Judge’s order affects manufactured home decals

Published 5:51 pm Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A federal judge has blocked, at least temporarily, part of the state’s immigration law that required people to prove citizenship when renewing manufactured home decals.

U.S. District Court Judge Myron Thompson issued the temporary restraining order last Wednesday.

The decals, which are required under state law, must be renewed sometime between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30.

Chilton County Tax Collector Tim Little said his office did not receive notification of the restraining order from the state until late Monday morning.

Given Thompson’s injunction, people will not be prevented from registering their manufactured home or denied a decal because of their citizenship status, Little said.

“Anyone that was refused a decal prior to our notification may return to our office and renew or register their manufactured home,” Little said in a statement.

Several civil rights groups filed a lawsuit challenging the section regarding manufactured home decals and other contracts on behalf of two Elmore County immigrants.