BOE approves bringing two nurses back

Published 6:32 pm Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Chilton County Board of Education will rehire two of the four nurses laid off since the end of the school year.

Superintendent Dave Hayden made the request Tuesday during a special meeting of the board.

The board approved the request, which means the two nurses with the most seniority will be asked back first. If those nurses don’t accept the job, the other two nurses laid off will then be asked.

If none or just one of the nurses decides to come back, the system will advertise the positions.

When asking for the hires, Hayden said the two additions will mean the system will have eight nurses next year — a number he said the state recommended for Chilton County.

The nurses will be rotated between schools based on critical needs and geography, Hayden said.

The nurses’ salaries will be paid from entirely local funds, said board chairman Joe Mims.

The board also approved several new employees for this upcoming school year, including:

•A cafeteria assistant, math teacher and social science teacher at Chilton County High School.

•A preschool teacher, two preschool teacher assistants and secretary/bookkeeper (10 months) at Clanton Elementary School.

•A cafeteria assistant, secretary (nine months), and teacher assistant at Clanton Middle School.

•Two teachers at Jemison Elementary School.

•A math teacher at Jemison High School.

•A collaborative education teacher, elementary teacher and general music teacher/band director at Maplesville.

•An ARI reading coach and a counselor/media specialist at Verbena. Both these hires were transfers from other schools.

•An emergency bus shop hire for a Clanton route driver.

•Three special education hourly teacher assistants at Clanton Elementary, Clanton Intermediate and Isabella. (These positions are paid for with Medicaid reimbursement funds).