Church News for Thursday, Sept. 15
Published 4:56 pm Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Our Sunday morning worship service began with us taking an opportunity to remember those that lost their lives in the tragedy that happened to our country 10 years ago on this date. Even though this was an awful event, we can still say that God has richly blessed America with our freedom to gather in His house for worship. May we never forget the price that has been paid for the freedoms we enjoy.
We were blessed to have a large group of children in our service Sunday morning. Bro. Derrell’s “Sermon in a Sack” for them was centered on an over ripened banana. Just because the banana really looks bad on the outside doesn’t make the inside unusable (it is great for banana nut bread). God can take the most rotten person and make something great of them! His morning message for the congregation was taken from Acts 2:41-47 and Eph. 4:11-16. He titled it “I wish it was like it used to be.” The traits of the early church should also be prevalent in the churches of today. The church should and could still be growing. God is still the same as He was then. His power is still just as real. The roadblocks that Satan throws in our way can be moved by God’s power if we allow Him to lead us. Growth in the church honors God.
Sunday evening following our Discipleship Training lesson, we enjoyed a time of singing some old favorite hymns. We did not have a message. We had a special circle prayer asking God to bless those of our church family that are having problems at this time. Those on our special prayer list this week are Robert Childress, Minnie Childress, Cecil Franklin, Sarah Scott, Hershel Scott, Elladene Mims, Leona Liveoak, and Khloe Barnett. We ask for your prayers this week for these and others that were on hearts but not spoken.
Samaria Baptist
What a beautiful day for serving our Lord. As our nation respectfully remembered the tragic events of 10 years ago, we praise our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for our safety, and freedom to worship Him in spirit and in truth. We were blessed with Jeannie Mims today as our pianist, as well as singing a beautiful special for us. We also were blessed by the playing and singing of Gerald and Tammy Smitherman. We pray for all the special requests of the day, and for our military and fire and police persons everywhere.
Our scripture today came out of 1 Corinthians 13. The love chapter. We all know that some church folks can be hard to get along with; just because sometimes we can be ornery. God’s Word is plain, and says that if we have the love of the Holy Spirit, we are changed. Now, personalities don’t always change; but what is in the heart will.
Selfishness hinders the cause of Christ, and impatience is not a characteristic of a spirit of love. The Holy Spirit helps us to be the people we ought to be. Lost people produce discord and uncleanness. Galations says fruits of the spirit are love, meekness, and temperance. Let us walk in the spirit. Jesus came from heaven and left us with the Holy Spirit to guide, protect and direct our lives.
There is no time for a Christian to waste being grouchy and grumpy, and making folks wonder what’s wrong with them. There is a lost and dying world that we need to focus on bringing to Jesus.
Center Hill Church
Our worship service was opened by Dusty Dutton singing “Above All.”
This song was in praise to God and also a tribute to those that lost their lives 10 years ago on 9/11.
Bro. Jeff Champion spoke on Christ meeting the needs of people. Those that are weak in faith and weak in vision should look toward Heaven to meet their needs. We need to remember that Jesus has authority over circumstances to meet the needs of a lost and dying world. However, He meets needs according to His agenda.
This past week, Care Net Crisis Pregnancy Center held an art class at Center Hill. Over 30 were in attendance.Thanks to Christy Millard for leading the class, and to Deanna Crist for all the preparation.
Our hearts were blessed Sunday night by the children’s musical program “4 Kids 4 the Way”. Many thanks to Jackie Champion, Amanda Varden, and Sheri Smotherman for their dedication in directing the program.
As always, remember that children grades 1-6 are welcome to attend our Olympian’s program that meets every Wednesday night. Supper is provided at 6 pm.
Upcoming events include prayer service Friday night at the home of Jeff and Jackie Champion.
“Secret Church” Bible study will be Friday, November 4 from 6 p.m. to midnight. Business meeting will be Sunday, Sept. 18.
Wednesday, Sept. 28 is “See You at the Pole.” This service will be held in downtown Clanton with the youth from area churches joining together in prayer.
Remember all of those on our prayer list.
Cedar Grove Church
Brother Steve Price led the congregation in singing “Glory To His Name and “The Old Gospel Ship”
We had a great Sunday school lesson taught by Brother Gary Hubbard, the title “David and Jonathan” the scripture came from 1st Samuel 20 : 1 -13.
The Golden Text: A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. Proverbs 18 : 24
To get the worship service started ,Brother Steve led “Mansion Over The Hilltop” and “I’ll Fly Away.” Sister Patricia Cofer sang a beautiful song, “Thank You For The Roses.”
Happy birthday to Ann Baker, Gayla Popwell and Angela Singleton. Happy anniversary to Charlotte and Wendell Ray.
We welcome our visitors and hope you will come again.
Please remember to pray for the Price family in the loss of their loved one, Dennis, and also the sick and shut-ins.
Brother Jeff Carroll’s message was entitled “How Many Days Do You Have Left?” His scripture came from Hebrews 3: 12 -15.
The song of invitation was “I Know Who Holds Tomorrow,” the altar filled with those being prayed for and praying.
The evening service began with Brother J.C. Pierce leading the congregation due to the absence of Brother Steve Price.
We were blessed by the choir singing several songs, and Brother Gary Hubbard sang “I’m Amazed” with the choir as his background singers.
Brother Heath Vines had a busy day. He was the guest speaker for Pleasant Grove No. 2. Homecoming, and he preached for us as usual tonight.
Brother Heath’s message was, “Does God’s Word Dwell in Us?” His scripture came from Colossians 3:16-18.
The song of invitation was, “What a Friend,” and the altar filled again with praying.
Be sure and check our website, It would be nice if you would sign the guestbook so we would know you had been there.
May you all have a safe and happy week. God bless.
Jackson Chapel
Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Nothing But The Blood Of Jesus,” “The Old Rugged Cross” and “Amazing Grace.”
Bro. Dewayne Castleberry brought the morning message from Isaiah 46:9-13 – There is no one that can help us like Jesus can. When we have burdens that we carry around, there is no reason why we shouldn’t turn them over to the Lord. We as Christians have got to remember that God can’t answer a prayer that we will not pray, so we have needs or burdens that get us down, we should remember that we serve an awesome God, and he is there to meet our every needs. The service ended with several coming to pray, and several came forward to be anointed and prayed for.
Bro Gary Fant got the evening service started off with “O The Glory Did Roll,” “Revive Us Again,” and “I Want To Be Ready To Meet Him.” Bro. Dewayne Castleberry brought the message from Luke 8:43-38 – If we have needs in our lives and we come to Jesus and have no faith and don’t believe that he can do whatever we ask we just might as well not ask him. God is able to do whatever we ask so when we come to Jesus with our needs we need to believe that God is going to answer our prayers the minute we ask him.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Bro. Dennis and Susan Smith, Harold Sansom, Toby and Delma Mayfield, Janie Smitherman, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.
Calvary Independent Baptist
Calvary Independent Baptist Church had great times of fellowship and worshipping the Lord this weekend.
Sunday, we had a Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag and special prayers in recognition of the many brave men, women and children that were a part of the tragedy that struck America 10 years ago on September 11.
Associate Pastor Oscar Mims brought the morning message about the Christian life and the goodness of God taken from text in the Book of Psalms. Pastor Rick Hatchett preached in the Sunday evening service about the many preparations God had made before the world ever began. His text was taken mostly from the Book of Ephesians. If you are looking to visit a church anytime in the near future, September 18 is National Back to Church Sunday.
That would make this coming Sunday an excellent day to come visit and worship with us at Calvary.
We are located South Clanton just past Dollar General, right off 31 on Fulmer Drive.
For more information, call Pastor Rick Hatchett at 256-786-0977, Associate Pastor Oscar Mims at 205-755-9399 or Youth Pastor Kevin Shaw at 205-351-4585.
Mt. Springs
Our homecoming was held this Sunday, Sept. 11 with special guests the Bowling family, Canaanland, and evangelist Bro. Bobby Brindle.
The service was such a blessing for everyone. Mike Bowling was not able to be there, however, because of his staff infection in his sinuses. We are praying for a speedy recovery for him and that God will take care of him and his wonderful family.
Everyone was truly touched by the testimony that Kelly Bowling gave of what a miracle God gave them as he brought them out of the bus accident. We will continue to have the Bowling family in our prayers and are so grateful for what God has brought them through.
Here’s a verse for you this week: 1 Peter 5:6, Humble yourself therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exhalt you in due time.
Remember our services start on Sunday at 9:45 a.m. and 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday at 7 p.m. Hope to see you there!
Bethany Baptist
It is important to remember events; in spite of the tragedy and grief of Sept. 11, 2001, it is good to remember that it was a time when many prayed and called upon God. It was heartwarming to see the sacrifices and courage many extended toward helping others and the resolve to do what was right.
In Bro. Steve’s message from Luke 13:1-5 many people asked Jesus who sinned that the tower of Siloam fell and killed 18 people in Jerusalem. Jesus responded that the fact that these 18 were killed was not because they were sinners above all others. He continued, “..Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.” The question is not, why did those die, by why am I still alive?
Whether it is a 9/11, tower of Siloam, or people in Clanton or Verbena, the truth is: we all need to repent and turn to God.
Sunday night after monthly business meeting, Bro. Steve brought a good message from the first eight verses of Psalm 37. Instead of fretting and envying evildoers, we are to trust and delight in the Lord; rest in Him and commit our ways to Him.
Upcoming Events: Homecoming at Bethany, September 25, 2011
Prayer List: Betty Biggs, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ophelia Griffin, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Jesse Wallace.
Bethsalem Church
Our morning service began on Sept. 11 with welcoming and fellowship time with the congregation singing. Special music was brought by the Celebration Choir, “God Says You’re Gonna Make it.” The message was brought by Bro. Brad Eubank. His message was “God Always Has the Last Word,” drawing on Bible verses Ester 8:1-7.
During the evening service, the Lord’s Supper was observed, remembering our Lord’s sacrifice he paid for all of us. The message came from Galatians 6:17-26, “The Brand Marks of Christ: Humility, Love, Compassion, Forgiveness, Sacrifice, Suffering, Sharing and Fruit of the Spirit.”
The prayer list includes: Randy and Anna Thompson and their daughter, Lilliana; J.D. Jones; Bro. James Moore; Charles Bryant; Jeanett Smitherman; Sylvia Wingard; Noah Waters; Janice Blackmon; Billy Ray Mims; Paul Green; Tyler Harmon; Joe Ann Andams; Clyde Hughes; Ella Vance; Donald Cleckler; Tomerria Scott; Jetti Durbin; Scott Blankership; Pete Burnett; Hunter Moore; Joe Wingard; Austin Hicks; Jeff Brasher; Macoy Durren; Perry Jacks; Bic Lawrence; those in areas affected by storms; families who have lost their loved ones. Also pray for revival to come and four all our homebound. Pray for our country.
Family night supper will be held at 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, as will all children’s choir practice, the Outlet for students with Student Minister Cleve Mallory and a prayer meeting for adults.
Happy birthday this week to Darlene Rice, Claire Williams, Janie Gray, Brian Culp, Bridget Wendell, Steve Yeargan, Zachary Wilson, Abbi Wright, Ethan Wendall, Mason McCary and Garnett Chavers.
Church of God’s Word
Praise and worship started at 9:30 a.m. and lasted until 10:30. Sis. Shirley Langston sang “There is Coming a Great Day.” The drama team presented “Now Behold the Lamb of God.” Pastor Ray Edwards opened up with a prayer.
He talked about how we are to be crucified with Christ, buried and resurrected with Jesus. When we were baptized, then we were buried with him. Then we were raised up with him.
Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world (Matthew 22). When we become alive in Christ, then we began to do things that Christ did. We are to raise the dead and heal the sick. We represent Jesus Christ on this earth because we are no longer dead but alive to Him. Jesus hung on the cross, they laid Him in the tomb and he was raised up.
The devil don’t want to stand up and praise God in the house of God. The devil don’t want you to stand up and testify. But when we stand up and praise and worship God, then we are alive unto Him. He said that if we didn’t praise that He would cause the rocks to cry out, so whatever anyone needs this morning we can have it.
Pastor Edwards invites everyone to come and visit. Homecoming will be Sept. 25, and the church is looking to have a great time in the Lord and fellowship with one another.
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday school lesson was taken from Galatians 5:22-23 on the Fruits of the Spirit: Joy. This is the third of a 10-part lesson series.
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from I Corinthians 11:23-26 and Jeremiah 2:32 entitled “Do You Remember?” Sunday was the 10th anniversary of the attacks on America we call 9/11. Bro. Shannon began his message reminding us of three similarities between these attacks on America and the one carried out upon Christ at Calvary. Both of these incidents were carried out by evil (Satan), both incidents witnessed both the guilty (attackers/thieves) and innocent (Americans/Christ) suffer and both incidents must never be forgotten. It is for this reason we as Americans set aside a day each year to remember 9/11; and rightfully so. It is also for this reason Christians set aside a day each week to remember Christ, through the receiving of Holy Communion. Just as Americans must never forget 9/11, so Christians must never forget the cross! Do you remember? We closed the service by receiving Holy Communion.
Happy Birthday wishes to Dana Moore.
Our evening Bible study focused upon the Book of Isaiah.
For more information about Lime Springs, call 755-4950. Our service times are: Sunday school at 9:30 a.m., morning worship at 11 a.m. and Bible study at 5 p.m. Our Wednesday evening prayer service is 6:30 p.m. Everyone is invited.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
Today is one every soul attending our church will long remember. It is a day that I wish every soul in Chilton County could have been present for. This is a day that I know everyone present made many deposits in their memory banks. This is why:
Our pastor, Dr. Mac Stinson, was one of the early responders answering the call for help following the tragic events of 9/11 at the World Trade Center Towers in New York City. He went in answer to the call from New York City Police in his capacity as a chaplain at Ground Zero. Altogether, there were 836 responders from 70 countries following the loss of about 3,000 American citizens that day. Chaplains were in great need by the families who lost loved ones. To quote President Roosevelt regarding the bombing of Pearl Harbor, this tragic event will also be remembered by everyone living on that tragic day as “A day of infamy.”
Today, the front of our church was a miniature museum of Sept. 11, 2001. There was a magnificent painting of the Ground Zero cross. For those too young to remember or who may have forgotten, this cross was found among the rubble at Ground Zero. It consists of two iron rails forged together forming a perfect cross, pulled from the rubble! The mystery is how it became formed. Some believe by God indicating His presence.
Another painting displayed was named “The Prodigal Son,” painted by a Montgomery artist from the memory of a vision she had of 9/11. The artist was Julia W. Stark. She gave law enforcement responders a copy of this treasure.
Horrific as these events were, we as Christians can’t afford to let them take control of our lives. We must remember that forgiveness is not easy, but is possible by the grace of God. Not forgiving can take greater toll on us than forgiving. How can we seek forgiveness if we fail to forgive others? Forgiveness is more for yourself than for those you forgive.
We began our morning worship by watching a movie entitled “We Remember.” Let’s pray to God we do in the spirit of forgiveness.
If ever two men met the ultimate challenge of leadership during their hour of challenge, I give personal credit to President George W. Bush and then Mayor Rudy Giuliani of New York City. Two of my heroes.
Pray for the family of Paul Dean and the family of Roger Dale Wilson. Both men passed away this past week.
Also on our prayer list: Dr. Mac Stinson, Alex Dawson, Dwight Sammons, Cindy McCavitt, Opal Miller, Wilma Allison, our military, their families, our church, community, Israel and her people.
Also, our missionaries as they carry the Word of God to foreign countries.
Coming up Sunday, Sept. 18, is our homecoming celebration with Rev. F. B. Martin as our visiting minister and Holy Destiny as our guest singers. These gifted singers are Chilton County’s gift to all who appreciate religious singing. We urge all church family members to be present and invite all of you to accept our invitation. Bless our members who are traveling.