Church news for the week of May 10, 2015

Published 5:45 am Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Samaria Baptist Church

What a beautiful day we had to enjoy and celebrate our mothers, both living here and living with our Lord in heaven.

Our pastor was out of town with his family on Sunday, so our message was brought by John Jamison of the Coosada Baptist Church. Joining him was his wife Mandy and son Jacob.

Our Mother’s Day recognition was conducted by Barbara Collins. White roses were presented to those whose mothers have passed, and red roses were given to those whose moms are living. Betty McCary read a poem that her mother gave her many years ago, and Diane Fisher read a poem prayer dedicated to our moms.

Diane Fisher sang “I’ll Trust the Potter’s Hand.” This song was chosen as a motto to all Christians, but especially to the hands that have rocked the cradles.

Proverbs 31 was the scripture Bro. John chose for his sermon “Moms Are.” We find that Moms are capable. They can do so many things for their families that are simply irreplaceable. A Christian mother is the key to every happy and vibrant home. Moms are caring and self-sacrificing. They find it totally natural to share their all with the husband and children that God has blessed them with.

A woman who seeks God’s favor and puts her trust in him will not be weary, but will know that with him all things are possible. The strong faith of a Christian mother can overcome anything Satan can dish out. We just have to trust and believe that he will take care of our every need in his time and his way.

Christian mothers are wise, and want the very best for the children they have been given. Moms are blessed. They are the ones children run to when they need their hurts to be healed. Jesus loves us this way. He is the one we all can run to for our every need and every decision we must make.

Enjoy this week, and please remember to pray for Ms. Silas and Phyllis and Ray Hardee. Join us at Samaria next Sunday for a true blessing from a living God.

Submitted by Diane Fisher

Corinth Baptist Church

We had a wonderful service this past Sunday. Thank you to all who came, and a big thanks to mothers for all you do. I hope everyone had a wonderful Mother’s Day.

VBS will be held June 24-26 from 6:30-8 p.m. each day. This year’s theme is “Bible Boot Camp”. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for all the latest events and happenings.

Our annual homecoming celebration will be held May 17 from 10 a.m. until noon, with dinner on the grounds. Feel free to bring a covered dish and join us in a day of singing and celebration. We will have several special guests and talents from the church.

In times past, Homecoming Sunday was just that: homecoming. It was a time when members who had moved away came back to visit and fellowship, and family members came for a reunion with relatives. Many times there was standing room only in our little church. Wouldn’t it be great if it was like that every Sunday?

Too often members only go to church for special occasions and not for worship. Visitors are great and appreciated always, but if you are a member, shouldn’t you be in church every Sunday? If God calls you to join a church, he didn’t mean for you to go only when there is an event. Sure, events are great to draw out old friends, relatives and those who might have moved away, but if you are a member of a church, it is your God-given duty to be there and participate every Sunday. You are needed to help the church grow.

Don’t get me wrong, we all need a break every now and then, and it’s OK if you can’t make it every Sunday; however, the more you stay away, the easier it gets. Excuses are easier to make each time you don’t want to get up and go.

Everyone is needed, especially in a small church. I know everyone remembers the Uncle Sam “I Want You” military recruitment posters. The same is true with God: He wants you in his army, and it’s all or nothing (as we see in Revelation 3:16).

We hope to see all members this Sunday and every Sunday, and also hope we see lots of visitors for our Homecoming service.

Until next time, may God bless you and keep you. We hope to see you soon.

Submitted by K.J. Bowen