Church News for the week of Jan. 21, 2016

Published 3:56 pm Thursday, January 21, 2016

Samaria Baptist Church

Never give up and never allow Satan to turn your attention from the direction of God our Father.

Bro. Shane’s message on Sunday came from Nehemiah chapter 4 verses 4-11.

Nehemiah led the people of Jerusalem as they attempted to build a wall for their protection against those who would attack, and destroy it.

Even as they worked on the wall, the forces against them attacked them constantly. Discouraged and dismayed, they became weak.

Many of them listened to the enemy as they laughed at them for building the wall. They questioned the reasoning of building something that the attackers would return and destroy.

However, when God is in the center of something, it is not going to fail. No matter what rails against it, if God’s people stay faithful, he will sustain them and make it all come to fruition.

The fact is that we allow Satan to derail us and talk us into wanting to give up. This cannot be if God is to bless our efforts. We owe everything to him, and his grace is sufficient for all our needs.

He has promised that he will never leave us nor forsake us. This we must keep in our hearts, and act on faith even though it may be small. As we grow in grace and in the admonition of Jesus Christ, we will be strengthened. We can enjoy a perfect peace when we decide that we will place all our life decisions, and problems in the hands of one who can make all things new.

Let us remember that the enemy knows our weaknesses, and will attack them. When we sell out to the Son of God, victory will be ours. Remember, everyone loves a winner.

If you read God’s word you know how the story ends. God will win the battle and the war.

Pray for Scarlett Teal, Janice Meank and family, Lauren Wyatt- Youth trip, April Jones and Paul Shearon.

Bro. Aubrey Brown did a wonderful job singing “He Touched Me.”

Praise for Ozelle Mims, Nathan Parker and Josh’s brother who was recently saved. Join us at Samaria, where Jesus is Lord.

Submitted by Diane Fisher

 Bethany Baptist Church

On Jan. 17, Bethany Baptist Church met at 10 a.m. and sang “Face to Face,” followed with devotion, “Be Filled With the Spirit.” from Ephesians 5:18.

In the lesson we looked at ungodly lifestyles, particularly alcohol.

Today, we have alcohol problems plus many more issues such as drugs.

We need to stay away from alcohol, the feeling you get from drinking alcoholo beverages will only last a short time, then you are left with the problems.

It eventually takes more and more alcohol or drugs to make you forget your problems.

We should be filled with the Spirit, which doesn’t come and go.

The Spirit lives with us from the moment we are saved.

We determine how much the Spirit works in our lives.

Permanent happiness comes from Jesus Christ. When the Spirit lives within us and guides us, we will be happy.

Nothing will give us complete happiness but Jesus Christ. Put off the old man and put on the new life in Christ once you are saved. Worldly things will pass but Jesus Christ is forever. Following a prayer and Sunday School we sang “Where We’ll Never Grow Old,” “I Will Meet You In The Morning,” Will The Circle Be Unbroken,” and “Amazing Grace.”

Bro. Aubry then announced the fifth Sunday services and meal at noon with no evening services.

The morning message by Bro. Aubry was “Abram’s Word from God,” Genesis 15:1-6.

We should be kind to all people as hard as it may sometimes be, and even the smallest of the small is important. Abram hears a voice, the Lord, and it changed his life forever.

Although he was just a man, it was through his blood line that we have a Savior, Jesus Christ.

When we hear the Word of the Lord speaking to us, we need to listen.

God doesn’t audibly speak to us today, but the most important thing we have is the written Word of God. Anytime God is speaking to someone in the Bible, the principle applies to us. To walk with God, we must be in agreement with Him.

God told Abram to not fear. Abram was afraid because of the king who was against him. God gave Abram the peace from knowing God. He knew about God because of his great, great, great grandfather, Noah. Once we are saved, God is our protector. As we do God’s Will, we will have battles, but we will win the war. God promised Abram that his descendants would be as the stars in the Heaven and the sand on the seashore. Do not give up on God!

Philippians 4:6, 7, Don’t worry, but pray for Gods peace in our lives.

The simplicity of God’s promise in verse 4 and 5 God assured Abram that he would have a son. God always fulfills His promises.

Abram’s faith in verse 6 “And He Believed God.”

God counted it to him for righteousness. He totally cast himself on his faith in the Lord. We must be doer’s of the Word, not just read it. We need to trust in the Lord. Our belief is in one or two places, either heaven, or to hell.

Even though you may be mocked, continue to believe in God. If saved, let no trial or doubt cause us to waver in our faith. In this World, we will have tribulations.

Faith in God always pays off big. Romans 4:13-22, we cannot be saved by doing good.

Only through Jesus Christ and our faith and trust in Him will we have eternal life. There is only one faith, one Lord and one gospel. There is only one way to be saved. John3:16. The only thing that will send you to hell is the sin of unbelief in Jesus Christ.

We closed the morning service with a prayer and a song, “Jesus Paid It All.’

Evening services began at 5 p.m. with “Rock Of Ages,” Hebrews 11:1-38.

Bro. Aubry first read II Chronicles 1:14, “If My people will humble themselves and turn from their wicked ways, then will I forgive their sins and heal their land. God wants to be with us in the same way He was with the faithful heroes of Hebrews 11. The saints of God are the ones who are holding back the wrath of God from this country. Genesis 32:28—Jacob’s name was changed to Israel, and in Proverbs 16:3m the saints of God are His glory, the saints of God are His glory. We as the saved of the earthy have the greatest privilege and we should uphold the truth. Depend on God that He will do for us what He has promised, because He will.

We closed services with a prayer and a hymn, “Blest Be The Tie That Binds.

Our prayer list includes our church, Bro. Aubry and Shirley, Jackie, Grace, Debbie R, Frankie, and their entire family including Jeanette, Colyn, Lisa R, Jenny H, Barbara Williams, Henry and Myra, Vikii and Helen, Charlotte, Evelyn K, and Harold T., but most of all the unsaved.

Submitted by Jane Vines

Mt. Spring Methodist Church

Sunday morning, Ricky Cleckler led the congregation in the hymns of “Just a Little Talk with Jesus,” “This World is Not My Home,” and “Gettin’ Ready to Leave This World.”

Bro. Roger Cleckler brought a devotion from Exodus 16:12, 16-20.

Don’t worry about tomorrow or yesterday. God will provide for today.

Today is all we have. We may not get tomorrow and yesterday is over with and in the past.

Take what you have today and enjoy what you have right now. Live life to the fullest.

Jesus is going to take care of you.

After Sunday School, Roger Cleckler, Kandice Cleckler and Ricky Cleckler sang “Homesick.”

Bro. O’neal Cleckley brought a message from Matthew 11:1-6.

We don’t choose Christ, He chooses us. Jesus saves you—not the preacher, deacons, or church membership.

Jesus is the Savior that doesn’t fail. Our salvation is secure in Christ.

On Sunday night, the congregation sang the following hymns, “The Unclouded Day,” “I Love My Savior, Too,” and “Satisfied.”

Bro. Ronnie Moates brought a devotion from Genesis and talked about Joseph.

He talked about God’s hand being on the life of Joseph in the good times andin the bad times.

Bro. O’neal Cleckley preached from Job 19:21-29.

Throughout everything, Job knew that his Redeemer lived.

No matter what we endure, Jesus won’t abandon us.

We have a Redeemer who purchased us out of sin. Sometimes we may not feel God through our tough times, but as our faith is renewed, He gets closer and eventually has His arms wrapped around you. We’ve got to let go and trust God. Bro. Cleckley said that we need to “Stop, Drop, and Pray.” God will see us through. God wants to hear about what’s troubling you. He is listening.

The fifth Sunday night community service will be Jan. 31 starting at 5:30 p.m. at New Hope Assembly of God.

Submitted by Savannah P.

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

Calvary Independent Baptist Church wants to thank everyone who attended services this past week. We want to encourage our visitors to come back for any of our services.

Sunday morning services included a message from Galatians 6 on “Spiritual Brethren Are Can Do Christians.”

We looked at being one that is spiritual, one that is sowing, one that is striving, and one that is serving. If we focus on us having that same Holy Spirit working in us that rose Jesus from the grave, we know we can have victory through what ever this world throws our way.

We will get pushed back and maybe even knocked down but we can get up and keep moving forward in what ever God is wanting us to do in 2016.

Sunday night services included a study in James chapter 2 as we go through the book of James.

We pray that you are saved and serving the Lord Jesus Christ in a local bible believing and teaching church near you.

If you are looking for a church to visit with this Sunday and are in or near Clanton, we would love to see you at Calvary.

Submitted by Oscar Mims

Mars Hill Baptist Church

We welcome you to Mars Hill Baptist Church, where we praise God, worship him in spirit and truth, and love one another as God loves us!

If you do not have a church family, please visit with us!

God’s church is not the building we worship in, but in the hearts of all who believe in him. A building is built by man, but the House of the Lord is built by God alone! Amen.

Bro. William Short’s message this week was taken from Hebrews 3:1-4.

Therefore, holy brethren, partakers of the heavenly calling, consider the apostle and high priest of our confession, Christ Jesus, who was faithful to him who appointed him, as Moses also was faithful to all his house.

For this one has been counted worthy of more glory than Moses, as he who built the house has more honor than the house.

For every house is built by someone, but he who built all things is God.

Our building may not be as fancy as others, we do not have chandeliers hanging from the ceiling and we do not have the newest seating.

The truth is, God is not as impressed by the building as he is with our heart of worship.

We, as fleshly beings, look on the outside; we see what others want us to see. But God looks on the inside, at the true person within. You can only fake it so much friends, and you can never fake God.

Buildings are only temporary. The bible tells us that one day, every stone will be cast down, nothing will remain.

Do we put to much emphasis on the things of this world?

Often the poorest person you know has more money and things than you do. It is whom you have inside, in your heart, which makes you rich in the blessings of God.

A person can do all the right things for all the right reasons, and still die in their sins and end up in hell fire. Only God knows if we are truly a child of His, or if we simply fake it. We may never see it, but God does. You just can’t fool our Creator, God.

Man builds the building, but God builds the man. A man, be he a preacher, teacher, deacon, etc, cannot save you; only God does the saving. A man can show you the way, but you must accept it and believe and turn your life over to God. God changes the man, saves the lost soul, of all who will ask, believe, and follow.

Many people know the bible; you must know the One who wrote it before it becomes real. Even unbelievers read the bible, some may even know more about the scripture than we who are saved, the difference is they don’t believe it.

Yes, only God can build the man. Will you let Him build you from the inside? Let Him into your heart today, friend. Jesus is coming soon! Amen.

January 24, our Youth will be in charge of the morning service. January 31, our men will be in charge of the morning service, and our evening service will be baptism followed by the Lord’s Supper. Please come out and support our youth and our godly men! You will be blessed!

Please continue to pray for our pastor, the sick, the lost, the hurting, our children and youth, our schools, our missionaries at home and abroad, our military, our government, the upcoming elections, and the peace of Israel. God is good, all the time! Amen.

Submitted by Danny L.

New Salem Baptist Church

Morning worship at New Salem Baptist Church began at 11:00AM with the Adult choir’s call to worship, “Soon and Very Soon.” J.C. Pierce led the congregation singing “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks.”

The adult choir sang “What a Day that will be.” Pastor Larry Reeser made the announcements and read the prayer requests. Special music was by the trio of Karen Reeser, Heather Turner and Holly Matson singing “When Faith Steps In.” Pastor Reesers text came from Proverbs 8:34-36. The theme of the message was “There’s a battle between sanctity of life and quality of life.” The world was outraged when

Hitler killed 273,000 people before the holocaust. They were selected for death 1.) As the aged; 2.) The mentally retarded; 3.) WW1 veterans in Germany. But in the United States since 1973 58 million babies have been aborted and few objections. How committed and dedicated are we. We may attend church and listen, but we don’t really hear. We’re usually attending looking for a blessing for ourselves. Like a relay race we may be feeling tired and seem to be losing, but if we look over our shoulder Jesus is coming up to take the baton and run for us. We have to let the Lord fight our battle, He has never lost.

The 5:00PM service opened with congregation singing. Brother Reeser read from Micah 2:6-13 and spoke on the subject “What constitutes good preaching?” Anytime a preacher preaches the gospel he will meet with opposition, but if God is first in our lives, everything will fall into place. According to Micah, authority preaching must declare the Word of God. We must preach the whole truth and nothing but the truth. We must denounce evil. Authority preaching differs from false preaching because it shares the absolute truth. Micah describes the type preacher the people want. Good preaching encourages and offers hope to distressed people. We need to stay on our knees and pray making sure we are right with God.

New Salem Baptist Church extends a cordial welcome to all to worship with us: Sunday Morning 10:00 AM Sunday School;11:00 AM worship. 5:00 PM Evening worship service; Wednesday 6:00 PM Bible study and prayer meeting. Presently we are studying the book of Revelation. You are invited to join with us at any of our services and if you need additional information call 205-389-1102.

Submitted by Lucille Price Pierce

Corinth Church News

We had a great service Sunday. If you weren’t there, we hope to see you next time! You can join us Wednesday nights at 6:00pm for our Bible Study in Acts, and Sunday mornings 10:00-10:45 for Sunday school and 11:00 – Noon for worship and preaching.

All too often, people take scripture out of context to fit their own agendas. When you are using scripture to defend a stance you strongly believe in, make sure that it is God’s stance, and that you aren’t just picking verses to make them fit your feelings on the matter. Often times, scripture was written pertaining to a certain situation. It is extremely important to make sure you look at the historical context in which a certain passage is set in. Also, don’t cherry pick your verses. A key example would be Leviticus. People love to cherry pick Leviticus.

I can guarantee you that for every verse you throw at someone, they can counter you with something in their defense. Scripture can be a very useful tool to winning someone to Christ. However, use it to try and further a personal agenda and it can make you look the fool. If you don’t truly have God’s best interest at heart, you will not succeed.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you and we hope to see you soon!

Submitted by KJ Bowen

Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church

What better way can you think of to spend a day that the Lord gives us than to join with Christian brothers and sister for a time of worshiping the true and living God. That was a blessing that we shared at Mt. Carmel this past Sunday.

It was such a joy to have Bro. Doug West with us to bring our morning and evening message.

Our morning service began with Libby Warren playing for our penny march. She did an excellent job on “When the saints go marching in.”

After a few congregational songs, Bro. West brought us a message on “Christ, Worthy of Praise” using scripture found in Ephesians 1:3-14.

These verses give us assurance there is no doubt that Christ is worthy of praise and glory. Giving Him praise and glory is the reason we were created. Before we can truly worship Him, we must be saved.

Having been saved by grace through our faith in Christ should bring about a lifestyle for us that will honor and glorify Him. Take a look at the standards by which you pattern your everyday life. Do they measure up to His standards? Looking into I Corinthians 6:9 we find behaviors that should not be present in the life of a Christian. Such actions as these bring no honor and praise to Christ. Sin does not have dominion over a child of God. God so graciously gives us all we need spiritually. He never leaves us and His love is complete and constant. We have no reason not to honor and praise Him.

Luke 18:18-24 was the scripture passage Bro. Doug used to bring the message that God gave him on Sunday evening.

His title for this message was “Mistakes”. We are all human and we are all going to make mistakes. The rich, young ruler in this passage of scripture was no different. In looking at these verses of scripture they tell of several mistakes this rich, young ruler made. Nothing was wrong with being rich, young, or a ruler. His mistake was his priorities were wrong. He knew about Jesus, but he didn’t know Jesus. He knew where to go for the answer to his question, but he made the mistake of rejecting and not trusting Christ completely. He made a mistake in not recognizing Him as God, the source of eternal life. Our priorities are a serious matter. What are we willing to sacrifice to follow God? What about a few hours of your time to attend church on the Lord’s Day, to read God’s Word and pray. Are these priorities in your life? We need to be mindful of our actions so that we do not make the same mistakes as this rich, young ruler made.

The ladies would like to say thanks to Dorothy Bowman for giving of her time last Friday evening to meet with us and instruct us in making a door wreath. We enjoyed a wonderful time of food, fun, and fellowship.

We have some very urgent prayer needs in our church family.

Please pray that God will touch and bless in these lives.

Those special needs include Hilda Cary who is at the time of this writing is in Hatley Health Care due to a fall that she had. Also Donald Liveoak who is home and recovering from surgery. Others with special needs are Ruthie Jean Giles, Leona Liveoak, George Campbell, Gladys Franklin, Robert Childress, Mary Maudlin, Elladene Mims, Grant Franklin, Tammy Harmon, Jenny Hayes, Minnie Childress, Mary Dean Higgins, Nolin Maudlin, and Christy Lowery.

Submitted by Louise Liveoak

Bethsalem Baptist Church

We had a great day of worship Sunday.

Thanks from the “Golden Agers” Lunch, it was delicious. Bro. Justin preached from Acts 2:41-47 on prayer, a great encouragement for our prayer life.

Pray this week for our youth as they are in Tennessee Smoky Mountain Conference, as well as those facing cancer, our homebound, assisted living /nursing home residents, those who need salvation, our country and leadership, Allen and Casey Daniel, Kaley Clayton, Zoey Neiman, Joan Moore, Braden Cooper, Heather Headley, Myra Burnett, Betty McGee, Debra Mims, Bill Hayslette, Bobbie Tipton, Judy Smitherman, Donna Vick, Hunter Moore, Caleb Harrison, Lynn Cox, Mike Smith, Kathy Fitzgerald, Michael Arnold, Kinlee Till, Peter Daugherty, Chad Mix, Stephanie Hinton and Paul Price.

Happy birthday this week to Aaron Stewart, Joyce Leonard, Allen Williams, Jonathan Chandler, Horton Hilary, Brad Stange, Madison Glenn, Nate Jones, Becky Beck, Monica Tindol, Cody Barber, Addisin Polk, Ray Moore, Sandra Eggers, Derrick Price, George Edwards, Donald Spigener, Ronald Spigener, Kristy Gilmore, Jason Hill and Brittany Worrall.

Sunday nights we will have Bible Study and come join us Friday night for church movie and fellowship.

Wednesday night we will have a family supper at 5:30 p.m. followed by adult prayer meeting and outlet for students children’s choirs at 6:30pm.

Have a blessed week, and come worship with us.

Submitted by Elvie Patterson

Friendship Baptist Church

Our choir special was “Just a Closer Walk With Thee” with a special solo part by Dutton.

Bro. Ken’s (Daniel) message was from Jeremiah 1:5 and was titled “Taking Life Seriously.” We have a purpose and we will not others to destroy us.

During the evening service, Bro. Ken’s message was from 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 and was titled “Land of the Giants.”

Idols are worthless. God is always listening and ready to answer. His people often have reserves, and he has prepared to help us fight.

Schedule of upcoming events:

Friday: Game night at the church.

Saturday: Youth Rally at Mineral Springs Baptist Church. Will leave Friendship at 5:45 p.m. for youth/college.

Jan. 26: VBS Directors Clinic at 7 p.m. in the association office.

Jan. 29-30: Annual Billo Drill Retreat at Shocco Springs.

Feb. 5-6: Gathering at First Methodist Church on Friday from 6 p.m. -9 p.m. and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Call (205) 755-7854 to register or visit www.

Feb. 27: Renew, a Day Away With Friends. Women of all ages at Westwood Baptist Church in Alabaster. The cost is $35 and you can register at by Feb. 18.

March 4-5: Complete a gathering for girls in grades 7-12 at Eastmont Baptist Church in Montgomery.

March 3-6: Ladies Beach Retreat. Cost is $150.

Happy birthday to michelle Riley, Alyssa Riley and Lauren Conradi.

Prayer requests are for travelers, Rachel Lowrey, Derek Griffin, Vicki Moore, the Armed Forces, Randall Mims and Randall Wyatt.