Relay For Life creating commemorative billboard

Published 12:17 pm Thursday, February 9, 2012

Anyone who has lost a loved one to cancer or who knows a cancer survivor can honor or memorialize them in a public way.

A special Relay For Life billboard in Chilton County will bear the names of those affected by cancer.

“For $50 per name, you can have the name of your loved one placed in lights for everyone to see,” said Aimee Eiland, Relay chairwoman for Chilton County. “It’s a great way to celebrate loved ones who have won their battle against cancer, remember those who are no longer with us and fight back against this disease that touches so many.”

The Chilton County Board of Education’s Relay For Life team is sponsoring the billboard, which Allen Deason of A&M Outdoor Advertising is donating.

The location of the billboard is not known at this time.

All of the proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society, and contributions are tax-deductible.

“Every dollar raised brings us one dollar closer to a cure and to a time when the number of people who have to hear the words ‘you have cancer’ is zero,” Eiland said.

The board’s Relay For Life team has set a goal of 30 names, or $1,500, for the fundraiser.

The deadline for this fundraiser is March 1.

Checks made payable to American Cancer Society can be taken to the Board of Education office on Lay Dam Road in Clanton.

For more information, contact team leader Kim McKinney at (205) 280-2902 or Aimee Eiland at (205) 280-2910.