Church news for Thursday, Oct. 6, 2011

Published 12:43 pm Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Bethany Baptist
The Apostle Paul commends the church at Thessalonica in Bro. Steve’s message Sunday morning (1 Thessalonians 1).  Paul thanked God for the church and prayed for them.  The church was a healthy church.  They were hard working, willing to work.  They had obedient followers; they served out of love for the Lord, not for the praise of men.  They were faithful to God, in spite of suffering.  They were a witnessing church, (verses 7-8) sounding out the Word of the Lord wherever they went.  They were also a watching church, faithfully and patiently waiting for Christ’s return.  What an example!
Sunday night Bro. Steve brought a message taken from Luke 2:40-52.  The Bible doesn’t reveal much about Jesus’ young life before He began His ministry.  These verses do tell us that God’s grace was upon Jesus, and He grew in wisdom, stature and favor with God and man.
October birthdays and anniversaries:  Oct. 10, Jean DeLoach; Oct. 10, Elaine Staton; Oct. 16, Shirley Wallace; Oct. 22, Barbara Miller; Oct. 23, James and Jean DeLoach (anniversary)
Prayer list:  Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Jesse Wallace.
See you Sunday.

Bethsalem Baptist
Our morning service started with the baptism of Dalton Spigner and Alden Moore.
The morning message by Bro. Brad was “God’s Command to Parents” from Ephesians 6:4.
Pray this week for Randy and Anna Thompson and their daughter Lilliana, J.D. Jones, Bro. James Moore, Charles Bryant, Jeanette Smitherman, Patsy Lockhart, Sylvia Wingard, Nolan Waters, Janice Blackmon, Billy Ray Mims, Paul Green, Tyler Harmon, Joe Ann Adams, Clyde Hughes, Ella Vance, Jimmy and Jetti Durbin, Scott Blankenship, Pete Burnett, Joe Wingard, Austin Hicks, Jeff Brasher, Macoy Durren, Perry Jacks, Vic Lawrence, Elaine Boddie, Richard Ferrell, Philip Plyer, Mrs. Davis, Wesley Averette, our missionaries, those in storm areas, families who have lost their loved ones, pray for revival to come, our homebound, and remember our country.
Happy birthday this week to Justin Gray, Ashtin Arnold, Heath Polk, Baylen Watkins, Hazel Gothard, Bruce Moore, Thomas Nichols, Shane Fulmer, Ryan Hunt and Courtney Pack.
Happy anniversary to Roy and Pattie Martin (23 years) and Gary and Tracy Hand (one year).
Have a blessed week. God is so good.

Calvary Independent Baptist
Calvary Independent Baptist Church was blessed to have more visitors for this Sunday’s services. Pastor Rick Hatchett brought the morning message about the fall of mankind in Genesis 3 and how God did not abandon His creation. He preached on how God clothed them after they had sinned and used passages in Isaiah 61 and 1 Corinthians 5 to show how even we are clothed today by putting on the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s plan for man’s salvation. The shed blood of innocent animals for the sin of man back in Genesis 3 was a picture that looked forward to the time that the Lord Jesus Christ would shed His own innocent blood on Calvary’s cross for the sin of mankind.
Sunday night’s service continued in Revelation 12 with Associate Pastor Oscar Mims. We have several people on our prayer list and also some members of our church that are out because of sickness and surgery; please remember to keep in prayer all that are in need of physical healing.
We want to welcome everyone to come worship with us during our homecoming services on Oct. 16. Also we want everyone to make plans to be with us Oct. 17, 18 and 19 at 6:30 p.m. each night for revival with God’s spokesman Bro. Chip Coleman preaching.
Come visit with us for any of our services.

Cedar Grove
“I am the bread of life, he that cometh to me shall never hunger and he that believeth on me shall never thirst” (John 6:35).
The morning service began with “There’s Power in the Blood,” followed by “Where the Soul Never Dies.”
Happy birthday to Joyce Scott, Chris Giles and Shannon Bullard.
Our hearts are saddened for Brother Alton Russell in the death of his mother, Ellen Russell. We know she will be missed, but our loss is heaven’s gain. Please remember the family when you pray.
We sang several congregation songs, and the choir blessed us by singing three songs. Sister Amelia Hubbard sung “How Great Our God” accompanied by her husband Gary and son Cody and the choir as backup; it was beautiful. Sam Price sang “I Can’t Even Walk.”
Brother Jeff Carroll preached a good message entitled “The Blood.” We had the pleasure of having Brother Donnie Sumner with us. He is a wonderful singer, speaker and entertainer.
We are going to have Brother Tim Green coming on Nov. 13 for morning service, and we will let you know more later. You can read about all the happenings on the website,
Pray for all our fighting men and women and their families, and remember our freedom “ain’t” free. Pray for Israel.
For more information, call 646-2390.

Christ Independent Methodist
With this past Sunday being Worldwide Communion Sunday, Dr. Mac Stinson led us in celebrating the Lord’s Supper following our morning worship service.
For the past few Sundays, Dr. Stinson has used the Gospel of Matthew as the basis for his morning worship service. This week he chose Matthew 21-33 for his scripture reading. In prior lessons, Jesus has been traveling toward Jerusalem, and in this lesson he made his triumphal entry into the holy city.
Our prayer list is short this week. Thank God for answered prayers. Continue to remember Cindy McCavitt, Horace and Mary Ann Carden, Opal Miller, our military, their families, our church, community, each other, Israel and all her people. Remember our church family members who are traveling this week.
Dr. Mike Weldon, executive director of the Association of Independent Methodist Churches, will be our guest Oct. 16 and bring our morning message. We urge all our church family to be present, to meet Dr. Weldon, and to share our covered dish dinner with him.
Have a blessed week.

Church of God’s Word
Bro. Jimmy Langston opened with prayer. We started at 10 a.m., sang songs and took prayer requests.
Pastor Ray Edwards felt led to preach on the book of Job about how Job lost everything he had because he was too proud, and Satan took all that he had.
Whatever we sow you will also reap. You may lose everything, but if you hold on to your first love, Jesus, at the end he will restore it all back to you just like he restored everything back to Job.
It is not about you and me, but it’s all about Jesus. Whatever we do we are supposed to do it to glorify God. If we show kindness, longsuffering and gentleness, then that shows Christ within us. But if we show anger and hate toward others, and talk bad about other people, then that shows Satan.
If you live for Christ, then instead of putting someone down that is already down, you will try to lift them up and put them on the right path. The Bible tells us to strive to be perfect as he is perfect. We are to love one another because Jesus is love. When we truly repent, then the blood washes away our sins.
The last Friday night of this month, the church will have a weenie roast and games for the kids and grown-ups. Everyone is invited to attend.

Friendship Baptist
Bro. Ken’s (Daniel) message was from Luke 19:1-10 and was titled, “It Only Takes a Spark.” Bro. Ken talked about the meeting of Jesus and Zacchaeus. Each of us has a need — school, work, home, family, health and so forth. Sometimes we want help on our time, our way. We must let Jesus help in his time and in his way.
During the evening service, Bro. Ken’s message was from Exodus 35:30-36, “Everyone Has a Gift to Give.”
We are getting ready to start our new church directory. See Michelle Riley for more details.
The GAs are collecting the following items for Thanksgiving dinners for needy families: cake mix, icing, brownie mix, macaroni and cheese, green beans, corn, English peas, stuffing, yams, and boxed mashed potatoes. If you are willing to buy a turkey, see Andrea Wakefield.
Prayer requests: John McClure, Clyde and Mavis Jones, Ovida Bennett, Chris Christafides, Jimmy Lyles, Kay Fanning, Stephanie Jones, Logan Pledger, Lucille Price, Tony Connell, Irby Fanning and Holly Shirley.
Friday, Oct. 7, the young adult class will have a “date night” and go see the movie “Courageous” meeting at the church at 5:30. Babysitters will be provided at the church.

Lime Springs United Methodist
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from 1 Peter 5:6-11 entitled, “Lion Alert or Lion Dessert!” He reminded us that the lion played a major role in many stories in the Bible. It was a lion that Samson used as part of his riddle to the 30 Philistine groomsmen. David killed both a lion and a bear while a shepherd. It was a lion that killed the unfaithful prophet. Isaiah prophesied of a coming day when the lion and lamb will lay together in peace. It was the lions’ den that Daniel was placed in and yet was not harmed. Jesus was called the Lion of Judah in Revelation 5:5.
And yet, as important as all of these references to lions are, the one Peter warns us about is far more important. Peter reminds us that Satan is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.
This means Satan is taking every opportunity to grab hold of people at their weakest moments and take them to hell with him. It is for this reason we must become “lion alert” instead of “lion dessert.”
We held our monthly congregational meeting after the morning service.
Our evening Bible study continued a series on the Old Testament: a summary. We studied the book of Daniel.
Happy birthday to Josey Shannon.
Happy anniversary to June and Mack Traywick, and Angie and Kenny Bates.

Mt. Carmel Baptist No. 1
We praise God for the wonderful day he gave our visitors and us this Sunday. As our choir sang “Because He Lives,” the sweet, sweet Spirit of the Lord was felt in our service. People went to the altar to pray, and the Holy Spirit was truly present.
Our pastor had the attention of a large number of children as he taught a short lesson on how every person is important in the church and in the eyes of the Lord. We thank the Lord for our children.
Bro. Derrell’s message for the day was entitled, “What’s On Your Plate,” and scripture was taken from Daniel 1:3-15.
Sunday night’s service was moved to the home of Cecil and Gladys Franklin. Bro. Cecil is very ill and unable to attend church services. We had a very warm, heartfelt service with singing, testimony, Bible reading and prayer. Everybody let Bro. Cecil and Gladys know how they loved them and how thankful we all were for their service to the Lord and Mt. Carmel Church.
Everyone is invited to our prayer breakfast Oct. 8 at 8 a.m. Come join us for breakfast and bring your prayer requests.
Oct. 16 from noon until 3 p.m., our youth will help service at Zaxby’s for a spirit day. This will help support their youth trip. Come dine in or drive through.
We ask you to remember the names on our prayer list in your prayers this week. I pray that we will all be in worship service somewhere this next week.
Have a blessed week.

Mt. Springs
Service began on Sunday, Oct. 2 with Bro. Kenneth Moates leading the church in the following hymns: “Victory In Jesus,” “Power in the Blood,” “Just a Little Talk with Jesus” and “I Want to be Ready.”
Bro. Don’s message was taken from Psalms 45:2, Song of Solomon 2:1-5, and Revelation 4: 11. The message was titled “The Glories of Our Lord Jesus.” Christ is all things to all people: The Bread of Life, the Bright and Morning Star, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He sits at the right hand of our father living as a conqueror. What is being revealed in your life, Christ or the devil?
We would like to invite each of you to come and join our community revival. The Revival will be held Oct. 9-13. Beginning Oct. 5 there will be a community prayer service held at Cane Creek Baptist church at 7 p.m. The community revival will began on Sunday, Oct. 9 at Mt. Springs Independent Methodist Protestant Church at 6 p.m. The speaker will be the Rev. O’Neal Cleckler.
Revival will continue Oct. 10 at Mt. Bethel Baptist Church at 7 p.m. with speaker the Rev. Jerry Cleckler, Oct. 11 at Cane Creek Baptist Church at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Gerald Stamps, Oct. 12 at New Hope Assembly of God at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Donald Vanderslice, and Oct. 13 at Old Macedonia Baptist Church at 7 p.m. with the Rev. Austin Ball.

Samaria Baptist

What a beautiful day for the Lord to come, or to worship Him in spirit and truth.  We were blessed again with Jeannie Mims serving us well as our pianist.  Diane Fisher sang, “I Want to Thank You,” a song giving appreciation to all who witness in our daily lives.
See John 17:20-26. No man sees God visually, but we see the glory of God.  Isaiah asked, “How he could be a great prophet, for without Christ we are undone.” Paul was a great preacher, but before he met Christ, he was a lost sinner who brought harm to the cause of Christ.  God deserves our worship, honor and reverence.  Our hope is in the Lord.  He can change lives, and He is ready to change your life right now.
Jesus provides the Guiding Light for all of us to see the way to follow.  He was sent to save us. Jesus died for you and me.
Call on Him today. Make Samaria your church home, and worship with us.  Pray for Horace Cleckler, Ray Hardee, Harold Sansom and all our military, all over the globe.
Revival begins on Oct. 30.  Bro. Don Graham will be bringing God’s messages and we invite all to come.  God bless you!