Jemison Council declares District 2 vacancy
Published 8:33 pm Monday, June 17, 2013
The city of Jemison unanimously voted to accept councilman Jim Henderson’s resignation from the Jemison City Council on Monday.
Henderson resigned during the June 3 meeting and gave city clerk Sheila Hogge his city owned cell phone and key to Jemison City Hall, addressed councilmen George Brasher, Robert Morris, Sam Reed and Rex Bittle and left the meeting.
Mayor Eddie Reed was absent from the June 3 meeting due to illness and Sam Reed presided in the mayor’s place.
Reed told the council during Monday’s meeting that legally, the next step for the council was to declare a vacancy on the council.
After declaring the vacancy, the council may vote to fill the vacancy by a majority vote of the council at the July 1 meeting.
If the position is not filled in 60 days from June 3, each existing council member may submit a name to Gov. Robert Bentley for appointment.
Councilman George Brasher said even though he had not spoken to Henderson since he resigned, he regretted Henderson left from the council seat.
“He did some good things for this city and I am sad to see him leave,” Brasher said.
Councilman Robert Morris echoed Brasher by saying he thought Henderson did a great job during his time on the council.
After accepting Henderson’s resignation, the council voted to declare the District 2 council seat vacant.
“The next council meeting we will discuss who we would like to fill the District 2 seat,” Reed said.
The council also voted to adopt an ordinance establishing a discretionary pretrial diversion program.
Reed told the council the resolution was passed by the State House of Representatives and the Senate and signed into law by Bentley on May 22 and the city needed to adopt the ordinance.
Brasher asked Reed how much the program would cost the city and Jemison Police Chief Shane Fulmer said the program would be at no additional cost to the city.
Under the municipal court Ordinance No. 06-17-13, the municipal judge for the city of Jemison is authorized to supervise and establish rules and terms to implement a Pretrial Diversion Program in the Municipal Court.
Anyone charged with a criminal offense under the jurisdiction of the municipal court of the city may apply for the program.
Councilmen Brasher, Reed, Morris, Rex Bittle and Sam Reed voted in favor of the ordinance.
The council unanimously voted to approve an ordinance to regulate door-to-door solicitation.
Reed said the decision for the ordinance came after several residents in Jemison reported individuals selling vacuums door-to-door.
“I can think of no better ordinance that would protect our residents of this city,” Reed said.
Under Ordinance No. 06-17-13, it will be considered unlawful to go from door-to-door within residential areas for the purpose of soliciting during the hours of 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. without a business license or appointment with the occupant of the residence from the city of Jemison.
The ordinance does not apply to non-profit organizations such as the Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, school fundraisers or fire departments.
“During this day and age you can’t be too careful,” Reed said. “This ordinance does not prohibit people from soliciting but they must obtain a license.”
The council also heard from Jemison High School Athletic Director Robert George who told the council he would like to have the JHS football team do community service throughout the summer.
George said he thought the football team could work on Wednesdays from 10 a.m.- 1 p.m. at Jemison City Park and do whatever the city needed them do to.
“We want to develop a good work ethic with these guys,” George said. “If you have a good work ethic you can do anything.”
Reed thanked him for the idea and said bringing young men to volunteer their time was a wonderful thing for the city.
The council unanimously voted to allow George to bring the students to work each Wednesday throughout the summer.