Commission votes to give funds to hospital board
Published 7:37 pm Monday, November 19, 2012
The Chilton County Commission unanimously voted Monday to give $960,000 to the Chilton County Hospital Board in hopes of re-opening Chilton Medical Center.
Throngs of people lined the downstairs hallway of the Chilton County Courthouse to hear the vote that could potentially aid the hospital board’s plan to re-open CMC and possibly purchase the facility.
Commission Chairman Allen Caton called the meeting to order informing everyone that due to the special meeting being called, no one from the audience would be allowed to address the commissioners.
“If you have questions or concerns you can address those at our upcoming commission meeting,” Caton said. “We are here tonight for one purpose and that is for the commissioners to discuss how we are going to vote.”
Commissioner Shannon Welch made a motion to commit $960,000 between the Chilton County Hospital board and the commission with Commissioner Heedy Hayes seconding the motion and the rest of the commissioners voting in favor.
The funds the hospital board sought from the commission came from a trust fund established after the hospital board sold the facility in 1983.
At the time the hospital was sold, $1.9 million was put in the trust fund with the interest accumulated allocated to the county commission who could use the money at their discretion for the county.