Schools celebrate Digital Learning Day Feb. 1

Published 4:24 pm Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Chilton County Schools will join schools throughout Alabama in celebrating Digital Learning Month on Wednesday, Feb. 1, which has been named Digital Learning Day.

The Alabama Department of Education is partnering with the Alliance for Excellent Education to participate in the first Digital Learning Day campaign, a national program designed to celebrate innovative teaching and highlight practices that make learning more personalized and engaging for students, according to an Alabama Department of Education press release.

“It’s basically giving kids a chance to showcase what you can do with your computer,” Superintendent Dave Hayden said. “Schools will be designing things to go on the website. It’s kind of wide open.”

Hayden said teachers and technical coordinators at each school in will decide how they want their students to participate.

“I think we’re going to be impressed with it,” Hayden said. “We’re excited to see what the students come up with.”

A national town hall meeting will be held Feb. 1 to highlight and celebrate Digital Learning Day participants across the nation, the press release said. Alabama is one of only five states that will present a video showcasing digital learning.