Church news for the week of Jan. 7, 2016

Published 5:28 pm Wednesday, January 6, 2016

 Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church

Happy New Year to everyone. As the year 2016 begins, it would be a great time to stop and give God thanks for all the blessings that he gave us in the year that has ended.

I am sure that everyone had times they felt were not great, but God was still with us even during those bad times. He gives us what we need when we need it if our trust is fully placed in him.

Our first service for the new year was started with Libby Warren playing “When The Saints Go Marching In” for our penny march.

Our special music was presented by Karlee and Kaylee Cummings singing “I felt the Lord’s Touch” and Kaitlyn Burnett signed as Hylan Jackson sang “Amazing Grace.”

Following our special music, Bro. Travis Burnett brought us the morning message that continued from the book of Genesis. The verses in Chapter 1 told us about the gift of light in “The Beginning.”

Until God’s Spirit moves in our life we are in darkness. God brings light out of darkness with his word. He did it in the beginning of time and He does it in our lives.

His word is powerful and brings the truth of the gospel to lost men. It is only by the divine working of God’s Spirit that light is brought unto mankind.

Just by flipping a switch that can turn on a light to reveal what is in a dark room, it is God’s word that shines into a person’s life. This light reveals the dangers that are hidden by the darkness in that life. It lightens the way for a lost person to find salvation at the feet of Jesus.

When light breaks through, darkness must go, and everything changes. Light gives understanding. Just as a blind person cannot distinguish day and night, a lost person doesn’t know they are in darkness. The light of God’s word separates a person from the penalty of their sin and brings them to salvation.

Continuing his message on Sunday evening, Bro. Travis used these verses to show us the goodness of light.

Light is a created gift from God. What would be good about a world without light?

Light has both physical and spiritual goodness. Light aids in everything we do. We must have it to function. It is not limited to any type of people. Just as the light of God, it is for the whole world. It cannot be contained.

There can be no monetary value placed on it. Just as with the light of salvation, it cannot be bought. It is given to all because God loves all mankind.

The darkness was separated from the light for a reason. The darkness is given to us for a time of rest. The darkness makes us appreciate the light in a physical and spiritual sense.

A special thanks to Freddy and Dorothy Bowman for hosting the children’s party on New Year’s Eve. Everyone reported they had a great time.

Sunday is going to be a special day at Mt. Carmel. Missionary, as Myron West will be with us beginning at 10 a.m. He will be giving his testimony and sharing some of the experiences that he and his family have had as they have ministered to the people on the mission field in Uganda.

We will have lunch following his presentation. Everyone is invited to join us for this special time.

Our deepest sympathy is extended to Tammie Jones and Reba Nichols in the loss of their mother this past week. May God bless and comfort you during this time.

Also on our prayer list this week is Mary Dean Higgins, Grant Franklin, Jacob Jones, Minnie Childress, Hilda Cary, Ruthie Jean Giles, Donald Liveoak, Elladene Mims, Leona Liveoak, Mary Maudlin, Elijah Warren, Gladys Franklin and Christy Lowery.

Samaria Baptist Church

Happy New Year from Samaria Baptist Church.

Our new year started with an awesome service, as Floyd Collins sang “Mansion over the Hilltop” and Stacey Wyatt sang “Praise The King.”

Our prayer concerns are Mike Smith, Joey Adams Family, Collis and Dot Easterling, and Stacey Wyatt’s Mom and family.

Our birthdays are John Shearon, Alana Deavers along with Bruce and Sharon Patterson.

Bro. Shane’s message was entitled “Is God’s Grace Sufficient Or Not?”

God’s will is that none would perish. He wants all to come to eternal life. Whosoever will may come to him.

Apostle Paul asked God to remove the infirmity from his body. God’s reply was, “My Grace is sufficient for Thee.”

He provided strength in Paul’s weakness, and enabled him to do amazing things through Paul’s faith and God’s amazing grace. Paul learned to accept his physical infirmity because of the grace of a loving God.

We cannot always understand God’s reasoning, but by our faith in his grace we will prevail. So many churchgoers depend on his grace, but we should never disobey just because we know that his forgiveness and mercy are there for us.

The Bible tells us that this is not to me. Under grace we are obedient and his grace gives us the power to overcome the sin that previously controlled us. When we obey we are led to leaving sin behind. The things we do in life reveals who we serve, and who we truly are.

In his past, Paul worked against God but when he changed and turned his life around, he labored for God, who had given him the grace to change his life.

Call out to God in this new year and you will find that his grace is sufficient for all our needs. Let us all work to make better Christian examples for the world to see in 2016.

Join us for a wonderful worship at Samaria. God bless you.