Renovated courtyard adds outdoor charm to library
Published 3:28 pm Friday, June 26, 2015

A renovated outdoor patio area at the Chilton-Clanton Public Library will now allow visitors the option to enjoy reading a book outside in the fresh air. (Photos by Emily Reed)
A renovated outdoor patio area at the Chilton-Clanton Public Library will now allow visitors the option to enjoy reading a book outside in the fresh air.
“We are just really excited about this,” Kelly Easterling Chilton-Clanton Public Library Director said. “This will give visitors to the library another option to enjoy when they come to the library.”
The small courtyard, attached to the side of the library, remained unused for many years, Easterling said.
“For the longest time, there was a rose bush out there that looked like a rat’s nest, and it took up the entire patio,” Easterling said. “Nobody ever went out there because it just wasn’t appealing.”
Easterling enlisted the help of Chilton County Master Gardeners to see if it would be possible to renovate the courtyard to include flowers, shrubs and a seating area.

Chilton County Master Gardeners helped renovate the outdoor patio area at the Chilton-Clanton Public Library. Master Gardeners Lanell Baker, Pat Farmer and Audrey Giles stand with Chilton-Clanton Public Library Director Kelly Easterling near the area the group renovated. Not pictured were Harriett Jackson, Lamar Giles and Jerry Farmer, who also helped with the renovations.
“They thought it was a great idea and decided to spend time renovating the area,” Easterling said.
Master Gardeners spent much of the day on June 11 planting drift rose bushes, two Indian hawthorn shrubs and four autumn ferns, and planted and hung two baskets filled with red geraniums and lime green creeping Jenny.
A donated outdoor water fountain was also hung on the longest wall.
A vinca, dusty miller and Setcreasea (also known as Purple Heart) was added for color, and the annuals were donated by members.
Pine bark mulch was put down to conserve moisture and suppress weeds.
“Now, when you walk out here, it truly is like you have stepped out into another world,” Easterling said. “It is so quiet and peaceful out here, and it is truly beautiful.”
Easterling is hoping to add Wi-Fi in the next few weeks so patrons can enjoy the patio while being able to connect to the Internet.
“I think this will be great for people who want to just enjoy taking a book to read outside or using a computer,” Easterling said.
Easterling said the three red tables with chairs were purchased with money donated to the library by Mike and Emily Hussey, who donated money in memory of Pat Hamilton.
“We are just looking forward to people from the community coming by to enjoy it,” Easterling said.