Veterans’ wall to be erected in Thorsby
Published 7:26 pm Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ernie Ragsdale, president of the Southern Cruisers, (left) presented Thorsby Mayor Dearl Hilyer, Police Chief Rodney Barnett and Town Clerk Denise Gunn with a letter saying the group will donate a veteran's wall to the town to be placed in Richard Wood Park.
In honor of Chilton County residents who served in the United States Armed Forces, a veterans’ wall will be placed in Richard Wood Park in Thorsby.
Ernie Ragsdale, president of the Southern Cruisers, presented Thorsby Mayor Dearl Hilyer and other town leaders with a letter Monday saying the group will donate the wall to the town.
“Fifty names will be added to the 4-foot wall at a time,” said Ragsdale. “The centerpiece was ordered Friday and is expected to be here in six weeks.”
Hilyer thinks the wall will be a good thing to have, though it technically must still be accepted by a council vote.
“I think it’s an excellent thing to recognize those that have given their time,” said Hilyer. “I love the idea, and it would add to our town here.”
Chilton County has more than 100,000 veterans, and the project is expected to take a year to complete, Ragsdale said.
“If someone from any county wants to put a veteran’s name on the wall, we will not discriminate,” said Ragsdale. “We hope the counties around will follow suit and do one too.”
Hilyer, Ragsdale and Public Works Director Terry Jackson are going to the park this week to figure out where the placement of the wall is going be.
Donations are being taken to complete the veterans’ wall. Those who are interested in donating can contact Ragsdale at his home at 646-0374 or on his cell phone at 688-6374.
Donations can also be made to Shelby’s Memorials, who is making the wall. “Veterans’ wall” should be written on the memo line on the check.
Also, a 125-mile motorcycle ride to help raise funds for the wall will be held later this summer, on Saturday, Aug. 6.
Registration will be held from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m., and the ride will depart from Richard Wood Park at 10 a.m.