Church News for Thursday, Sept. 13

Published 3:50 pm Thursday, September 13, 2012

Samaria Baptist Church

The Sermon on the Mount. Matthew 5:1-12. Bro. Charles’ message came from these verses Sunday. This is a description of what we should do and who we should be. The Bible tells us what God’s plans are for us, if we are willing to dig deeply enough and pray for direction. We are to be set apart from the world, and not participate with false prophets or idols, and not to put any other god before Him. We make a covenant with God to serve Him when we are saved. We continue this covenant to include the church in which we serve. We should always be faithful in this service and not take lightly our responsibility. We have this responsibility to God to be used for His glory and to ensure that His perfect will is done. We shall keep His commandments, and not serve false prophets, but God only. God leads us to conduct ourselves as He would have us to do. In so doing, we will experience joy, peace, freedom and liberty. God’s main goal is to see that we are like him. When we are out of the will of Christ, our lives can be consumed with darkness. When we allow our lives to be directed by those who ignore and deny a living God, we are placing our lives in great danger.

Many folks toddle around every day, proclaiming to have no moral compass. Their behavior exhibits no conscience for anything they do to obtain success. They have no allegiance to a living God. These people are lost, and they live a totally different lifestyle from where a Christian needs to be. We are to set apart our lives in order to serve God the way he deserves and expects.

We are required to serve in whatever capacity we are gifted to do. We are directed by the scriptures to tithe our earnings, and to realize that our house of worship must be maintained financially in order to remain open. We should be honored to serve God and give what he requires. He says we are the salt of the earth. We should seek to preserve as many lives for Christ as we possibly can. Love our enemies, pray for those who spitefully use you. Show mercy to those who would seek to harm you.

Christian character should always reflect and maintain Christian attitudes and love. Jesus came to fulfill the law and give us born again salvation. We know that the commandments still matter, but Jesus came to make them complete, not obsolete. Our ambition should be more like God. We cannot worship material things and please Him. Do we mean what we say and do what we hear? Wise men build on Christ. He is the rock.

Don Fisher had a birthday this week. We continue to pray for our nation as we reflect this week on the anniversary of the 911 disaster that struck our nation. May God bless you and keep you. Please visit us at Samaria. You are always welcome here.