CMC auxiliary looking for members

Published 8:49 pm Monday, March 19, 2012

Ruby Zeigler and Jean Woodfin are two of Chilton Medical Center’s auxiliary members.

Chilton Medical Center’s auxiliary is looking for a few good women.

The group, also known as the “Pink Ladies,” is looking to gain new members in 2012, said Ann Taddicken with CMC. There are now 13 members in the auxiliary, which started in 1971.

The women, who are almost all retirees, volunteer at the hospital, helping at the CMC’s front desk, answering questions and assisting patients. They also run the hospital’s gift shop and are active as a group in the community.

Recently, the auxiliary has helped construct the hospital’s prayer garden and purchased a new desk for CMC’s front lobby.

“They are such a vital party of the hospital,” said Taddicken. “They are the sweetest group of women. It’s so nice to work alongside them.”

The Pink Ladies usually volunteer in 4-hour shifts one or more days a week. They also have a monthly meeting and about two outings a year.

Anyone interested in joining the auxiliary should contact Taddicken at 280-3536. There is an application to fill out, and all volunteers at CMC must also pass a background check.