Butterfly Bridge Run scheduled for June 14
Published 5:19 pm Monday, June 9, 2014
The third annual Butterfly Bridge Run will be held June 14 benefitting Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center of Chilton County.
Local motorcycle riders are invited to participate in the ride, which will begin at 9 a.m. at Ollie Park in Clanton.
“Each year, the event is a little bit different,” Jana Zuelzke, Executive Director/Child Forensic Specialist with Butterfly Bridge said. “We always ask the participating bikers how we can make the event better next time. Last year, the main suggestion was to make the ride longer and to add an optional poker run to the ride. So, this year, the route is approximately 140 miles, and the bikers will have the option to do the poker run for an additional $20. The poker run winner will win half of the pot, and the other half will go to Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center. Also, this year, instead of a ‘destination ride’ like last year, it will begin and end at Ollie Park.”
Pre-registration for the event is not required, but Zuelzke said those interested in riding who do not pre-register will not be guaranteed a ride T-shirt in the size they prefer.
“It is fine for the bikers to register the morning of the event, and we will do our very best to accommodate the size choice,” Zuelzke said. “Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. at Ollie Park, and breakfast will be served.”
The cost is $30 and $10 for an additional rider. The optional poker run registration is $20. The registration fee includes a ride T-shirt, breakfast and lunch.
Zuelzke said the ride should take about three hours and will go through Wilsonville, Childersburg (where the bikers will have a stop at Roadking Leather) and Rockford with the ride ending at Ollie Park.
“Lunch will be provided when the bikers return as well as lots of prizes will be given away to show the riders how much we appreciate them participating,” Zuelzke said.
In 2013, event organizers changed the date of the event from spring to summer due to the first year’s event having weather issues deterring the riders.
Zuelzke said last year’s event proved to be a success with a beautiful day for the 30 riders who participated.
“We do believe it was a smart decision to move the ride from a spring to a summer month,” Zuelzke said. “The weather is less finicky. We are hoping to have another sunny, moderate day this year. At this time, we do not have a rain date.”
Zuelzke explained that the money raised will help Butterfly Bridge Children’s Advocacy Center offer a safe, child-friendly environment to children victimized by abuse or neglect to provide restoration and justice in their lives.
“The children’s advocacy center provides many services to victimized children in Chilton County such as forensic interviews during the child abuse investigation, advocacy throughout the life of the case in the criminal justice system, therapy, support groups for non-offending parents and caregivers of abused children and expert testimony in court when subpoenaed,” Zuelzke said. “We are a non-profit agency and we rely heavily on fundraisers such as our annual motorcycle ride in order to have funds to keep our doors open and continue to provide these vital services. All of the services are free and help minimize the trauma of child victims once they enter the system after a child abuse report is made to the proper authorities.”
Zuelzke said for those who are not interested in riding a motorcycle, volunteers are needed to help at the event or provide a door prize for the event.
“The donated prizes will be given to the bikers to show our appreciation for their participation,” Zuelzke said. “Also, this year we will be giving away a 750 Honda Shadow. To be entered into the drawing, we ask that a $20 donation be made. You do not have to participate in the ride to make a donation for a chance to win and you don’t have to be present to win.”
The drawing for the winner will be at the end of the ride at Ollie Park.
“The bikers come out to do something they greatly enjoy and help the children at the same time,” Zuelzke said. “The bikers have such big hearts for kids.”
For more information, contact Zuelzke at (205) 755-4205 or visit www.butterflybridgecac.org or www.facebook.com/ButterflyBridgeRunMotorcycleRide.