Down, And Glory Filled My Soul.”

Bro. Aubry continued his morning message, while the evening message was “Elijah’s Second Commission, Peace.”

He was commissioned to anoint Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha. Jehu was to be king over Israel, taking over the throne from wicked King Ahab.

God will honor our efforts when we take the gospel message to the world. God will see us through the difficult times while on our way home, I Corinthians 15:57, II Corinthians 4:17, 2:14. Psalm 23:4 tells us that death is only a valley.

God knows what we are going through each day and will be with us. Hebrews 4:15, 16. Philippians 4:6, 7, we should not worry about anything, just pray to God through Jesus Christ.

Elijah forgot that God knows all about us. Enemies of the Lord are in every place, and Hebrews 4:15 tells us that we are to forgive our enemies. I

f you have strayed from God, get back to him now. Pray for God to give us the strength to carry on his work. God gave Elijah a companion to help him.

Elisha was learning to take Elijah’s place, once Elijah went to Heaven. We need to do all we can for our lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

If you have not accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior, you need to ask Him to save your soul. Be saved today. We closed services with a prayer and a hymn.

Our prayer list includes, our church, missionaries, Journey Baptist Mission, Bro. Aubry and Shirley, Grace, Lisa R., Jenny H., Colyn and Sherry, Barbara W., Henry and Myra, Vikii, Helen, Charlotte, Evelyn K., Debbie R. and her entire family, Harold T. and many more including and especially the unsaved.

Submitted by Jane Vines

Mountain Springs Methodist Church

On Sunday morning, the congregation sang the following hymns: “He Set Me Free,” “Where the Soul of Man Never Dies” and “Where the Milk and Honey Flows.”

Roger Cleckler brought a devotion from 1 Thessalonians 5:9.

God wants all of us to be saved. If we do fail, God will not destroy us with his wrath. He will convict us and do what he has to do to bring us back to him. Today is the day of salvation.

After Sunday School, Cleckler sang “Didn’t Throw the Clay Away,” and “That’s God.”

Bro. John Pullen preached a message Sunday morning. He titled it, “A Closer Walk with God.” His message came from Deuteronomy 13:1-5.

Some people are content with just “walking” with no direction or purpose. Someone can be lost and still acknowledge God, but they would be walking contrary to God.

Some Christians walk apart from God. We need to be walking with God with strong fellowship. Walking with God is the only way to have a closer relationship with God.

Bro. John presented three ways to have a closer walk with God.

He first said that we should walk in integrity. This means standing for what is right even when everyone else turns their back.

It is serving God even when you do not feel like it. Bro. John shared the verse Psalm 26:11.

Next, he said that we should walk circumspect. This means to walk cautiously with attention as to guard against a prize or danger. This world wants to deceive you (Ephesians 4:14).

Lastly, Bro. John said that we ought to walk worthy of good work. Walking with direction and purpose.

How are you walking today? Are you walking with God or apart from God? Are you walking with integrity, circumspect, and worthy? Are you walking with direction?

Sunday night, the congregation sang the hymns of “Won’t it be Wonderful There” and “Are You Washed in the Blood.”

Ronnie Moates brought a devotion from Deuteronomy 32:4, “He is the Rock, his work is perfect: for all his ways are judgment. A God of truth and without iniquity, just and right is he.”

Bro. Ronnie explained that this verse describes Christ to a tee.

Bro. O’neal Cleckley preached his sermon from Matthew 13:1-9. There are different types of hearts that receive the word. The beaten path represents a hardened heart. These people say no to the gospel. Satan makes you believe that you do not need the word.

The stony ground represents a shallow heart. The word cannot take root. These hearts may only make an emotional commitment. The thorns represent a selfish heart.

Lastly, the good soil represents a well-prepared heart. The Holy Spirit abounds here. They love and grow in the word. They allow the word to penetrate their hearts, and change their hearts.

What do you let the word do?

Submitted by Savannah P.

Cedar Grove Baptist Church

Announcements include live radio broadcast at WKLF radio station in Clanton from Cedar Grove Church Jan. 30 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Pastors from surrounding county churches will be bringing the Gospel to all who tune in so do not miss out on the good news.

Beginning this month we will have a singing every fifth Sunday of the month. Evening worship hour starting at 5:30 p.m. A spaghetti supper will be served after the singing this Sunday night.

Valentine Banquet to be held Feb. 13 at 5:30 p.m. at Cedar Grove Fellowship Hall. Please sign up if you plan to attend.

Prayer concerns go out to our pastors, our church family, those in hospitals and nursing homes, as well as those unable to attend church due to illness.

Pastor Jeff Carroll’s text cam from John 16:1-16 and was entitled “Final Words Of Jesus.”

The final words of Jesus before he ascended unto the father. Jesus warned his disciples, of coming persecution, being thrown out of the Synagogue’s, of being killed by ones thinking they were doing it in service to God.

People would be doing these things because they do not know God or the son. Jesus must depart, so the helper of the Holy Spirit can come to convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment.

We are to remember what Jesus tells us not what Satan tells us, lest he defeat us, because without the power of Jesus the Holy Spirit in us we have no hope of defeating Satan.

God says we are more than conquerors. Jesus is for us not against us, he wants to help us when change comes into our lives that would be difficult to accept without leaning on the Holy Spirit through Jesus, he will not fall short of what he has promised.

God wants to walk with us and talk with us in the spirit to overcome the devil, and glorify Jesus The Son.

If you die and go to hell it will not be because you did not know of the Son Jesus Christ, but because you did not want to know about the father.

When the Holy Spirit shows up there is no doubt who he is or that you are a sinner in need of redemption. Satan’s fate is sealed, he has already been judged, and will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternity.

Friends do not let this become your eternity, choose to lean on Jesus and welcome the Holy Spirit into your heart and life to grow stronger in the faith.

In closing, “are you ready, and are you willing to let Jesus send the helper?

Jesus is coming again soon no one knows the day or the hour, will you be ready to rise up with Jesus?

Step up and step out today!

Submitted by Naomi Gillespir

Corinth Baptist Church

We had a wonderful service this past Sunday. If you were not there, you truly missed out.

Bro. Marler spoke a wonderful message of eagerness to do what God wills you to do. It takes everyone working together to make a church grow. In a small church such as ours, everyone’s role is vital.

Everyone has different talents, and God has a place for you.

We may not feel like getting up and going to church anymore than we want to get up and go to work throughout the week, but we should.

Going to church should not be a chore. You should be excited to go to God’s house, learn something new, and worship him with your fellow brothers and sisters.

Church should not be a stuffy environment that makes you feel unwelcome. It should be warm and inviting.

Do not be afraid to sing! The old hymns are always great, but there is nothing wrong with throwing in some new music.

Whenever we try new songs, I always post it on our facebook page so people can listen to it before Sunday’s service. Which brings me to another point. Do not be afraid of change!

There is nothing wrong with churches getting in on social media. It is a great way to spread the gospel and talk with others. It only takes a few moments to get a facebook account, and you do not have to follow anyone but your church.

However, I encourage everyone to at least try it. The world is ever changing and technology is constantly evolving with it.

No matter if you are, or even want to be, technology literate or not, never forget that God has a place for you in his work!

Head over to our facebook page and join in on the conversations, keep up with all the latest events and happenings.

This coming Sunday will be our Fifth Sunday Service.

We will have Sunday School from 10-10:45 a.m. and will have worship (singing) from 11 a.m. – Noon with lunch on the grounds.

Come on out, bring a covered dish, and worship with us!

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you and we hope to see you soon.

Submitted by KJ Bowen

Bethsalem Baptist Church

Our worship service was great.

Bro. Justin welcomed everyone and gave our ministry opportunities.

Bro. Cleve, Nathan Martin and Austin Cleckler gave reports on their trip to the Smoky Mountain Conference.

Our celebration choir special was “One Cross, Three Nails.”

Bro. Justin preached from Acts, John, Luke, etc. with the message of “Victory Through Prayer, Commitment to Prayer and Prepare For Better.”

During evening service, we had Bible Study with all activities for youth and children.

Wednesday night supper will begin at 5:30 p.m. followed by adult prayer meeting and the outlet for students with children’s choirs at 6:30 p.m.

Pray this week for our country and leadership, all who are facing cancer, our homebound, assisted living and nursing home residents and all who need salvation.

Pray for our church and all who have special needs and our weekly special concerns.

Happy birthday to Alex Gibbons, Alexian Benjamin, Janet Willis, Sabrina Powell, Sophia Chandler, Rick Besser, Terri Williams, Jordan Tindol, Richie Smith, Krystal Willis, Katie Ousley, Shae Williams, Austin Chandler, Briley Bice, Sid Grineer, Steve Gray and Elisa Enriquez, Janie Pierce.

A church movie fellowship will be held at 5:30 p.m. on Friday. Come join us

Have a blessed week and come worship with us on Sunday.

Submitted by Elvie Patterson

Mars Hill Baptist Church

If you missed Sunday morning service at Mars Hill, you missed a blessing!

Our youth group and their leaders led our worship service, and did God ever show up and show out.

The youth did all the singing, and then, one by one, each of them came and gave their testimony. What a blessing it was to be in the house of God and hear from our young people.

God is so good, all the time! We are so proud of our youth and their leaders, and they are truly letting God lead them. If only more of us “adults” would only do the same.

Our message Sunday night was brought by our beloved pastor, Bro William Short, and came from Luke 9:57-62.

Now it happened as they journeyed on the road, that someone said to him, “Lord, I will follow you wherever you go.”

Jesus said to him, “foxes have holes and birds of the air have nests, but the son on man has nowhere to lay his head.”

Then he said to another, “follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my father.” Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and preach the kingdom of God.”

Another also said, “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell who are at my house.” But Jesus said to him, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.”

Have you ever watched someone plow a field with a mule? I know this is strange to some of you, but my grandpa did, and he made it look easy.

When I asked him about it, he said it was the hardest work you could do. Why? Mules are stubborn, and do not want to go where you want them to. Does this ound familiar?

Not everyone wants to do God’s work, not everyone is called to do certain work, but all who are saved, truly, deeply, forever saved, have a job to do.

The scripture is telling us, or rather reminding us, to put God first, and all other things will fall into place.

Jesus was not being unreasonable with those who journeyed with him. He was telling them to put him first, to follow him.

So many times we put off the work of God to do other things. Things that may seem important to us at the time, but not necessarily things that God would have us do. What would our lives be like if we all did God’s work first? What would this world be like? I can tell you it would be a better place that what it is right now.

Jesus most assuredly knew what the response of his followers would be that day, just as he knows how we will respond today.

Can we go forward, without looking back? Remember what scripture said about Lot’s wife? She was told specifically not to look behind her, but she did, and she became a pillar of salt.

Yes, we are free to live our life the way we choose, but we are not free of the consequences of those choices.

Our past is just that, the past. It has no bearing on today, or on tomorrow. Look ahead, never behind. So you made more money last year than ever? Forget about it, this is a new year.

So you have a big promotion in your company last year? Forget about it, this is a new year, and you still have to do the job.

In other words, get over last year, last week, and last night, and move forward in Christ Jesus. He should be our leader, the driver of our life today and tomorrow, and all the rest of the days of our life.

“No man, looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” These are the words of Jesus, friend not mine, not yours. Are we fit to be followers of Christ? Are we fit for heaven?

Only you and God know the answer to that. Look deep inside your heart for the answer, and then go forward, don’t look back. Press on toward heaven!

Next Sunday, our men will be leading the song and worship service. You do not want to miss this! Come out and be a part of God’s house, and be blessed.

In our night service, we will have a baptism, followed by the Lord’s Supper. We welcome visitors, and members are expected!

Please pray for our church, our pastor, the sick, the lost, the hurting, our children, our schools and teachers, our missionaries at home and abroad, all branches of our military men and women, our government, and the peace of Israel.

God is good, all the time! Amen.

Submitted by Danny L.

Rocky Mount United Methodist Church

Rocky Mount starts this week with some very exciting news! Bro. Phil and his wife, Sandy, are the proud grandparents of their first grandchild.

Ariel Russo was born Saturday. While a small 4 lbs. 9 oz., both mother and baby are doing well. We thank and praise God for this blessing.

While we rejoice in the new birth, we are saddened by the news of the passing of Elner Glass and Abe Campbell. We also pray for our former pastor, Brother Willard Frederick.

With scripture from 1 Corinthians 12:12-31 we were reminded how important each part is to a body and how important each one of us is to the life of Christ. Each part is dependent on every other part and each one of us is important to and dependent upon each other.

We must all do our part. God sent us the Holy Spirit to empower us. God expects us to act together to accomplish his purpose.

Find your purpose. You have the power to make the choice. Are you doing something or are you leaving everything up to someone else?

Join us on Feb. 10, for a special Ash Wednesday service. We will also be having Lenten Bible Study. Watch for upcoming details.

Submitted by Trip and Betty Janney

New Salem Baptist Church

Morning worship at New Salem Baptist Church began at 11 a.m. with the adult choir’s call to worship singing “Soon and Very Soon.”

J.C. Pierce led the congregation singing “All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name,” while the adult choir sang “Just a Little Talk With Jesus.”

Pastor Larry Reeser made the announcements and read the prayer requests.

Special music was by Matt Turner, who sang “Wounded Hands.” Pastor Reeser’s text came from Matthew 5:13-16. The theme of the message was “Making a Lasting Impact.”

Jesus said that we are the light of the world and our light should point others to Jesus. Our good works are not for attention to ourselves, but for others to see God through us.

Salt is good only when it has not lost its flavor; after then it is good for nothing and should be thrown out. But the good salt is used for preservation and flavoring for our foods.

The salt of Christianity has lost its flavor in many places today, unfortunately in many churches. As one has said the number one problem in some churches today is unfulfilled promises, a loss of influence and concern.

Salt makes one thirsty and our influence should cause the lost to seek the water of life that Jesus spoke of when he met the woman at the well.

We often say, “turn the light on” but we never say, “turn the dark on.” That’s because without the light there is darkness.

If our light has gone out, then we can only live in darkness. The big question is, “what kind of influence are we portraying to the lost?”

The 5 p.m. service opened with congregation singing. Bro. Reeser read from 1 Samuel 16:7 and spoke on the subject and stated that it “seems society is obsessed with physical appearance.”

As God told Samuel do not look at the outward appearance, when he had thought Eliab should have been anointed king, but God said I have refused him because I “look on the heart.”

There are several things that prevent our hearts being right with God: Success, selfishness thinking, slothfulness and sin.

Someone said sin is like a debit card; you can enjoy it for a while but soon you have to pay. Stress and humility humble the heart to God in spite of success.

God said that David was a man after his own heart. We too, should always be available for service whatever he might want us to do. The big question is, “can God really count on us?”

New Salem Baptist Church extends a cordial welcome to all to worship with us.

Our services include Sunday School at 10 a.m. followed by worship at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting at 6 p.m on Wednesday.

Presently we are studying the book of Revelation.

You are invited to join with us at any of our services and if you need additional information call (205) 389-1102.

Submitted by Lucille Price Pierce

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

Calvary Independent Baptist Church wants to thank everyone who attended services this past week. We especially want to invite our visitors back to be apart of any of our services.

Sunday morning services included a message from Romans 8:28-39 entitled “Oh What A Saviour, Oh How Great A Salvation.”

We looked at how we are saved from condemnation, are secure through persecution, and even safe from rejection. It will be very sad one day for anyone who Jesus never knew as he mentions in Matthew 7:23.

Make sure you are believing in Jesus Christ and trusting in his finished work on the cross for salvation.

The fact of how Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day is the very gospel of our salvation for today.

Sunday night services included a short song service, short message and then a fellowship meal downstairs celebrating birthdays and anniversaries for this month.

If you are in or near Clanton we would love for you to visit with us this Sunday.

We are located South Clanton just past Dollar General right off U.S. 31 on Fulmer Drive.

Our regular weekly services include Sunday School at 9 a.m., children’s church and adult worship at 10 a.m. and services starting at 5:30 p.m. Sunday.

Wednesday services start at 6:30 p.m., and we have a bible study on every other Tuesday at 7 p.m.

Check us out on Facebook or Twitter, and for other services and events visit our website at or call Pastor Oscar Mims at (205) 755-9399.

Submitted by Oscar Mims