Commission hears from industrial developer
Published 8:51 pm Monday, January 14, 2013
Industrial Development Coordinator Fred Crawford told Chilton County Commissioners Monday night he thinks the county as a whole is moving in a positive manner.
“We don’t have everything completely the way we want but we are moving in the right direction,” Crawford said. “We are the only county in the center of the state with five interstate exits in the county. We have a jewel here and now we have to step forward and develop that jewel.”
Crawford presented statistics about the county ranging from education, population and income levels to the commission based on his research after seven months working in the industrial development coordinator position.
Crawford told commissioners since his time of being hired he has eaten at a lot of restaurants and tried to visit all parts of the county.
“I am trying to go around and understand this county,” Crawford said. “I was charged to bring in industry and expand that industry as well as increase the quality of life activities that keep people here.”
The commission heard Crawford’s presentation after previously meeting in executive session for more than an hour and a half.
Commissioner Joe Headley made a motion to go into executive session based on a pending legal matter and general reputation of an employee.
Commissioner Tim Mims seconded the motion.
As of press time Monday night, commissioners were still meeting in regular session with several items left on the agenda.
Check Tuesday and Wednesday’s newspaper for more from the meeting.