Library roof replacement project should be completed this summer

Published 4:48 pm Monday, June 4, 2012

When it rains, it pours at the Chilton-Clanton Public Library, but that problem should be corrected soon.

The library’s roof has leaked for about 10 years, but at least when it leaks now–as it did with heavy rains Monday–part of the reason is workers are replacing the aging roof with a new one.

“I figured we would have some leaks, but we’re talking about pouring,” library Director Kelly Easterling said. “It’s a flat roof, so anytime it rains the water collects and has to go somewhere. We’ve got tarps and garbage cans trying to catch the water–but we had that anyway.”

Work began in early May to replace the flat roof with a pitched metal roof. Heating and air units will be relocated from on top of the roof to the back of the building, at ground level.

Despite some hiccups, namely leakage during heavy rains, Easterling said the project is progressing as planned.

“They’ve gotten a lot done. I’ve been really impressed,” he said.

The project was given a 90-day completion schedule, which would mean it should be done by the end of July or beginning of August.

No books or equipment have been damaged by the leaks, Easterling said, and customers’ use of the facility hasn’t been negatively affected, either.

That could change soon, though, because rewiring of the heating and air units will require the library to close for a couple of days. Easterling said the closing is tentatively scheduled for Friday and Saturday.

Visitors to the library can also expect to have to park farther away because some spots are unavailable due to construction.

“We’re just really grateful that it’s getting done,” Easterling said. “It’s going to give a whole new look to the library, from what I can tell from the plans.”

Steel-Built Systems out of Maplesville is completing the project, which came with a price tag of about $300,000.