Church News for Thursday, April 11
Published 6:07 pm Friday, April 12, 2013
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
We want to thank everyone who attended services this weekend. Sunday morning’s service included a message from John 5:1-6. The question to consider is how well do you believe the word of God? God’s will is for you to be saved, and after salvation, to live a committed life to him in service. (1 Timothy 2:4, Romans 12:1-2)
How great is the multitude of people who are still waiting on God to do another work, to stir up something in their life before they are willing to be saved or serve the Lord? God wants to work in your life. Are you willing to be made whole?
Sunday night’s service included a message from 2 Samuel 6:1-16, brought by Bro. Kevin Shaw. The sermon was about King David bringing the Ark of the Covenant to his city. David first failed because he did not go by God’s instructions. David’s failure then caused a man’s death because they carried the ark unlawfully. It is awesome that we live every day the life we could never deserve, yet we have life because of the mercy and grace that is freely given to us through the gospel of Jesus Christ.
We want to invite you to visit for any of our services. We are located south of Clanton, just past Dollar General, off U.S. 31 on Fulmer Drive. Sunday School at 9 a.m., Children’s Church and adult worship service at 10 a.m., Sunday evening service at 5:30 p.m., and Wednesday service at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Pastor Oscar Mims at 205-755-9399.
Mount Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
God is so good! We praise and thank him for all the blessings that are given to us even when we don’t deserve them. Our Sunday worship service began with the old hymn “Come and Dine.” This is exactly what we were able to do as Bro. Derrell brought the message, “The Power of God’s Word,” taken from 1 Peter 1:18, 2:3.
The Bible is God’s word, and there is no other book like it. It is truth. Those who believe it and accept it are set free from the bondage of sin; those who don’t are condemned by their sins. As we look into God’s word, we can find many attributes of its power.
First, we can find salvation, which cannot be bought with corruptible things. It only comes through the faith produced by God’s word. Next, we find purification for our souls. The word can remove all that is unclean and fill us with goodness. Also, it can provide completion. The word shows the complete love God has for man — love that had no malice. We can also find satisfaction. It is a satisfaction that cannot be explained and the world does not understand. If you are searching for a great how-to book that can give you answers to life’s problems, the Bible is the book you can trust to have those answers.
For our Sunday evening message, Bro. Derrell used scripture from Romans 12:9. The title of his message was “Something To Hold On To.” Are the things you are reaching for slipping right through your fingers? Take time to look at these things. This verse tells us to cleave to those things that are good. Maybe the things we desire aren’t good. If you are searching for good things, there are a lot of them to be found. One of them is love. When love is an action, not merely a word, it can be fulfilling. The love that Christ showed to us is the best example.
Faith is another good thing. Faith keeps us going when we cannot see the path that lies before us. Faith is inspiring and necessary for us to accomplish goals in life. Most important, we can hold on to Jesus. He is the only source of salvation. You may think if you strive for the riches of this world, you can have something to hold on to, but they can slip away. When you hold on to Jesus, you truly have everything.
We are working to raise money for Relay for Life. On Saturday, April 13 at 5 p.m., there will be a “That Dude Looks Like a Lady” pageant in our family life center. We are asking for a $5 donation/registration fee. It should be lots of fun. Please see Jessica Dennis for a registration form.
On Saturday, April 20, we will have a pancake breakfast in the fellowship hall. It will start at 7:30 a.m. and last until 10:30 a.m. We are asking for a donation of $3. We encourage everyone to take part in these activities. The money raised will go for a great cause.
A reminder to our Primetimes: Mark your calendars for the Senior Celebration that is going to be held on April 30 at Union Grove. We are looking forward to this event.
Our prayer needs this week include VBS, which is scheduled for June 23-27. We are having classes for all ages from 6-8:30 p.m. each night.
Please continue to pray for baby Jacob Jones and his family. He is still in Minnesota recovering from surgery. Others in need of special prayer are Elladene Mims, Sarah Scott and Rex Littleton.