Council awards sidewalk bid

Published 6:31 pm Monday, July 11, 2011

Work to add sidewalks along Old Henry Road in Lomax could start as early as next month.

On Monday, the council awarded the bid for the project to Burnett Civil Contractor out of Montgomery for $121,733. The Alabama Department of Transportation grant required a 20-percent match from the city of Clanton, meaning the city’s total contribution will be approximately $31,000.

In other business, the council hired part-time police officer Chris Wilson on as full-time. Wilson fills the position left open by the retirement of Detective Freddie Mayfield. The department will promote from within to fill Mayfield’s detective role, according to Police Chief Brian Stilwell.

•Approved Hull and Russell, P.C. to handle the city’s 2010-2011 audit. The company’s bid for the audit was $29,355.