Church News for Thursday, March 6

Published 4:23 pm Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rocky Mount UMC

Read Acts 5:17-33. Peter and the other apostles must have had some of those same feelings. They had watched our Savior, Jesus Christ be reviled and crucified. Fear had sent them into hiding. Filled with the Holy Spirit, they emerged from their fear with new determination to spread the Gospel and were jailed for this effort.

In today’s environment we often feel helpless and hopeless. We feel trapped by circumstances beyond our control. We feel abused, misunderstood and unappreciated. What God did for the apostles in that jail so long ago, he stands ready to do for us. He sent an angel. I’m sure those men did not see that escape plan coming. When we cannot see a way out, God is there. He is our rock when we are at our weakest. The apostles went right back to teaching in the temple because they desired to follow God’s will down whatever path was needed.

Do you need peace in your life? Follow his will. If God is with you, who can stand against you?

Bro. Guin is following the book of Acts for his messages. If you would like to know more about how our struggles mirror those of the early church, join us on Sunday mornings. If you would like to see the development of David – a man after God’s own heart – join us Sunday evenings. If prophecy is your interest, join our study in Isaiah.

Rocky Mount will hold an auction tentatively scheduled for Sunday, May 5. The proceeds will be used to fund our mission projects. Mark your calendars for that date and watch for upcoming notices as we gather together to do God’s will. We ask for your prayers to insure that we are like the apostles—doing our best to stay in God’s will.

Thanks and blessings to Mike and Martha Gothard as they shared their musical talents with us this past Sunday. God is so good to us. He provides a smiling face, a willing heart and skill whenever we call on him.

Cedar Grove Church

Announcements: March 8 will be the 25th Annual Gospel Singing at Mt. Pisgah Methodist Church Family Life Center featuring Canaan Land, the Gene Lowery Trio, Fishers of Men, Heaven’s Strings and Holy Destiny. Everyone is invited to attend.

Prayer concerns: Bobbie and Earl Giles, Jean Varden, Billy Caton, Janet Wyatt, Renee Cleckley, our pastor and church family, those in hospitals and nursing homes, spoken and unspoken requests.

Pastor Bro. Jeff Carroll’s text came from 1 Corinthians 3:9-11 titled “Laborers of God Building Together.”

God did not stop working just because he created the world in six days and rested on the seventh day. God has continued to work through his people before Christ, and through his people after the birth of Christ when Christ hung on Calvary for the world sins. Jesus worked for God through us when he rose again on the third day, when he ascended into heaven and sent the Holy Ghost as a comforter. Jesus continues to work through his people today by us obeying God’s call and listening to the Holy Ghost’s conviction in us.

We need to be busy building for the kingdom of God. The spirit of Satan is trying to destroy the Church of Christ, but a church built on Christ the gates of hell cannot prevail against. The greatest building program ever started was the one started by Christ, the cornerstone of every church involved in building the kingdom of God. God made a new covenant with all people. There is no one world power, but only one power: the power of the one true God, Jehovah, Master, Jesus, Savior—there are no other gods.

You have done more than any amount of money you could gain, any treasure you think you possess or ever think of possessing, when you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Jesus has laid the foundation. Take heed how you help to build God’s kingdom.

We as God’s people have to make a stand: we are either on the side of God or against God. Jesus is the foundation, we cannot build on the kingdom of God except that which God approves of and what the Bible teaches; everything else will be destroyed.

Do you know where you fit into the plan of God today? Time is a gift. We cannot assume we have all the time in the world to accept Christ. We need to use our life to the glory of God—each and all of us.

Love to all and have a blessed week.