Church news for Thursday, June 23, 2011

Published 5:34 pm Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson continued on a series focused on a biblical view of the Church.
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from Mark 5:21-43 entitled, “Three Traits of a Good Father.” Bro. Shannon started the message by sharing data collected over the past decade, showing the moral and social decline contributed to the lack of having a father present in a home. He reminded us that being able to produce a child did not make one a good father.
Using the story of Jarius, Bro. Shannon asked the question, “What traits of being a good father did Jarius’ daughter see in him?” He shared three possibilities. She may have seen a father who was not afraid to seek Jesus for his life. Second, she may have seen a father who was not ashamed to bring Christ into his home. Finally, she may have seen a father who was not ashamed to express his love to her. These three qualities can go a long way in making a man a good father, just as it can make any person a better person.
May we all seek Christ for our lives, invite him into our homes and love one another in his name. Happy Father’s Day!
Our evening Bible study continued a series on the Old Testament; a summary.
Happy birthday to June Traywick and Mary Martin.
We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information, please call 755-6356.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
We praise God for his blessings on our Sunday morning service. We are so thankful for everyone that came, and we always welcome our visitors. It’s so good to see family members to come and worship with their dads on Father’s Day.
Following our song service, Bro. Derrell recognized all the fathers and presented them with a small but useful gift, then led in a prayer for all the fathers, prayed for God to lead them in the role of their children’s father, for a different outlook on their lives in the years to come, and always be the leader of their household and lead a Christian home.
The title of the sermon was “What Our Children See” (Mark 5:21-24, 35-43). The role of the father is to take charge of our family and household. Jairus was a very important man of the church, a ruler of the synagogue; he sought Jesus because his daughter was at the point of death. Others did not agree with Jairus, but he sought Jesus for his daughter.
A child is a gift from God. Dedicate your child to God and remember who gave you this gift. Jairus was not ashamed to welcome Jesus into his home. A Christian home is where Christ resides. This father was not ashamed to show his love for his daughter.
Sunday night’s message was taken from Jeremiah 13:1-7, “God’s Covering.” God puts special coverage on every Christian; we all look forward to this special covering, a gift of salvation. God was trying to show Jeremiah how special the coverage he gives his children and the people of Jeremiah’s day and today.
Dates for you to mark on your calendar:
June 25 is grass cutting day for the church yard and cemetery at 7 a.m.
July 24 is Mt. Carmel homecoming day beginning at 10 a.m. There will be singing with the Coleman family, morning services and lunch to follow in the fellowship hall. Everyone is invited to join us and sing, fellowship and praise the Lord.
The men’s church softball schedule has been printed out and can be found on the table in the church foyer. Thursday night’s game is at 6:30 p.m. on Field 4. Go out and support our men and boys.
Continue to join us in prayer for our church, the lost, the sick and shut-ins. We welcome you to come join us as we celebrate the Lord Jesus in praise and worship this Sunday.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
Here is hoping every father whose children had the opportunity to spend this Father’s Day with their dad availed themselves of that blessed privilege to do so. I with I could pay that role again. I remember well how my dad always played his part so well, acting surprised that this holiday had slipped upon him and pretending that our little gifts came just in time to meet a real need in his life.
I always wondered why the teary eyes if we had fulfilled such a need. His hugs were tighter and closer, too.
Our pastor’s three children, with their spouse and grandchildren, surprised Dr. Stinson by appearing at his morning church service. These three beautiful families occupied complete piano in the absence of Laurel Lee Adams, who was away at Beulah Camp. It speaks so well of visitors who see a need and fill it.
Dr. Stinson preached on the Holy Ghost, taking his scripture from Acts 2:1: “And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place. (2:2) And suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing wind, and it filled all the house where they were sitting…” (2:4) “And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance…” (2:12) “And they were all amazed, and were in doubt, saying one to another, what meaneth this?”
The disciples and many others were gathered in the upper room when this event occurred.
The Holy Ghost is defined as the third person of the Trinity.
Our prayer list for this week includes Dr. Mac Stinson and wife, Glenda, Wilma Ellison and Mable Mitchell, who will undergo surgery June 20. Remember the family of Everette Bagby and the family of Kent Conway, who passed away last week.
There will be a one-dish dinner Sunday, June 25.
Have a blessed week.

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Our Father’s Day service began with a prelude by Joan McGriff and the call to worship, “In the Garden” by the ladies choir. This was followed by “Nothing in the Blood.”
During the invocation, Bro. Tony Hughes explained the significance of the Trinity; the three persons of God in unity.
As the children gathered, Diane Handley read some familiar things our fathers say.
Sharing joys and concerns:
A bridal tea for Laura Handley will be Sunday, June 26 from 2-4 p.m. hosted by the Walnut Creek United Methodist Church ladies.
Music class will be Sunday at 4 p.m., followed by Sunday night Singspiration June 26 at 5:30 p.m. Let Lisa know if you want to sing or have a “special request” song.
Prayer is requested for Sheila Mims, Jerry Patterson’s sister, Debra Florea, Ray’s friends and Bill and Lavada Attaway.
The special music was “My Father’s Eyes” by Lisa Abbott. This beautiful song brought tears from everybody.
Before sharing of the Bread and the Cup, Bro. Tony shared an acronym for “father” comprised of things fathers should give their children: Faith, Attention, Trust, Help, Encouragement and Respect.
Father’s Day recognition was led by Virginia Littlefield. Sonja Horn led the benediction, followed by the postlude played by Sara McPherson and Joan McGriff.
A church-wide pool party and barbecue was hosted by Tony Hughes Jr. and his lovely wife, Jeanette, at their beautiful home, and they had lots of help from their family. There is lots of work to be done keeping that place beautiful. Thanks again, from the whole church family.

Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with singing “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know,” “This Is My Father’s World,” “As the Deer,” “My Tribute,” “Glorify Thy Name” and “He Leadeth Me.”
Special music was “God is Faithful” by the Celebrated Choir under the direction of Sharion Green.
The message by Bro. Cleve Mallory, “Intimacy with the Father,” was from Psalm 139. There was no evening service.
Happy birthday to Charles Bryant, Georgia Wilson, Roger Padgett, Jason Barrett, Robin Dryden, Drew Glasscock, Sally Davis, Chris Cox, Kelsey Stange, Wendy Spigner, Susan Parker, Mitchelie Hughes, David Clackley, Rusty Atchison, Tony Williams, Pattie Martin, Bailey Jackson, Dolly Phillips and Alton Lockhart.
Pray this week for Vickie Wilson, Carl Smith, Brandon Wright, James Moore, Ashley Ellison, Charles Bryant, Elza Enriquez, Dylan Cullum, Chris Cullum, Betty McGee, Chris and Sonja Cox, Jim Beck, Pete Burnett, baby Jacob Helms, Patricia Smitherman, Jean Granger, Larry Little, Kyle Pack, Catherine Gillespie, Rita Brasher, Vickie Knight, storm victims, missionaries and families who have lost loved ones.
Pray for revival to come.
Thanks to everyone for bringing their baby bottles back with money.
Come worship with us on Sunday and get connected. Have a blessed week. Jesus loves you.
Bethany Baptist Church
What a blessing it was on this Father’s Day to have missionary Danny Jones and family on furlough from Thailand in our service.  It was exciting to see the video and to hear about the accomplishments that have been made in their mission works the past ten years.  They have endured a lot of trials there but, of course, God was with them and blessed them greatly.
Two of their sweet little girls, Tara and Tiffany, ages 4 and 7, harmonized in a lovely song about how they love Jesus.  Bro. Steve and his wife Phyllis, joined with Bro. Danny and their daughter Rachel in singing “Written in Red.”  Bro. Danny’s message from Matthew 3:13-17 was called “Best Father’s Day Gift of All.”  In this text, God the Father said He was pleased with His beloved Son, Jesus.  What did Jesus do to make His Father proud?  Briefly, He obeyed His Father; also, Christ talked to His Father and of His Father.  How committed are we to being obedient to our Heavenly Father, to praying to Him, and telling others about Him?
Bro. Danny said the best gift a person can give his father is to live the best life he can.
Prayer list:  James Bixler, Lillian Burkhalter, Ashley Friday, Carl Gray, Ellen Gray, Ernestine Hatch, our servicemen and women, Larry Miller, our missionaries, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Aubry and Shirley Wallace, Jesse Wallace, and our pastor and his wife, Steve and Phyllis Vickers.
See you Sunday!

Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday school hour started off with a good lesson entitled “Imitate Christ.”  Bro Gary Fant got the morning service started off with “Send the Light” and “Just a Little Talk With Jesus.” Bro Dennis’ text came from Philemon 1:1-3 — Fathers should be examples that their children can follow and fathers should be Godly examples because there is no other way to live a life then to live the way that a Christian should live.  If a father lives like the world then there is no other way that  a father should expect his children to live because children follow in their dad’s footsteps.
Happy birthday to April Campbell and Julianna Bragg.
All of our fathers were recognized in the morning service with Brian Cagle being our youngest father and Billy Burnett being our oldest father.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Derek Gray, Guy Gray, Juanita Wilkins, Alicia Mims, Debra Collins, our lost loved ones and our servicemen and women.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton.  Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7.

Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
We wished happy Father’s Day to all dads Sunday with lovely music and poetry by Marie Smith.  Brother Willard blessed us with a message from 2 Corinthians 13:11-13.  He reminded us that being a Christian is more than attending church.  As Paul reminded the Corinthians, we are to be friendly and supportive to all that come seeking Him.  Nothing lifts our hearts more as we face today’s challenges of unemployment, illness and natural disasters, than a friendly smile and a holy kiss.
Kids Krusade has come to an end, but the impact of the characters, songs and stories brought to us will last a lifetime.  Pleasant Hill Baptist and Rocky Mount UMC joined together for two weeks of fun, food, music and Bible life lessons.  Thanks from us at Rocky Mount go out to the Linholms and Pleasant Hill for their contributions to this wonderful experience.
Mark your calendars for a special event in the Rocky Mount church family.  Sunday night, July 3 our evening services will be held in the Jemison wedding chapel.  The service will be a dedication for this new facility in our community.  Cindy Vining invites one and all as she starts out on a new venture that God is leading.
Our prayers are with the Conway family.  Kent Conway was loved by all at Rocky Mount.  We can only feel guilty over our grief here on earth, as we think of the happy reunions that occurred among the Conway saints that had gone on before.

Samaria Baptist Church
Happy Father’s Day to all our dads out there. We had a special service at Samaria Sunday.  Our guest speaker was Brother Larry Felkins. He brought a wonderful message of wisdom for families; especially fathers.  Bro. Larry’s text came from Ephesians 6:1-4.
Our special music was brought by Lance Driskell.  He sang beautifully, and our hearts were truly blessed by Lance.  Our prayer concerns continue to be Jeff Smith and his family, Debbie Brooks and her family in the loss of her mom, our military, and our sick and vacationing families.
Fathers have a responsibility to provide for their family.  But more importantly, fathers are also responsible for the spiritual growth of the family.  He is the leader in this area of family life.  The Christian definition of a “real man” is that he is a loving dad. That he is a faithful husband, and that he is the spiritual leader of his family.
God’s word advises us to provoke not our children. By picking at them, yelling at them and demeaning them, we often create a rebellion. Children have memories, that they recall, and the bad memories often put wedges between them and their parents.  If a child is constantly discouraged, then they may stop trying.  The worse thing a father can do is berate the child to a place where they no longer believe they are “good.”  Anything that takes a man’s attention away from his family can become as harmful as a mistress.  A husband can be unfaithful to his wife, when he puts hobbies ahead of his relationship with her.  We must raise our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.  He will guide them, when we point them in the right direction.
We were blessed with Brantley Deavers joining our church today, by  profession of faith last week.  Brantley’s parents are Jody and Lana Deavers.  May God bless you all this week, and please know that you always can find a place of worshipful rest at Samaria.

Cedar Grove
Methodist-Protestant Church
We hope everyone had a nice Father’s Day and also got a rain this week.
The Sunday School lesson for June 12 was “Persevering Faith” (Matthew 15:21-31). I love the Golden Text: “Ask, and it shall be given to you; seek, and ye shall find: knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matthew 7:7).
The lesson for June 19 was “Confession and Cross Bearing” from Matthew 19:13-26. Golden Text: “Thou are the Christ, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16b).
Happy birthday to Vern Sullivan, Wendall Ray, Alaina Muir, Krystyn Bartlett and Sachea Crowe. Happy anniversary to Larry and Diane Patterson.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Hubbard; they were joined in holy matrimony last week. We wish the best for them.
We welcome all our visitors; we loved having you worship with us and hope you will come again.
Remember Brother Earl Caton in your prayers. At this writing he is in the Veterans Hospital in Montgomery. Remember all the other families that have problems; no matter what kind, God knows all about it.
We had good singing before worship service by the choir, and Brother Steve Price sang “Hold On.” It was enjoyed by all.
Brother Jeff Carroll’s granddaughter, Lauren, read a poem for the dads that she wrote the night before. She did a good job; she going to be a famous poet one of these days.
Brother Carroll’s message was “The Lost Son,” and his text came from Luke 15:11-24 and verse 10.
Sister Amelia Hubbard sang the song of Invitation, “Daddy’s Home.” The altar filled with many praying.
We are still holding seats for you. Come visit with us; I believe you will enjoy the service. We have two good pastors and the most talented singers and musicians you will find anywhere.
Every fourth Sunday night at 5:30, we have a singing. Anyone that wants to sing can bring a tape or our musicians will play whatever you want to sing.
Our regular hours are Sunday morning at 9:45, followed by worship at 11 a.m., evening service at 5:30 and Wednesday night service at 7. Have a good week and God bless.

Calvary Independent Baptist Church
Calvary Independent Baptist Church had great fellowship and wonderful services in honor of all our fathers. Most of all we want to bring  honor to our Heavenly Father. We would like to thank the ones who have remembered our outreach ministries in your prayers recently. We know when God’s people pray and seek after righteousness, then our nation can once more be on an exalted path. On the opposite side of that we also know sin is a reproach unto any people. Come help us to do the things that are right and pleasing in the sight of an all holy and righteous God.
Sunday School is at 9 a.m., Junior Church and adult worship at 10 a.m., Sunday night service at 5:30 and Wednesday night service at 6:30. We are located aouth of Clanton past Dollar General right on Fulmer Drive.