Clanton Police Dept. reports for the week of Dec. 1, 2014
Published 7:25 pm Tuesday, December 9, 2014
The following is an activity report of the Clanton Police Department from Nov. 7-23:
Nov. 7
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. N. and Sarah Ave.
•Alias writ of arrest: 301 City St. (arrest)
•Drug paraphernalia, second offense: Shannon Drive (arrest)
•Shoplifting: 1415 Seventh St. S. (arrest)
•Property damage/civil matter: Interstate 65 at Mile Marker 205 and a half
•Harassment: 1415 Seventh St. S.
•Attempting to elude law enforcement; possession of drug paraphernalia; possession of marijuana: 1010 Third Ave. S.
•Property damage/civil matter: Studdard Drive and Cherokee Drive
Nov. 8
•Alias writ of arrest: Alabaster Police Department (arrest)
•Public intoxication; resisting arrest: 300 Arby Drive (arrest)
•Failing to appear (traffic); public intoxication; shoplifting: Jackson Ave. and Railroad Tracks (arrest)
•Public intoxication: Shade Tree Drive (arrest)
•Criminal mischief: 206 Hoyt Brownie Road
•Criminal mischief: Scott Drive
•Fire investigation: Park Drive
Nov. 9
•Vehicle accident: Lay Dam Road and Ollie Ave.
•Death investigation: Gowin Road
•Discharge a firearm into an unoccupied dwelling or vehicle; criminal mischief: 100 Inverness Drive
Nov. 10
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. S. and Jackson Ave.
•Shoplifting; criminal trespass: 1415 Seventh St. S. (arrest)
•Methamphetamine (possession); promote prison contraband (drugs); shoplifting: 1415 Seventh St. S. (arrest)
•Alias writ of arrest: Dallas County Courthouse (arrest)
•Harassment (family): 5230 County Road 754(arrest)
•DUI (controlled substance); possession of dangerous drugs: Interstate 65 S. at Mile Marker 205 (arrest)
•Domestic violence: Baker Ave. (arrest)
•Theft of property, third degree: 1415 Seventh St. S.
•Assault: 2127 Seventh St. S.
Nov. 11
•Causing of delinquency; dependency or need of supervision of children: Eighth St. N, Apt. 8-B (arrest)
•Minor in consumption of alcohol: Eighth St. N, Apt. 8-B (two arrests)
•Sexual abuse: Old Henry Road
Nov. 12
•Vehicle accident: U.S. Highway 31 and Fulmer Drive
•DUI (any substance): Scott Drive (arrest)
•Public intoxication: I-65 Chevron (arrest)
•Shoplifting; possession of marijuana: 1415 Seventh St. S. (arrest)
•Criminally negligent homicide: Alabama Highway 145 at Jefferson State College
•Suspicious activity/incident: First Ave. N.
•Suspicious activity/incident: Yellowleaf Road
•Criminal mischief: Clanton Middle School
•Harassment: 1415 Seventh St. S.
Nov. 13
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. S. and Sixth St.
•Vehicle accident: First St. S. and Second Ave. S.
•Vehicle accident: U.S. Highway 31 S. and Bradberry Lane
•Shoplifting: 1415 Seventh St. S. (two arrests)
•Criminal mischief: Seventh St. S.
•Failure to pay for gasoline: Lay Dam Road
•Possession of a forged instrument: Dixie Shopping Center
Nov. 14
•Vehicle accident: Airport Road and Jackson St.
•Alias writ of arrest (failure to appear on possession of prescription drugs): County Road 556 (arrest)
•Probation violation; alias writ of arrest: City St. (arrest)
•Possession of marijuana; drug paraphernalia, first offense; illegal possession of prescription drugs; DUI (combined substances): Clearview Grocery, 1601 Kincheon Road
•Harassing communications: Rolling Oaks Apartments
•Property damage/civil matter: Alabama Highway 22 and County Road 37
•Theft of property: Seventh St. S.
•Possession of a forged instrument: 1501 Seventh St. S.
•Theft of property: Second Ave. N.
•Possible overdose: address not given
Nov. 15
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. N. and Ollie Ave.
•Burglary (non-residence, force); criminal mischief (damage to business property): The Lighthouse Church, U.S. Highway 31 (arrest)
•Unlawful breaking and entering a vehicle: 2000 block of Big M Blvd.
•Harassment: address not given
•Theft of property, third degree: 1415 Seventh St. S.
Nov. 16
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. N. and Sims Drive
•Theft of property, third degree: 1415 Seventh St. S. (arrest)
•Assist other law enforcement Agency: Andrew St.
•Burglary; theft of property: New Harmony Road
•Theft of property, third degree: 1415 Seventh St. S.
•Domestic dispute/no element of crime: Colonial Circle
Nov. 17
•Vehicle accident: Fourth Ave. N. and Meadowview Circle
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. N. and Pineview Road
•Vehicle accident: Jackson Ave. and Seventh St. S.
•Vehicle accident: Second Ave. N. and Seventh St. N.
•Alias writ of arrest: Peachtree Lane
•Unclassified complaint (child welfare concern): address not given
•Theft of property: Fourth Ave. N.
Nov. 18
•Assault: address not given
•Disorderly conduct: Chilton County High School
•Theft of property, third degree: Seventh St. S.
•Harassing communications: Trilliam Lane
•Property damage/civil matter: Chilton County High School
Nov. 19
•Alias writ of arrest: Autauga County Jail (arrest)
•Probationer, deferral status: Municipal Court
•Criminal mischief: 16th Ave.
•Theft of lost property: Second Ave. N.
•Robbery: Seventh St. S.
Nov. 20
•Probation violation: Shelby County Jail (arrest)
•Alias writ of arrest: 301 City St. (arrest)
•DUI (alcohol): Ware Ave. and Eighth St. (arrest)
•Theft of property, third degree: Seventh St. S.
•Theft of property, third degree: Arby Drive
•Theft of property, third degree: Seventh St. S.
•Theft of property: Probation Office: Sixth St.
•Assault: First Ave.
Nov. 21
•Vehicle accident: Lay Dam Road and Airport Road
•Vehicle accident: Seventh St. and Jackson Ave.
•Theft (from a public building): 301 City St. (arrest)
•Alias writ of arrest: Peachtree Lane (arrest)
•Harassment: Sav-Mor Foods, Seventh St. S.
•Possession of a forged instrument: Sixth St. N.
•Harassment: Seventh St. S.
Nov. 22
•Vehicle accident: Lay Dam Road and Ollie Ave.
•Assault: Jasper Dennis Road
•Death investigation: Highland Ave.
•Assault: Seventh St. S.
Nov. 23
•Vehicle accident: Enterprise Road
•Probation violation: 301 City St.
•Alias writ of arrest; failing to appear (traffic): U.S. Highway 31 at The Pit Stop (arrest)
•Burglary: address not given
•Property damage/civil matter: Second Ave. S.
•Property damage/civil matter: Old Samaria Road
•Theft of property, third degree: Inverness Apartments
•Reckless endangerment; domestic violence: Lay Dam Road