Church news for the week of Dec. 3, 2015

Published 4:14 pm Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Corinth Baptist Church

We had a wonderful service this past Sunday and thoroughly enjoyed Bro. Short’s message. Our annual Thanksgiving lunch was also wonderful. If you were not there, you truly missed out!

In today’s world it can be tough raising a child to love and honor God. A good place to start is to get them in the Church and get them involved. Weekends are often the days that kids want to sleep in (I am guilty of wanting my sleep too), but it is your job as their parent to step up and tell them to get out of bed and get ready for church! Tough love never hurt anyone.

With all of the technology and grandeur of today’s world, going to church may seem boring to some, but the key is to get them interested. Get them to where they want to come to church. If you are not sure what might spark their interest, ask them. Sometimes it can be something as simple as an interactive study.

There are so many digital versions of the lessons out there, and so many biblical based online activities that are great for catching and keeping kids’ attention.

Let us strive to better reach our kids and youth. They are the future.

In learning a love and respect for God, not only will their eternity be secure but they will also be all-around better for society. Love and respect is something that is severely lacking in today’s world. We talk so much about leaving a better planet for our kids, but we forget about leaving better kids for the planet.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you. We hope to see you soon!

Submitted by KJ Bowen

Samaria Baptist Church

Sunday was such a beautiful day in the Lord’s house. Our prayer concerns are for the Wendy Bryan family, the Bill Hayes family, Bobby Patterson, Patricia Coker, Gerald Shavers, Charlotte Smitherman, the Rev. Allen Foster, and Alana Deavers’ dad and stepmom.

Our special music was “I’ll Trust the Potter’s Hands” and was sung by Diane Greer. Bro. Shane chose for his sermon title, “How to Get Christmas Right, and began with the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20.

As we go into the Christmas holiday season, there are so many things to do and see, gifts to buy and people to visit. All of that can sometimes make our heads spin even though we enjoy the gatherings, parties and programs very much.

Somewhere in all the tinsel and noise of the season, if we are not paying close attention, we will miss out on the true meaning first and foremost. As we remember Jesus’ earthly parents taking the long journey in order to be counted for the tax.

We can only imagine the stress and difficulty they went through during such a long journey through the desert with only a donkey to carry Mary and their necessities. We get stressed out if we miss out on a gift that is on a limited sale, and we’ve seen folks fighting over material objects to the point of amusement.

The true meaning of Christmas has everything to do with gifts, and the greatest gift of all is the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ of Nazareth. In Psalms we find that God is delighted in the steps of a man who follows him. If we put our Christmas season and all its activities into the hands of the heavenly father, it is certain that we will enjoy the season much better.

Yes there is always work involved, but if we acknowledge that Jesus’ birth is what it’s all about in the first place, and what we do after that is blessed and grace will be our solace.

Giving is an awesome feeling for all of us. But receiving the first and greatest gift is the best feeling of all. Create new traditions in your homes this year, and make Jesus the main reason for your celebration. After all, he is what all the fuss is about anyway.

Please join us at Samaria for wonderful teaching from God’s word. Jesus’ return in closer than ever before, and the signs are bearing that out. God bless you and yours this holy season.