Land transactions for the week of Aug. 26, 2013

Published 11:17 am Wednesday, August 28, 2013

The following deeds were transferred in Chilton County from Aug. 15-20:

Aug. 15
•John Poe and Patricia Poe to Susan Poe Prince, land located in Section 33, Township 24, Range 13.
•Maxwell R. Jones to Tractor Supply Company, a land located in Section 7, Township 21, Range 15.
•Doris A. Jones Smith to Tractor Supply Company, land located in Section 7, Township 21, Range 15.
•Nancy Willbanks Sellers to Frankie O. Muir and Norman J. Muir, land located in Section 30, Township 22, Range 14.
•G&M Construction Company Inc. to Annie M. Vanderslice, land located in Lot 4 of Pleasant Ridge Subdivision.
•Howard Jones and Cynthia Jones to Dennis A. Onchuck and Catherine C. Onchuck, land located in Section 32, Township 22, Range 16.
•Annie Mae Vanderslice to Chilton County, Alabama, a governmental entity, land located in Section 36, Township 22, Range 14.
•J.P Morgan Chase Bank, National Association to the Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, land located in Lot 3 of Dove Creek Estates.

Aug. 16
•J.F. Atkinson and Gail K. Atkinson to Ashley A. Scott, land located in Section 5, Township 20, Range 14.
•Joe Frank Atkinson and Gail Atkinson to Ashley A. Scott, land located in Section 5, Township 20, Range 14.
•William G. Lifer, Brian Lifer, Lindsey Lifer Silverthorn, formerly known as Lindsey Lifer, and Robert W. Silverthorn III, land located in Section 5, Township 23, Range 13.
•The Estate of Billie R. Cole by Robert Webster Cole, Personal Representative to Denise Cole Hubbert, land located in Section 20, Township 22, Range 14.

Aug. 19
•Delta Properties, LLC to Ramon Navaro, land located in Section 11, Township 24, Range 13.
•Mary R. Krause and Cindy R. Mendenhall to Betty G. Latta, land located in Section 7, Township 21, Range 15.
•G&M Construction Inc. to James L. Sharer, land located in Lot 48 of Maplewood Garden Homes Subdivision.
•Raphel Perez to Raphel Perez and Inocencia Perez, land located in Tract 14 of The Ponderosa Subdivision.
•Lee Ann Cisco, aka Leigh Ann McDonald, to Richard Lee Hayes, land located in Section 6, Township 20, Range 13.
•Donald B. Matson and Lisa A. Matson to Chilton County, Alabama, a governmental entity, land located in Section 36, Township 22, Range 14.
•Barbara Childress Whatley to Christopher Cole Davenport and Barbara Childress Whatley, land located in Section 10, Township 23, Range 14.

Aug. 20
•Joel L. Brown and Jennifer D. Brown, land located in Lot 4, Block F of Park Place Addition in the Town of Jemison.
•Christopher M. Kelley to Donald R. Waldrop, Johnny S. Grauel and Michael L. Satterwhite, land located in Section 27, Township 23, Range 12.
•Peggy Johnson to Brandon Tyler Patterson, land located in Section 26, Township 22, Range 15.
•Peggy Johnson to Ashley Northcutt and Kinsley Summerlin, land located in Section 26, Township 22, Range 15.
•Eula J. Nix to Katrina Nix, land located in Section 10, Township 21, Range 12.
•Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation for Frontier Bank to James M. Blackmon and James R. Blackmon, land located in Section 24, Township 24, Range 12 and Section 19, Township 24, Range 13.
•U.S. Bank National Association to Lorna Charles, land located in Section 2, Township 21, Range 14.

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