Libraries hold summer programs
Published 6:07 pm Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Chilton-Clanton Library began its summer reading program, "One World, Many Stories" Wednesday and will continue until June 30. Maplesville Library will also begin its Story Hour Thursday, July 6.
With children now out of school for the next two months, libraries in the county are beginning its summer reading programs to help children maintain and sharpen their reading skills throughout the summer.
The Chilton-Clanton Library began its independent – on your own reading program – Wednesday and will continue until June 30.
This year’s program entitled, “One World, Many Stories” is for children who have completed K-6 grade.
Beginning June 9, a one-hour program will be held each Thursday at 2 p.m.
Special entertainment will include fun with animal balloons and a 4-H program June 9, Steve Burgess will entertain the children with a magic show June 16 and Archie Wade will perform magic also on June 23.
On closing night, June 30, the students will be awarded and participants in each age group who read the most books will be recognized and rewarded for their reading accomplishments.
“Everyone gets a prize,” said Renee Chambers, children’s librarian. “This year, 140 students have signed up on average.”
Also, Maplesville Public Library will have a Story Hour every Wednesday beginning July 6. The summer reading program will be held from 10 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Josine Walter of the 4-H and Youth Development at the Alabama Cooperative Extension System will be the reader for story hour this year.
“The main goal is for the children to continue their reading skills throughout the summer so when they return back to school they will still have the skills,” said Maplesville Town Clerk Sheila Haigler.