Mims named executive director for Chilton County United Way
Published 4:37 pm Thursday, March 5, 2015

As the new executive director for Chilton County United Way, Shelly Mims hopes to bring positive change to the organization.
As the new executive director for Chilton County United Way, Shelly Mims hopes to bring positive change to the organization.
“I am really looking forward to the future of Chilton County United Way,” Mims said. “We want to really bring a fresh, new face to the organization because we believe that we should be the leading organization in the county.”
Mims started working in her new role Feb. 10 after previously working for smaller fundraisers in various places.
“I love helping people, and I get a lot of joy from that,” Mims said. “When I found out about the position for executive director, I applied and was very excited to learn I had gotten the job.”
Mims takes the place of Gwyn Loyd, who retired after working more than 20 years with the organization.
Some of the goals Mims hopes to accomplish for the organization is planning different activities for the community to garner interest in United Way.
“I would really like to host a movie night or have a family day,” Mims said. “We just want more people to become involved in the organization and be excited about it.”
Mims said she also hopes to explain to those who may not know much about United Way that the organization serves as a way to give back to the community.
“People want to know where their money goes when they donate,” Mims said. “The money donated helps children and adults who are in need within our county.”
Some of the agencies supported by United Way include Chilton County Emergency Assistance Center, Chilton County YMCA, SPAN of Chilton County, American Red Cross, Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center and the Chilton County Board of Education.
“We have already started planning for our Campaign Kick Off, which will be in August of this year,” Mims said.
Although Mims is still learning the different aspects to her job, she said she enjoys the fact that it is a positive challenge.
“I get to work with wonderful people in the community and great organizations,” Mims said. “I love all of it and really look forward to what this community can accomplish.”
Mims said there is a Chilton County United Way Facebook page that will have occasional updates regarding upcoming events.
For more information about the organization or to donate, call (205) 755-5875 or mail donations to P.O. Box 1104, Clanton, AL 35046.