Football champs recognized at Board of Education meeting

Published 6:35 pm Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Maplesville’s state champion varsity football team was recognized at Tuesday’s meeting of the Chilton County Board of Education.

Coach Brent Hubbert, Principal Steven Hunter and several players were present as board member Curtis Smith read a resolution honoring the Red Devils, who won the 2014 Class 1A state championship.

Hubbert thanked the board for the recognition and shared one of the team’s mantras: “Success is not accidental,” he said. “You work for it.”

The players present included Loftin Smith, Terence Dunlap, Corey Hall, Trey Mixon, Larry Leggett, Dalton Ray and Tyler Armstrong.

Prior to the recognition of the football team, the board was introduced to Walter Fenn, who was recently approved to a new part-time position with the school system in the areas of leadership development and human resources.

“He comes with lots of education and experience,” board chairwoman Lori Patterson said. “We’re all really excited about the work he’s already done and what he’ll continue to do.”

In other business, the board:

•Approved the December 2014 financial statements and bank reconciliations of the central office as presented by Chief Financial Officer Steve Yeargan.

•Approved the December 2014 payrolls and accounts payable.

•Approved the minutes of the previous meeting.

•Approved the technology coordinator’s request to apply for e-rate funds and send out bids on upgrading network equipment in certain schools.

•Approved child nutrition program requests.

•Approved leave requests for Renee N. Martin, Clanton Elementary School (catastrophic); Casey F. Pairrett, Clanton Intermediate School (catastrophic and maternity); Clarissa M. Smith, Jemison Elementary School (catastrophic); Carolyn June Wallace, bus shop (catastrophic); and Kala Langston, Clanton Middle School.

•Approved school/shop requests, which included permission for the Chilton County High School band to participate in a competition in Atlanta; permission for Mary Susie Smith at Clanton Elementary School to continue in the kindergarten position for the remainder of a regular employee’s leave; permission for Rex Littleton, Scott Booth, Jared Day and Historical Society students to visit Chattanooga, Tenn.; permission to pay Katie Maddox a $700 supplement from athletic funds as a dance team sponsor at Jemison Middle School; permission to use Title I funds to hire a math tutor at Verbena at $25 an hour for 11th grade students; and permission to use a school bus and pay the driver, Clyde Sims, $15 per trip to transport LeCroy Career Technical Center health science students for clinical rotations beginning Feb. 17.

•Accepted the resignation of Rebecca Blair from Maplesville, effective Feb. 28.

•Approved substitute bus drivers.

•Granted permission for the technology coordinator to attend the National Technology Conference in Philadelphia from June 27 to July 1.

•Approved the transportation supervisor’s requests, which included reposting of a parts manager position, Mike Ratliff’s bus fueling total increasing from seven to nine buses effective Jan. 7, and several additional bus trips at $15 per trip.

•Approved employees.

•Approved and posted an assistant principal position at LeCroy Career Technical Center.

•Approved the posting of vacancies as needed.

•Approved to pursue liquidated damages from a roofing contractor for not completing roofing at Chilton County High School as specified in the bid.

•Approved the purchase of a new maintenance vehicle to replace the maintenance supervisor’s vehicle.

•Approved to set the travel mileage rate for 2015 at the state rate of 57.5 cents per mile.

•Was updated by Superintendent Tommy Glasscock on an issue at Verbena Annex, where there sometimes is no one stationed at the door or to answer the phone. Glasscock said a student intern will be positioned at the front door, and a camera will be installed for security purposes.