Class teaches women about football
Published 5:49 pm Friday, August 7, 2015

Football 101: Maplesville football coach Brent Hubbert teaches “Football 101 for Women” Thursday in the school’s library. There were 49 participants.
By Brandon Sumrall | Special to the Advertiser
High school football players are used to being corrected by their coaches.
But this season, some unfortunate Maplesville players may even hear about their mistakes from the bleachers—or while sitting around the dinner table.
Forty-nine women gathered in the school’s library Thursday for the first “Football 101 for Women,” a class designed to teach the basics of football to a group that mostly included mothers of players.
During the hour-and-a-half class, MHS coach Hubbert and staff covered the importance of family involvement with the players.
“Your involvement with the kids goes a long way, even if it is as simple as asking them how their day was or simple words of encouragement,” Hubbert said.
While football may be just a game, Hubbert also explained the significance and lessons that the game teaches as the players progress through life.
“Football is a lot like life,” he said. “The players are facing challenges every day—just like the challenges that they are going to face in life. Life is hard; you better learn how to fight.”
The ladies also got a break down of all the equipment used by players as well as some of the costs involved with the equipment.
The coach then dove into the X’s and O’s of the game: covering offensive and defensive positions, why certain players wear certain numbers, a little about each position’s assignment, and even a few offensive and defensive plays.
“I learned what a blitz was,” Kathy Hand said. “I have always heard it talked about or called out, and I always wondered what it was exactly. The coaches did an excellent job breaking it down and explaining it.”
Vickie Smith said she has a newfound respect for what the players have to learn.
“I learned the team cadence and how many plays the kids have to learn,” she said. “Now I know why they are always looking at the plays on their wrist bands.”
Hubbert said he has heard of colleges and larger high schools hosting such classes.
“I think it’s kind of catching on,” he said.
Hubbert said the coaching staff has typically met with parents of players before the season to go over rules and what is expected.
The class is part of an effort to encourage parents to become more involved in their sons’ efforts.
“I thought we’d do something a little bit different,” Hubbert said.
Fathers of players were invited to join the team on a three-day retreat to Camp Cosby. About 15 fathers participated, the coach said.
With the impressive attendance and excitement surrounding the event, Hubbert said he hopes to make the class a yearly event.
“We would love to do it again—maybe add a little to it and take them in the gym to run a couple of plays, show them how to huddle and line up, go over a couple more positional assignments,” he said. “Several mothers had contacted me about what position they wanted to play. There has been a lot of excitement about it.”