Church News for Thursday, June 26
Published 3:05 pm Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Services began Sunday morning with the teaching of a great Sunday school lesson titled “God is Forgiving” from 1 John 1:5-22. Our worship service opened with the singing of ”Jesus Paid It All,” which completed the meaning of our Sunday school lesson. God is so good. Do you know Jesus as your savior?
Bro. Derrell’s message “To Accept or Not to Accept” was taken from Joshua 14:6-15. Serving God is very serious. God makes it clear that to be successful you have to be properly related to God’s Holy Word.
Reading from the book of Joshua, we find Caleb on fire for his Lord as he chosen to spy out the land. Caleb wholly followed the Lord God. He accepted the challenge of the Lord. He said, “Give me this mountain. The Lord will be with me and I will be able to drive them out as the Lord said.
Caleb was committed before he followed the Lord. For you to be committed and accepted, you must keep your prayer life in touch with God. Trust the Lord and have confidence with yourself. Give your mountain to God and have courage to be lead by the Lord. Don’t be afraid to let the world know where you stand with the Lord.
VBS began on Sunday night. The theme is “Agency D-3: Discover, Decide, Defend” from 1 Peter 3:15. We had a great start and thank the Lord for each and every one who attended and look for them to come every night. Keep our church and VBS on the top of your prayer list as we sere this week. Commencement will be on Friday night.
Homecoming will be July 27. The Kempters will be our special guests singers and Bro. Chad Foshee will be the guest speaker. We want to invite all to attend.
Next Sunday night will be our fifth Sunday singing and praise service. Come and join us to sing praise to our Lord and Savior.
If you don’t have a church home, Mt. Carmel is inviting you to worship with us next Sunday. Have a blessed week.