Clanton takes next step for storm shelters

Published 8:36 pm Monday, October 24, 2011

The Clanton City Council took the next step necessary to secure weather radios for every home and business within the city limits and four storm shelters.

The council voted to move ahead with a grant to build four storm shelters in Clanton. The grant would be for a total of $440,000, of which Clanton would have to pay $110,000. Clanton’s contribution could also include in-kind work like site preparation.

Since the grant lacks final approval, Mayor Billy Joe Driver said exact locations for the shelters haven’t been finalized. He said he would like to see shelters near West End, Lomax and Enterprise Road though.

The council also moved forward with a grant to purchase NOAA weather radios for every home and business in Clanton (approximately 4,000 radios). That grant totals $120,000 total, of which Clanton would be responsible for $30,000, which could also include in-kind work.

The grants follow the tornadoes of April 27 and still need final approval from FEMA.

In other business, the council took the following actions:

•Amended the city’s police department manual in response to the new immigration law and how it handles detainees that can’t prove their citizenship status. For more on the policy, see on Tuesday or read Wednesday’s paper.

•Voted to advertise a building/zoning inspector position.