Church news for the week of Jan. 14, 2016
Published 4:12 pm Friday, January 15, 2016
Floyd Baptist Church
Bro. Mike Lawerence’s message was from 1 Peter 5:10-11 and was entitled “The Best is Yet to Come.”
This book is one of triumph and trial.
We as Christians are not promised a rose garden. We will suffer trials, but we have the promise of eternal life in Heaven, which is better than anything we could have down here on Earth.
We suffer here because of the adversary, the devil. He walks about as a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
Job is a good example of this. Satan took everything he had. Job kept his faith in God and was given more than he had to start with.
God will not let us as Christians suffer forever. God’s grace is sufficient.
God cannot lie. The only promise he has not fulfilled is his returning.
God strengthens us through suffering. Christ suffered for us and we partake of that, but we will partake of his eternal glory.
Floyd will be having its Fifth Sunday Night Singing on Jan. 31 beginning at 5 p.m. The featured singers are “The Colemans.” Everyone is invited to attend.
Everyone is welcome to come worship with us at Floyd. We are located at 3439 County Road 59 in Verbena.
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Calvary Independent Baptist Church wants to say a special thanks to everyone who came to services this past week and invite you back for any of our services.
Sunday morning services included a message from Titus 2:11-15 on “God’s Amazing Grace.”
We looked at how God’s grace saves us, teaches us, blesses us and even encourages us so that we can be God’s people for God’s purpose following God’s plan for us in 2016.
We pray that you too have access into this amazing grace through faith that is in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Sunday night services included a message from I Timothy 6:1-12, Ephesians 5:25 and Acts 6:1-7 on being a servant who loves the Lord, the church, his family and the people.
We concluded the evening service with an ordination service for the office of deacon with scriptures from I Timothy chapter 3:1-16.
We appreciate everyone who attended and offered up prayers and support during this special service.
If you are in or near Clanton this Sunday and have the opportunity to come by and visit with us, we would love to see you at Calvary for any of our services.
We are located in south Clanton just past Dollar General right off U.S. 31 on Fulmer Drive.
Our regular weekly services include Sunday School starting at 9 a.m., Children’s Church and Adult Worship services Sunday at 10 a.m., Sunday services starting at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday services at 6:30 p.m. We also have a bible study on every other Tuesday at 7 p.m.
Check us out on Facebook or Twitter, and for other services and events visit our website at or call Pastor Oscar Mims at (205) 755-9399.
Submitted by Oscar Mims
New Salem Baptist Church
Worship at New Salem Baptist Church began at 11 a.m. with the adult choir’s call to worship, “Family of God.”
J.C. Pierce led the congregation in singing “The Church’s One Foundation.”
Pastor Larry Reeser made the announcements and read the prayer requests.
Special music was performed by J.C. Pierce, as he sang “He Holds My Hand.”
Pastor Reeser’s text came from Deuteronomy 5:29- 6:1,7. The theme of the message was “Living a Legacy.”
What do we teach our children? Do we instruct them to do as I say or do as I do?
When we make plans or decide on the important things in life, is God first, or last on the list? Our priorities must include respect and honor for God, but often the commandments are used as hints and suggestions instead of commandments.
Not only are we to keep his commandments but we are to teach them to our children from generation to generation, and God has outlined how we are to teach them constantly.
It is still all about God and his word. The first commandment says, “no other God before me.”
We sometimes look up to and try to copy famous athletes when Jesus is far more qualified for us to copy.
The 5 p.m. service opened with congregation singing.
Brother Reeser read from 2 Peter 3:18 and spoke about growing in grace and knowledge. He pointed out three elements in the verse that involved a mandate to grow in grace, the means to grow through Jesus and study the word and the motive is to him be glory both now and forever.
Following the evening service was the monthly business meeting.
New Salem Baptist Church extends a cordial welcome to all to worship with us.
Our worship schedule includes Sunday School at 10 a.m. with worship service at 11 a.m. and 5 p.m. Bible study and prayer meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Wednesdays. Presently we are studying the book of Revelation.
You are invited to join with us at any of our services and can call (205) 389-1102 for additional information.
Submitted by Lucille Price Pierce
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
Sunday’s scripture came from Isaiah 43: 1-7.
Basically the Lord was saying that no matter how bad things get, he is with you. What a powerful message!
No matter how dark, how violent, how low, he is there with us. We have been called by name!
Those who do not know the Lord are the ones who should fear their circumstances. You can run, but you cannot hide from God!
Now, what all your believers need to do is get out and spread the word. The fact that there are empty seats in nearly every church tells us that we are not doing our job well enough.
Join us at Rocky Mount each Wednesday evening and Sunday morning.
Submitted by Trip and Betty Janney
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our day of worship began with Bro. Justin welcoming everyone and giving ministry opportunties.
The special music celebration choir sang “Come Ye Jesus.”
Bro. Justin preached from Acts 2:41-47 and spoke about prayer.
Supper was held Wednesday at 5:30 p.m. along with an adult prayer meeting, the outlet for students, children’s choirs which all began at 6:30 p.m. A Sunday School teachers meeting followed at 8:30 p.m.
Next Sunday, “Golden Agers” Luncheon will be held after the morning service. It is also Sanctity of Human Life Sunday and a love offering will be taken.
Pray this week for those facing cancer, our homebound, assisted living/nursing home residents, all who need salvation and for all our students going to the Smoky Mountain Conference.
Happy birthday to Jaymie Chandler, Kate Granier, Jessica Elgin, Stephanie Gray, Kristal Gray, Melony Smih, Cameron Hughes, Sarah Griner, Darry Granier, Dylan Carroll, Scott Wesson, Josh Taylor, Cullen McConnell, Deb Taylor, Kimbery Brogden, Emma Merrill, Donna Johnson, Marsha Troy and Anna Thompson.
Have a blessed week and come worship with us on Sunday.
Submitted by Elvie Patterson
Bethany Baptist Church
Bethany Baptist opened morning services with a song, “What a Day That Will Be,” followed with a devotion entitled “Corrupt Communication” from Ephesians 4:29-32.
Communication and how we interact with the world is easier than ever. When communicating with people in the world, we need to take our time and think before we speak.
Verse 29 tells us to only let good words come from our mouth. Are our words going to help someone, or harm them? If they will harm someone, then we need to keep our thoughts to ourselves.
We should let all bitter and evil speaking be put away from us, out of our heart. Be tender hearted and be able to forgive others. People judge us by what we do or say.
We were dismissed with a prayer to Sunday School after we sang “There is Coming a Day,” “The Longer I Serve Thee,” “All Because of God’s Amazing Grace,” and “He Did It All For Me.”
Bro. Aubry announced our fifth Sunday services on Jan. 31 at noon. A meal will follow morning service, and there will be no evening service. We have an AMD meeting combined with our State Associational Meeting on March 4 and 5.
Bro. Aubry then brought the message from Mark 5:35, “Be Not Afraid, Only Believe.”
Many people did and still do not want to trouble Jesus, but he is never to busy for us. Jarius’ daughter had died before Jesus arrived at his home. The people saw no reason for Jesus to go, because the little girl was no longer alive.
There is nothing impossible with God, depend on him. John 11:1-3 shows us that Jesus, God, is seldom early, but never late. Lazarus had been dead 4 days and was stinking, but Jesus was able to raise him from the dead. Jesus miracles were to reveal to others who he was.
In the book of Job 23:10 we see that God was testing Job to show Satan that no matter what Job suffered, he would not turn his back on God. Psalm 37:23 tells us that “the steps of a good man delighted in the Lord.”
Jairus’ faith may have wavered, but he triumphed because of his faith in Jesus, not the church or man. His victory, the miracle of his daughter being raised from the dead was because of his faith in Jesus. Jesus told Jairus to “Be not afraid, only believe.
We too should trust in God at all times. II Corinthians 5:8 showed us that it is better to be present with the Lord. When we die, our souls and bodies are separated. When we are saved, our soul goes to heaven, but our body remains in the grave until the rapture.
I Thessalonians 4:7-13 proclaimed to be saved today so when the rapture occurs, you will be raised from the grave to be with the Lord.
Morning services closed with a prayer and hymn “Just As I Am,” while evening services began at 5 p.m. with a song “I Will Serve Thee,” followed by the business meeting.
Bro. Aubry then concluded his message from the morning services. Jesus revealed for us a proper perspective of death. The body sleeps and for a saved person, the soul dwells forever with the Lord. If lost and rejecting Jesus, this life is the best you will have.
Read John 5:24, if lost or Philippians 4:19 if you are dead spiritually.
God will supply all our need, Ephesians 3:20, God is able to do more than we ask. Be saved tonight and accept Jesus as your savior.
We dismissed with a prayer and a hymn “Blest Be The Tie That Binds.”
Our prayer list includes: our church, missions and missionaries, Bro. Aubry, Shirley, Debbie, Frankie, Jeanette and the entire family, J.C. Colyn, Grace, Bro. Hubert, Jackie, Charlotte, Vikii, Helen, Jenny H, Henry, Myra, Harold T., Wayne S., and most of all those who are lost.
Submitted by Jane Vines
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
If you have never met a man that has been changed by and is being led by God, then you have never met Myron West. It was our honor to have Myron, his wife Holly, son Ryan, and daughter Rachael with us on Sunday morning.
Myron’s parents, Bro. Doug and Barbara West, were also with him. Myron and his family are serving as missionaries in Uganda.
The testimony that Myron has is very inspiring. His testimony tells of how God can take a person that in the eyes of man has a very comfortable, satisfying life and make him miserable.
The way to relieve this misery is to completely surrender your life to God’s calling. This is what Myron and his family did.
He stated that he was made to realize he was just like King David in Psalms 86, having everything he wanted, but yet was poor and needy.
Myron is a very passionate person that loves God and gives him all the glory for what is being done through the work that he and his family is doing on the mission field. He tells of a lot that has been done since they have been there, but there is still so much to be done.
He urges everyone not to ever fell they are not qualified to do work for the Lord. God just needs your willingness. Their desire is that we pray for them as they return to Uganda in March, but Ryan will not return with them.
It was also a pleasure to have our Director of Missions, Dr. Larry Felkins and Mrs. Judy to be with us for our Sunday morning service.
Sunday evening our service began with Kaitlyn Burnett signing to “Mighty Wave.” Bro. Travis Burnett used the scripture from Genesis 1:6-13 to bring God’s message on “Creation of Atmosphere”.
God created everything that we need to exist. When God separated the darkness from the light, this was just the beginning. Creation was still under construction. Just as a person is at the time salvation comes into his life, he, too, is still under construction. God will take away what we don’t need and give us what we do.
He can take a heart that is dry and harden with sin that has no love and care in it and soften it and fill it with love. This is the same God that created dry land where there was nothing but water.
There is nothing too hard for God to accomplish. These scriptures tell us of the creation of the seeds that are made to be planted in order for that kind of fruit to be produced. That is how it is in a person’s life.
The kind of seed that is planted inside a person will be made know by the fruit that person bears. There is no tree that can produce all perfect fruit, just as a Christian will stumble and make mistakes in their life. The bad fruit does not change the kind of tree it is and our shortcomings does not mean that we not Christians.
The fruit tree will have to be pruned from time to time in order for it to produce better fruit. God may have to remove things from our lives to help us be better Christians.
Those in our church family that are in need of special prayer this week include Robert Childress, Pat Hayes, Mary Dean Higgins, Gladys Franklin, Leona Liveoak, Elladene Mims, Donald Liveoak, George Campbell, Ruthie Jean Giles, Mary Maudlin, Hilda Cary, Minnie Childress, Jacob Jones, Grant Franklin and Christy Lowery.
Friday evening, there will be a ladies night out at the church. We will meet in the Fellowship Hall around 6:30 p.m.
Dorothy Bowman will be there to instruct us on making door wreaths. She will have some materials for us to purchase or you can bring some of your own. We will have a salad supper after the craft time, and everyone is welcome to join us for this time of fun and fellowship.
Submitted by Louise Liveoak
Corinth Baptist Church
We had a wonderful service this past Sunday. We thoroughly enjoyed Bro. Marler’s sermon.
If you were not there, you truly missed out. Be sure to ‘like’ and follow us on our Facebook page for all our latest happenings and events.
Not a day goes by that I do not see hateful comments and articles spread on social media. The upcoming presidential election is no exception.
I have spoken on this before, however it still astounds me at the people out there that say they are voting for someone solely because of their gender, race, party affiliation or because a certain candidate ‘speaks his mind’.
Thoroughly think your candidate through. The person elected as president will represent America.
The President should be someone who does not ignore facts, who can speak eloquently and with tact, and who is not bankrolled by anyone.
The president should also respect all people and religions. Yes, you read that correctly. There are extremists in all religions, Christianity included.
You do not want to be lumped in with the crazies, so why do you think anyone else would?
Respect is key when you are in a position such as president, but it is also something any decent human being should have. Remember that if a candidate states that if elected they will ban a certain religion, do not expect it to stop with just that religion.
In the end, it does not matter what party a candidate is affiliated with and it does not matter what gender or race they are. What matters is that they can do the job, without bias.
Research your candidate well. Make sure he or she has the people’s best interest at heart. Pray over it and listen for the answer!
The person elected this year will run our country for the next four years. What they stand for or believe in will affect all of us.
As Christians, we are to show God’s love so that people want what we have. We are all God’s people and he loves us all the same.
We were all created equal in the eyes of God. We all breathe the same air. Even as we take our last breath, we are no better than anyone else on this earth.
No one knows our hearts but God. It is only when that last breath leaves our lungs that we are separated forever.
Until next time, may God bless you and keep you and we hope to see you soon!
Submitted by KJ Bowen
Samaria Baptist Church
Wintertime has arrived and it is a wonderful time to be together in worship of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer concerns go out to Walter Hudgins, Ozelle Mims and her family, Ms. Silas (Praise Report), Mr. Dees of Choctaw County, Lisa and John Shearon, Allen Smitherman’s family, and Bill Hand’s family.
Special music was “He Made a Way,” and was sung and played by Lauren Wyatt.
We congratulate the Thorsby Rebels on winning the Chilton County Basketball Tournament.
We want to announce that next Sunday afternoon, we will be having a housewarming party for Paul Shearon as he has moved into his new home.
The message from Bro. Shane was entitled “Answering The Call.”
Our pastor was very emotional as he shared his own personal experiences with Jesus in finding direction for his ministry.
In order to know what God wants for us, and in order to recognize his voice when he leads us, we must talk to him.
An active prayer life sets the stage for being led in the direction that is pleasing to God, and it helps us know what spirit is leading us.
Exodus 3:10 tells the story of Moses and the burning bush. God used amazing methods to convey his message to Moses.
Moses, like we are now, lacked confidence and said ,”Lord, I can’t do this.” God assured Moses that he would provide everything he needed and even a speaker to convey what Moses lacked in ability.
His task was to lead the children of Israel out of Egypt to the Promised Land. It is difficult for us to understand how we can accomplish the things that God lays on our hearts to do.
Staying close to the master through prayer, bible study and humility will open the doors that we could only imagine. God wants only what is good for us. He wants us to serve him and to enjoy doing so.
If your life is a little bit out of step with Jesus today, please close the gap of distance between yourself and your Lord. We all believe that Christ’s return is nearing, and there is much to do before he comes.
Please join us at Samaria for a blessing from God’s Holy Word. God bless you.
Submitted by Diane Fisher
Mt. Springs Methodist Church
To start off Sunday morning’s service, Ricky Cleckler led the congregation in the hymns of “Are You Washed in the Blood,” and “Come and Dine.”
Before Sunday School, Roger Cleckler brought a devotion from 2 Corinthians 3:18. When we get along with God, it changes us—we’re changed in the same image. When we pray and study His word, we get along with God and are changed.
Roger Cleckler sang a special, “Through the Fire.”
Bro. O’neal Cleckley preached from the scripture Jeremiah 31:31-34. Bro. Cleckley preached on the Covenant that we have with God if we are saved.
The Convenant has to be agreed upon with God. It changes not only the outward, but the inward as well—it affects our hearts. The sins that we tend to think about and hate ourselves for, Jesus remembers no more. He sealed the Covenant with His blood. What we do makes no difference, but what Christ did makes all the difference. We don’t have to change or “clear things up” before we come, because Jesus does the clearing up once we come to Him. We all fail miserably with sin, but Christ doesn’t see us… He sees the Blood. He is the only One who could make the Covenant work.
Bro. Cleckley talked about the benefits of living in the Spirit. We will live new in the way of love. The way that Christ loves, will help us to love. We have access to the Father as the Holy Spirit intercedes for us (Hebrews 10:21). One day, we will get to live in heaven. Revelation 21:3-5 explains that there will be no more sorrow, tears, or pain, and that the former things will be passed away. We will be living new.
This world is temporary, but the Covenant is eternal. Have you made that Covenant?
Sunday night, the congregation sang the hymns of “Power in the Blood,” and “Victory in Jesus.”
Ronnie Moates brought a devotion from Genesis 5:5. Many people in the Bible lived long lives, but they all had one thing in common… they died. Hebrews 9:27-28 is the base of Hope for all Christians. Through His grace, we can die in grace like we live in grace. Everything we do should have God’s grace wrapped around it.
Before Bro. Cleckler brought his message, Avree Parrish and Kristin Thomas sang “Sky Full of Angels,” and Savannah Parrish sang “Through all of it.”
Bro. O’neal Cleckler preached from 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18. He titled his sermon “Just a Reminder.” Those without Christ are dead when they die, but those with Christ are temporarily sleeping and resting in Christ. Don’t put off your Salvation anymore.
When the rapture happens, God’s people will be called-up—snatched up so suddenly that there will be no time to get right.
When we get to heaven, we will have transformed bodies. Everything that is tangible here on this earth will no longer be needed there. Bro. O’neal said that he “loves knowing his Lord is coming back him one day.”
We shouldn’t be caught off guard by the rapture. “Comfort one another with these words (1 Thes. 4:18),” reminds us to encourage others to look up and expect the rapture anytime.
Don’t just be a church-goer or a Sunday school-goer. Be rapture ready and expect it anytime!
Submitted by Savannah P.