Maplesville park board getting active

Published 8:37 pm Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The recently revived Maplesville park board has met to review its finances and start planning for the future.

Board chairman Kurt Wallace (former mayor and now state representative) reported to the council Tuesday that the board had just over $19,600 in three different accounts.

The park has been inactive for years, and a new slate of members was appointed at May’s council meeting.

Wallace said the board is actively planning for the future, while respecting the town’s tight finances.

“We intend to pay our own way,” Wallace told the council.

A top priority going forward will be a new playground for children.

“We want to put a playground in the park for our children,” Wallace said.

The board plans to pursue grants and other ways to pay for its projects without tapping into the town’s general fund, Wallace said.

In other business, the council took the following actions:

•Appointed Adam and Lisa Hayes to the fire department, pending a mandatory drug test all applicants must take.

•Police Chief Todd Ingram reported that the council has seen an increase in citations and arrests this past month. He attributed much of that to summer and his officers being more proactive in issuing citations.

•Town counsel Hollis Jackson presented the council with a proposed ordinance that would combine the town’s current ordinances concerning violent animals and its leash laws. The council is expected to review the ordinance between now and a June 23 work session and possibly vote on the measure at its July meeting.

•Town Clerk Sheila Haigler reported that work on the sidewalk project along the Alabama 22 truck route is expected to begin soon after the Fourth of July.