Career Day held at Jemison Elementary
Published 4:14 pm Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Jason Rothe, pastor at Mineral Springs Baptist Church, spoke to Jemison Elementary students at the school's Career Day.
Jemison Elementary School students learn each year that their career possibilities are as boundless as their imaginations.
The school holds a three-day Career Day event to introduce students of all grades to professionals from many career fields.
“We want to let them see there is a wide variety of things to do,” said counselor Brenda Godbold, who organizes the event along with fellow counselor Jared Hood. “Our future workers get a hands-on introduction to many interesting jobs, which will help them make positive choices for their future.
Speakers this year included workers from the following fields: telecommunications, photojournalism, meteorology, ballet, culinary arts, optometry, plumbing, entrepreneurship, public service, genealogy, law, martial arts, ministry, police, firefighting, real estate and farming.
Margaret Beal, a retired high school English teacher who is involved with the PEECH organization, told students why English is an important subject.
“If you can read and understand what you read, you can learn anything,” Beal said.
Jason Rothe, pastor at Mineral Springs Baptist Church, showed students photographs from areas of the state devastated by tornadoes in late April, taken while Rothe went to provide assistance.
“My job as a pastor is to be able to help people through the storms in their lives,” he said.
The event is a culmination of career awareness lessons presented by the school counselors.
“Speakers share how the students’ day-to-day learning experiences relate to possible career choices and discuss the skills, tools and training needed for their jobs,” Godbold said. “Some of the speakers go into the classrooms, and others are stationary locations for the students to visit. The demonstrations serve to motivate students to stay in school and pursue their goals.”