Church News for Thursday, Nov. 1
Published 5:57 pm Thursday, November 1, 2012
Calvary Independent Baptist Church
We would like to thank all those who made the Fall Festival on Saturday evening such a fun and uplifting event. We also want to thank those attending regular church services this weekend. Sunday morning’s service included a message taken from Matthew 25, and other passages, on the subject of heaven and hell. Today, the doctrine of hell is ignored by non-Christians, excused by weak Christians and attacked by anti-Christians. However, hell is a real place. It is to be preached about by those who believe the Word of God is true and are not ashamed of the words of Jesus. Sunday evening’s message was taken from Philippians 1-3 and various other passages, on serving a living God who is actively working to form Christ in each believer. He is the potter that never gives up but will continue working in every vessel that is sanctified for his use. Come visit us for any of our services. We are located on Fulmer Drive in South Clanton, just past Dollar General, off U.S. Highway 31. Sunday School at 9 a.m., Children’s Church and adult worship services at 10 a.m., Sunday night services at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday services at 6:30 p.m. For more information, call Pastor Oscar Mims at 205-755-9399.
Mount Carmel No. 1
This Sunday morning, we had a glorious time with the Lord. We were few in number, but we know Jesus is the most important treasure that God can give us. We were thankful to be with our friends and visitors this Sunday morning.
Following the song service of the choir and congregation, we were blessed by a special song by Lilly Jones, “Another Valley Left Behind.”
Bro. John Dennis brought our message today in the absence of our pastor, Bro. Derrel, as he and his family are on a well-deserved vacation.
“Get Ready,” taken from Matthew 25:1-13, was the title of Bro. John’s message. Christ comes every day for someone. Are you ready? Get ready. This scripture talks about the wise and the foolish. We are the vessel and the Holy Spirit is the oil. They slumbered and slept. How can we be live in this world and still be ready? The foolish said unto the wise, “Give us oil for our lamps, for they have gone out.” As Christians, we need to keep our lamps ready. Pray, read your Bible and stay close to God in your everyday walk. You have to go to the source of life to get your oil. No one can get the oil for you. When Christ closes the door on your life, you will you will never have another chance. It will be like the virgins saying, “Lord, Lord, open to us. Be ready.”
Sunday evening’s message was “Fast Power” from Matthew 17:19-21. The disciples asked Jesus why they could not cast the devil out of the child. Jesus responded, “Because of your unbelief. Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.” Put all of your needs and desires aside; pray to God and nothing shall be impossible. To see the true work and great things of God, try fasting and praying, and you will see the fast power of God.
Upcoming church events: Baby shower for Jeremy and Tabitha Bowman Saturday, Nov. 3 at 2 p.m. in the fellowship hall (it’s a girl.) Bridal shower for Lilly Jones, Nov. 17 at 2 p.m. in the fellowship hall. On Nov. 18, following the evening service, we will have our Harvest Supper. Come and fellowship with us, giving thanks for all you are grateful for during this season.
Please bring canned and non-perishable food items to help with our emergency assistance project. Thanks for your help.
Our Christmas Child shoebox project is upon us. Please fill your boxes for this project and turn them in by Nov. 12.
Remember all the prayer requests of your church. Our prayer list is long, but God knows each and every name, both spoken and unspoken. Always pray for the leaders of our nation and the upcoming election. Please join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus in praise and worship.