Longtime CCEAC employee retires

Published 5:29 pm Friday, June 17, 2011

The Chilton County Emergency Assistance Center board, Chilton County officials and friends gathered Thursday, June 15, to celebrate and honor Lorene Scott, 90, on her retirement after more than 29 years of service with the CCEAC.

The event was held at the Clanton Senior Center, where Terry Collier CCAEA director; Earl Davis, board member; Probate Judge Bobby Martin; State Rep. Kurt Wallace; CCEAC Chairman Curtis Smith; Clanton Mayor Billy Joe Driver; State Sen. Cam Ward; Marilyn Colson, DHR director; County Commissioner Allen Caton and County Commissioner Bobby Agee spoke and presented Scott with plaques for her dedication and service.

“I’ve been from the bottom to the top,” said Scott, in reference to the numerous job titles she has held while working at CCEAC. “I’ve enjoyed it, it has been a blessing and life saving to me – it’s just time.”