Thorsby to borrow money to re-paint water tank

Published 8:06 pm Monday, August 18, 2014

Thorsby’s Town Council on Monday voted to borrow $192,000 to repaint the town’s water tank.

The project was recommended by the town’s engineer Calvin Cassady.

Mayor Jean Nelson would represent the town during the loan process.

As a way to help the town recoup some of the money it’s having to pay to repaint the water tank, the council has approved an increase in water bill late fees.

The council also discussed raising water rates during its meeting Monday but immediately decided to table the matter until its next meeting.

In other business, the council:

•Approved the hiring of Steven Blalock part-time in the police department.

•Was updated by Public Works Director Terry Jackson about efforts to bring the town’s water into compliance with regulations on lead and copper content. Jackson said internal testing has shown levels are acceptable, and a verified sample would be taken next week and tested.

•Approved paying of bills, with the necessary transfer of funds, along with minutes from the Aug. 4 meeting.