Church news for the week of May 28, 2015

Published 12:52 pm Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Cedar Grove Church

Pastor Jeff Carroll’s text for his sermon “Jesus Walked on Water” was taken from John 6:16-26.

We know that with men not all things are possible, but with Christ all things are possible. John tells us of Jesus seeing him on the sea with a storm coming up.

In Matthew 14:22, Jesus came toward the boat and the men were afraid, thinking they were seeing a ghost. Jesus spoke saying, “Be of good cheer. It is I; do not be afraid”. Peter answered him and said, “Lord if it is you, command me to come to you on the water,” and Jesus said, “Come.”

Peter came down out of the boat and walked on the water to Jesus. Peter saw the water was boisterous. He was afraid, and beginning to sink, he cried out saying, “Lord save me!” Immediately Jesus stretched out his hand and caught him and said to him, “O ye of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Peter’s mistake is the same as ours: We let doubt and fear creep into our minds and lives when we take our eyes off Jesus. We falter when we fail to remember that Jesus is the same in the valley, and in the darkest and strongest of storms, as he is on the highest of mountains. Truly he is the Son of God.

In Jesus’ day, when people knew Jesus was coming, they brought their sick, lame, blind and demon-possessed because they knew that just a touch from Jesus—just a touch of his garment—meant they would be made whole.

In closing, we can be made whole today; all it takes is praying wherever you may be. You can touch Jesus and win the victory.

Prayer concerns: The upcoming vote by the justices of the Supreme Court regarding same-sex marriage, our church family, those in hospitals and nursing homes, pastors, spoken and unspoken requests.

Submitted by Naomi Gillespie

Calvary Independent Baptist Church

Sunday morning services included a message from Ezekiel 22:30-31 about needing someone to stand in the gap. Our armed forces are always recruiting individuals who are willing to serve, fight and stand for the truths and freedoms we hold so dear in America. We know and understand that all who serve have given much, but on Memorial Day, we honor those who have given all. We pray for the families of those brave men and women who have suffered such a tragic loss in their lives. We pray for our nation as a whole, knowing that blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.

God is also looking for individuals to stand in the gap for the truth about him and his word. God is calling for Christian soldiers who are willing to serve, fight and stand in the gap for those who are lost and need to hear the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Have you heard and believed the truth of the gospel, that Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again on the third day? If so we pray that God can use you and your testimony to stand in the gap for those around you who still haven’t believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for salvation.

Sunday night services included finishing Acts 21 and going part of the way into Acts 22. We looked at how good people can sometimes give bad advice. It is bad advice when it goes against the will of God for a person’s life. It is really hard to see people move or go in a direction that does not seem profitable or popular, and yet it may be the direction in which God is calling them to go.

Even though we probably practice giving advice more than anything else, we need to practice giving encouragement even more. We need to love at all times and encourage our fellow workers in whatever God is calling them to do. Sometimes we tend only to give encouragement when all else seems to have failed, but first and foremost, we should want God’s will to be done in and through every situation we face.

We hope you are saved and are encouraging others around you to seek the will of God to be done in and through their lives. If you are looking for a church to visit with this Sunday, we would love to see you at Calvary.

If you are in or near Clanton and have opportunity to visit with us, we would love to see you this Sunday at Calvary. For services and events, check us out on Facebook, Twitter or visit our website at

Submitted by Oscar Mims