Active training session held at LeCroy
Published 6:03 pm Tuesday, February 18, 2014
Several Chilton County educators participated in an active shooter training session titled “Run, Hide, and Fight” on Tuesday at the LeCroy Career Technical Center.
Training officer with Chilton County Emergency Management Agency (EMA) and full-time Clanton Police Officer David Hicks led the training.
Hicks said the Alabama Homeland Security put together the training designed to teach unarmed school employees what to do when confronted with an armed attacker.
“This training can be adapted to businesses as well,” Hicks said. “This is not just limited to schools.”
Hicks told those in attendance on Tuesday that the purpose of the training was to provide individuals with options to use if ever in a dangerous or threatening situation.
“This session will help you be prepared to make a decision,” Hicks said. “Making a good split second decision could prevent you from being injured and could even save your life and the lives of others.”
Hicks said this is the first class to be offered in Chilton County but has been taught throughout Alabama.
“We are hoping to have more of these training sessions,” Hicks said. “The training is free and designed for schools and businesses.”
The term “active shooter” is defined by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) as “an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area.”
Hicks went on to explain that an active shooter is an individual trying to kill the greatest number of people as possible in the shortest amount of time.
“A lot of people think shootings won’t happen where they live,” Hicks said. “It can happen anywhere. Our job is to try to prepare you for what to do if it does ever happen.”