Church News for May 17, 2012
Published 2:26 pm Thursday, May 17, 2012
Bethany Baptist Church
We had several visitors in our service; and we honored all the mothers in attendance with gifts. You should thank God if you have (or had) a saved mother; a mother can have a great impact on the spiritual growth of her children. Bro. Steve’s message was about Eunice, the mother of the young pastor, Timothy (2 Timothy 1:3-5). We can think of many good adjectives to describe a mother (loving, gentle, unselfish, kind). What kind of mother was Eunice? Although her husband was probably not saved, Eunice exhibited a good influence to her family. She was a mother who taught the Scriptures to her children. She had a genuine faith in God, and she was a praying mother. Mothers, pray for your children and grandchildren.
Sunday night, after our monthly business meeting, Bro. Steve brought a message on “What To Do When You Don’t Know What To Do.” He used 2 Chronicles 20:1-30. From this inspiring chapter we learn that the first thing we should always do when we don’t know what to do, is to pray. Then, admit to God that we don’t know what to do: Acknowledge that we are weak, and focus on God. Finally, honor and obey the Lord.
We plan to have Vacation Bible School, Sonlight Express, at Bethany 9:30 a.m. to 12 p.m., June 11-13. You may call the church at 755-3429 for details or to pre-register. We are located about a mile south of Enterprise Grocery on County Road 49, Verbena.
Happy birthday to Jane Vines (May 8) and happy anniversary to Wanda and Ralph Wilson (May 16).
Prayer list: Betty Biggs, James Bixler, Arnold DeLoach, Doris Glenn, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Lillianna Thompson, VBS, Tim Wallace.
See you Sunday!
Christ Independent Methodist
Dr. Stinson’s message was appropriately titled “Mother’s Day.” His scripture came from John 15:9-17. Six out of the nine verses tell us to love one another; these words are not offered as a request, but as a command. John 12:12 says, “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you.”
Please continue to pray for Carl Glass, Dwight Sammons, Dakota Justice, Kelly Parker, Liliana Thompson, Cliff Cutcliff, and all others in need of prayer.
Remember our military, their families, our leaders, community, church, Shea Simms in Kuwait, Israel and each other.
Have a blessed week.
Jackson Chapel
Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Jesus, Hold My Hand” and “Jesus Paid It All.” Bro Gary Fant blessed us with a beautiful song “Hello Mama.” Bro. Dennis’ text came from Psalm 90:16-17. We as Christians are servants of Jesus Christ and we need to realize just whom we serve. We as mothers need to make sure that we have a reflection of Jesus Christ in our lives because our children follow in our footsteps. We need to bring them up in the ways of Jesus Christ and if we will bring them up in the ways of God, when they are old they will not depart from it. The service ended with several coming to pray.
All of our mothers were recognized in the morning service with Shirley Burnett being our oldest mother and Jessica Pate being our youngest mother.
Please remember these as you pray this week: the Rhodes family, Marie Johnson, Gail Fant, Carol Smith, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.
Upcoming events: May 20 we will have a singing starting at 1:30 p.m. with The MaHarrey’s.
June 3 will be our homecoming and we will have Ernie Dawson and Heirline as special singers and the singing will began at 1:30 p.m.
Mars Hill Baptist
God bless our Mothers. We hope that all mothers everywhere had a blessed, wonderful day filled with family! Fathers are the head of the home, but the mother is surely the heart of the home. A mom is what holds a home together. A mother should be an example of salvation, showing her children the way to God, teaching them about Jesus, reading the Bible to them.
Children watch parents, and so often emulate them. In Ezekiel 16:44, the Bible says, “As is the mother, so is the daughter.” Are we showing our children the right way, or are we training an ungodly generation? So many of our young people now don’t know about Jesus, and the way of salvation. We are to be an example to our children everyday.
Jesus came to be our example of how to live life. As long as He is in control of our lives, and we are living a life that others can see Jesus in us, we have no problems! But when we try to handle our own lives without Him, then our troubles start.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Bro. Derrell’s message for this Mother’s Day was taken from John 19:26-27. “Seven Ways to Love Your Mother.” Take time to read this scripture about the saddest day in Jesus’ life. Jesus told his disciples “behold thy mother.” We can’t be wrong with our mothers and love Jesus.
We are hearing great reports from those that attended the Senior Adult Evangelism Conference at First Baptist Pelham last Monday.
Remember to pray for all the names on our Prayer List. Little Jacob Jones was carried to the hospital Sunday night. Eddie Cleckler, Gladys and Cecil Franklin, Ryan Scott and the lost.
Mt. Springs
Services started with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Jesus Is Coming Soon,” “I’ll Have A New Life,” “If I Could Hear My Mother Pray Again,” and “I Want to Be Ready to Meet Him.”
Bro. Ricky Bice gave a devotion from 1 Corinthians 13:4-7. A mother is always there; there is no other love like the love of our mothers.
After Sunday School, Bro. Kenneth led the church in the hymns “Camping In Canaan’s Land” and “Where the Soul Never Dies.” Bro. Roger Cleckler sang “We Didn’t Have Much, but We Had Plenty” and blessed the church with a wonderful song about mothers.
Bro. Roger preached from Luke 2:41-52. Bro. Roger gave examples of how mothers are today and how they were in the Bible days. If you have a godly mother who is still alive, go and thank her for everything she has done for you in your life. Bro. Roger done a wonderful job preaching the mother’s day sermon.
Sunday’s night service began with Bro. Kenneth leading the church in the hymns “Tis So Sweet To Trust in Jesus,” “The Prettiest Flowers Will Be Blooming,” and “Come and Dine.”
Bro. Kenneth Moates gave a devotion from 1 John 5-7. If we truly love God we should want to fellowship with his people.
The church honored the mother’s by having a flower service. Each member of the church went and told our brothers and sisters in Christ how much they meant to us by giving them flowers. It was a blessing to all that came.
Samaria Baptist
We recognized our mothers Sunday with the gift of flowers. We had a wonderful service, and dedicated a new mother and son. Our prayer concerns today continue to focus on Fran Burrell; Drusilla Hudgins’ mom, and Drusilla and Walter, Ronald and Joanne Coker, Ashley Shearon, Ozelle Mims’ niece, and Tracy Mims.
Diane Fisher sang “Is Anything Too Hard for God.” Bro. Charles’ text came from 2 Kings 4:8-17.
This emphasized the Shunnamite woman, who fed strangers and provided refuge and shelter for them as they came through her area to carry the message of God.
May God bless all mothers this week with the guidance and grace that it takes for them to do the things He has for them to do. If you haven’t talked to your mother in a while, don’t you think it is time you did? Life is short, and God demands that we honor our parents.