Church news for Thursday, April 21, 2011

Published 12:37 pm Friday, April 22, 2011

Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson continued our study on the Hebrew names for God and focused upon Jehovah-Shalom (the Lord of Peace).
Our morning service message was taken from Mark 11:1-11 as we focused on the entrance of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem for the final week of his earthly life. Bro. Shannon reminded us the reason Jesus was in Jerusalem was to observe Passover, a time for all good Jewish people to remember the Exodus story.
We were reminded how Moses stood before Pharaoh and requested God’s people to be allowed to leave Egypt, and how Pharaoh made four concessions to Moses. First, Pharaoh said the people could go worship God but had to stay in Egypt. Second, Pharaoh told Moses to take the men into the wilderness to worship God but not to go too far. Third, Pharaoh encouraged Moses to take the people out of Egypt but to leave their children behind. Finally, Pharaoh encouraged Moses to take the people out of Egypt but to leave their livestock behind.
In every example, the concessions made by Pharaoh were in hopes the people would one day return to Egypt when times got tough. In every example, the concessions of Pharaoh were unacceptable to God and resulted in plagues. How unique that Satan will make the same concessions to you and I when we decide to serve God. “Go ahead,” Satan will say, “Just don’t go too far away from me or give up the things of the world.” This will encourage us to return to our sinful ways when life gets tough.
The final event that broke Pharaoh’s will was the death of Egypt’s firstborn. What finally broke the control of Satan was the death of God’s firstborn, Jesus Christ. When we surrender completely to Jesus Christ, we can go beyond the concessions of Satan and walk anew in the freedom offered by God.
Our evening Bible study completed our study “Come Unto Mount Zion” taken from Hebrews 12:22-29.
Happy birthday wishes to Gail Armstrong and Jackie Parker.
Happy anniversary wishes to Jana and Rodger and Tammy and Cebo Craig.
Our Holy Week activities:
•Maundy Thursday service at 6 p.m.
•Good Friday service at 6 p.m.
•Sunrise breakfast at the home of Betty and Elmer Brant at 6 a.m.
•Easter service at 11 a.m.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this beautiful Palm Sunday, those keeping track of our country’s history will recall that General Robert E. Lee signed a proclamation on this day in 1865 at Appomattox Courthouse in Virginia ending the Civil War in America. The Union forces led by General U.S. Grant had left the South a smoldering ruin after burning a wide swath across the South, leaving devastation in its wake.
The irony of this day is that today our country is engaged in another war in far-off Afghanistan. But the real prevailing irony is that neither of these wars, nor any other war we have been engaged in, has anything to do with the Palm Sunday as recorded in Matthew or Luke.
Sunday, Dr. Stinson took his sermon, “Triumph and Tragedy,” from Matthew 21:1-11. The sermon title appropriately describes the events going on in the life of Jesus on this day over 2,000 years ago when he and his disciples were preparing to travel from Bethany up to Jerusalem. It marks one of the few events in the life of our Lord when he was being greeted with shouts of Hosanna in the highest. But their praise did not stop there! They broke branches from the palm trees and spread a pathway for him to walk on. Some people went so far as to place their outer garments on the ground to pave a pathway for our Lord. This is such a poignant story to read because while the crowd was rejoicing at the approach of Jesus, he knew what lay ahead for him only a few short hours ahead.
Our prayer list: Remember the family of Jim Ellison who passed away this past week. Also remember the family of Ailene, Trenton Benson’s daughter who lived out of state.
Those on our sick list include Everette and Robbie Bagby. Everette is back in the hospital in Birmingham. Others are Kent Conway, Lissa Moore, Dwight Sammons and Bonnie Headley.
Join us Sunday at 6 a.m. for sunrise service and breakfast, followed by Sunday School at 9:45 a.m. and morning worship followed by a covered dish lunch and an Easter egg hunt.
Our study of Revelation continues weekly at 6:45 p.m.
Have a great week.

Mount Bethel Baptist Church
We had a great time of worship and fellowship with our Lord on Sunday. It started with lifting our voices in songs of praise, “Amazing Grace” then “Praise God.” He was so gracious to us during the storms that passed through, but some were not so fortunate. We remembered those as we sang and prayed.
The choir opened the morning worship hour with “He Is Mine” and the choir special, “If That Isn’t Love.”
The Rev. Oneil Cleckler’s morning sermon, “The Road to the Cross,” was taken from Luke 19:28-36 and John 6:38-47. As Jesus entered Jerusalem, the people were filled with excitement; they didn’t understand why he had come. This was to be his last journey. He was there to fulfill the prophecy. This road would lead him to his destiny. He wanted his people to understand that he came to die so they wouldn’t have to. He sent for a colt to ride on, a sign of humility and also a sign he was coming in peace. The reason he died so many years ago stands true still today. So we won’t have to!
Bro. Cleckler’s evening message was from 1 Peter 3:8-12. Peter starts off with some qualities that are essential for the unity of the church — have compassion for one another, love one another as brothers, stay with the doctrine of Christ being of one mind.
Then he tells of those things of which to avoid — don’t quarrel among yourselves. When someone does you wrong, don’t try to do a wrong to him. Don’t repay evil for evil; love them that hate you. Bless your enemies. Pray for those who talk against you and be sympathetic to them. Don’t do anything to cause disruption in the Church.
We invite you to join us for worship and fellowship with our risen Lord. Sunday School is at 10 a.m.; morning worship at 11; Discipleship Training at 5 p.m. and evening worship at 6.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
We had a very exciting day and a wonderful service this Sunday. We welcomed our home folks and all our visitors as our choir and young people presented “The Lord’s Supper” and “In the Garden.” The Lord truly came by. Easter Sunday we will see the Crucifixion and the Resurrection to complete our Easter pageant; come and join our worship service for Easter Sunday.
We were honored to have visiting with us Bro. Roger Vines and his wife, Dean. Bro. Vines brought a great message from Matthew 28:1-6 entitled, “Remember Me.” Mary Magdalene came at the end of the Sabbath and the angel said, “Fear not ye, he is not here; for he is risen as he said. Come, see the place where the Lord lay.”
Heaven will be worth it all just to be with Jesus.
Bro. Vines told of his mission work in Nicaragua. How they praise God for the souls being saved there. Remember Bro. Vines and Dean as you pray daily.
Our sympathy and prayers are extended once again to the family, our friends and loved ones, of Johnny Giles. The Lord called him home last Friday. Johnny has gone to heaven to sing in that great choir.
Our children’s Easter egg hunt will be April 23 at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Please bring a basket and eggs. Refreshments will be served.
“I call on you in the day of my distress, for you will answer me” (Psalm 86:7). Remember to join us in daily prayer for the prayer requests and names on our prayer list.
Come worship with us; we love and so does Jesus.

New Salem Baptist Church
New Salem Baptist Church wishes to thank God for the many who came to revival services. God’s power came down each evening with singing, testimony and his word.
Easter week will conclude with a celebration of his church joyously worshiping Christ’s death, burial and resurrection. Children will be singing and adults praising as we share the message of hope, “He Lives.”
We announce homecoming services May 1. The services will begin at 10 a.m. The Coleman “Remix” family will be our guest singers and the Rev. Tom Hilyer will bring the homecoming message. Homecoming services will conclude with an old-fashioned lunch at noon.
You are invited to be part of these special days. There will be no evening service on this date.
You are invited to all regular services that include Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., worship at 11 a.m., children’s worship each Sunday, special training at 5 p.m. and preaching at 6 p.m.
The mission of New Salem Baptist Church is to be a caring church, showing love and truth in all that we do so others may know the love of Christ and experience the wonderful fellowship of his people.
You will always be blessed for your attendance at his church.

Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with lots of great songs, a children’s message and mission moments. For special music, the Celebration Choir sang “No More Night” and “The Lamb Has Overcome.”
Bro. Brad Eubank preached on our infinite inheritance from Ephesians 4:7-16.
The evening service began with Life Tracks at 5 p.m. During the worship hour, we celebrated through baptism and the Lord’s Supper and concluded with the story of the Resurrection.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:45 p.m., followed by choir practice for all children and prayer meeting for adults.
Pray this week for Charles Bryant, Sue Bradberry, Gene Mims, Dylan Collum, Kyle Pack, Chris and Sonja Cox, Nell Mims, Hunter Moore, Betty McGee, Jim Beck, Cassie Patterson, Stefanie Adams, Dee Dee Nicolau, Charles Owens, Mandy Mims, Wylladean Burns, Bo Gunn, James Moore, our missionaries, un-churched families, those who have lost loved ones, Japan and those affected by the storms in our county and other places.
Happy birthday this week to Jasmine Headley, Joe Wingard, Bernard Wright, Jubal Merrill, Hanna Horton, Eric Chavers, Betty Bennett, Hailey Edwards, Kacy Barret, Hailey Edwards, Kacy Barrett, Lenna Wilson, Chuck Boyles, Sally Easterling, Hayley Wright, Christy Payne, Monya Hughes and Mark Mims.
Monday is men’s softball at 7:30 p.m. Other games will be Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and Thursday at 8:30 p.m.
Remember next Sunday there will be two services at 8:30 a.m. and 10:45 a.m.
Our mission is to share Jesus Christ with others to help them connect into his family to develop the habits of a disciple and to discover their place of ministry in order to center their life on Christ.
Come worship with us. Tell someone about Jesus.

Mars Hill Baptist Church
We had such a beautiful day to praise the Lord. Every day is a beautiful day to serve and praise the Lord.
The choir gave us “Just Over In the Glory Land.” What a thought, what will our first day in Glory Land be like? Perhaps we can spend the first million thanking Jesus for saving our souls to spend an eternity with Him. Can you even comprehend such a place with no pain, no suffering, no heartaches and no cemeteries? I can’t comprehend it but I sure want to be there.
Our sermon came from 2 Kings 6:8, 18. Bro. Terry assured us that the forces of evil are in this world. Just because we are God-fearing, church-going Christians doesn’t exempt us from temptations and hard times.
Next Sunday is Easter when we celebrate the resurrection of our Saviour. If you are one of those who only goes to church once a year, please make it this Easter Sunday. You will hear the story of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Of all the miracles, this is the greatest, most wonderful. The Christian faith is based on the resurrection.
We will be having an Easter Sunrise service at 6:30 a.m. at the church, then regular Sunday morning worship services. We will not have evening services that day.
Pray for the sick and hurting, and attend church somewhere. Visit us at Mars Hill, you are always welcome.

Bethany Baptist Church
We had a good service on this Palm Sunday with music concerning Jesus’ crucifixion
and resurrection. The choir special was “The First Lord’s Day,” and a group of ladies sang “Blessed Redeemer.” We invite our first-time visitor to come back.
Bro. Steve’s good message Sunday morning was from Mark 11:1-11, Jesus’ Triumphal Entry. Twenty-nine chapters in the four Gospels concern Jesus’ last week on this earth, illustrating how important it is. Bro. Steve pointed out some reasons why Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem that day was so important: To fulfill the scriptures (See Zechariah 9:9); to focus on Jesus as the Sacrificial Lamb. Jesus was submissive, suffered and was slain (Isaiah 53). Thirdly, to give fanfare (praise) to the Savior. In Luke 19:40, when the Pharisees would have stopped the people, Jesus said, “If these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.”
Sunday night Bro. Steve preached a great sermon on “Doing God’s Will God’s Way,” using 2 Samuel l6:1-19 as his text. Choosing to do God’s work our way, or the way others do it, may seem economical, entertaining and even make sense, but we must do God’s will in God’s way, using the word of God as our faith and practice.
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Jean DeLoach, Ellen Gray, Ernestine Hatch, our military, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Jesse Wallace and James Bixler.
See you Sunday! Sunday School is at 10, and worship service at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m.

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
What a time of celebration; we received baptism of three members: Hunter Abbott, Lake Childress and Tristen Gore; and transfer of membership by Jamie Childress, Aubrie Childress, Danny Eiland and Ann Eiland.
The call to worship was “This is the Day,” the choir special was “Here Comes the King” and the hymn of celebration was “Tell Me the Story of Jesus.”
Bro. Tony led the invocation.
We are privileged to come together and relive the times of sharing with a saint that we lost this past week, Ruby Duke; we also enjoy the voices of little children who will soon be people of God.
Special music was “Little Boy On His Knees” sang by Aubrie Childress, words to her baby boy about to be baptized.
Sharing joys and concerns: Pray for Carolyn Popwell, Sue Belcher, Bill Erkes, Peggy Cleckler, Lavada Attaway and friends and family of Ruby Duke.
Bro. Tony’s message was on the Triumphal Entry from Luke 19:28-32. As Jesus approached Bethany at the hill called Mount of Olives, he sent two of his disciples, saying, “Go to the village ahead of you, and as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there which no one has ever ridden. Untie it And bring it here. If anyone asks you, ‘Why are you untying it?’ Tell him, ‘The Lord needs it!’”
We remember that the biggest question was this: why would the King ride a donkey instead of a horse? Yet they threw down their coats and branches for them to walk on! With shouts of Hosanna! This is Jesus, Son of God!
Everyone was invited to enjoy lunch provided by the Childress, Gore and Hulsey families as we celebrated this wonderful Lord’s Day.
Easter egg hunt will be Saturday, April 23 at noon. The Easter sunrise service will be Sunday at 6 a.m. followed by breakfast. The Easter worship service will begin at 10:30 with no Sunday School.
Tonight is the final night of our revival at 6:30 p.m. with Evangelist Rick Ousley and special music.

Cedar Grove
First of all, I want to say thank you Lord for sparing us in Chilton County. So many places were destroyed, lives were lost, and my heart goes out to them.
Happy birthday to Brother Heath Vines, Krista Cleckley, Nick Popwell, James Popwell, Reace Thompson, Ann Russell and Emery McNeel.
Our heartfelt sympathies go to the family of Brother Johnny Giles; he will surely be missed. Our loss is heaven’s gain.
The choir blessed us by singing several songs, and Chris Cleckley and his daughter sang “The Beauty of the Cross.” They did a great job. Brother Jeff Carroll’s sermon, “Jesus in the Tomb,” was from Matthew 27:45-46, 1 Peter 3:18-21 and Revelation 2:17-18.
Sister Amelia Hubbard sang the song of invitation, “I Claimed The Blood.” The altar filled. We also had several anointed, some for upcoming surgery, some for sickness and other reasons.
We had an exciting evening service, it was the beginning of our Spring Revival. Brother Heath Vines was the guest speaker. He really brought a good message entitled “The Merchant Man and The Pearl.” His scripture came from Matthew 13:45-46.
Brother Gary Hubbard sang “When It’s My Time” for the special song. Sister Amelia sang a beautiful song for invitation, and the altar filled.
We were glad to have so many visitors. It was good to see Brother Roger and Sister Nadine Vines, Brother P.J. and his wife, Sister Nicole Porter; and Bridgette and Bradley Sullivan.
If you are looking for a home church, come to Cedar Grove; we have a choir that needs more singers, Children’s Church that needs more children, in fact we need you.
Keep all the sick and shut-ins in your prayers, the military, our country and our leaders.
For more information, call 646-2390.

Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson entitled “The Crucifixion of Jesus.” Bro Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “Nothing But The Blood of Jesus” and “The Old Rugged Cross.” Bro Dennis Smith, Angel Bavar and Wanda Chadwick blessed us with “What A Beautiful Day For the Lord to Come Again.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Mark 13:31-37 with a message entitled “What Are We Looking For.” We as Christians are looking for the wrong things in the wrong direction, and we need to get our priorities in order because Jesus Christ will return one day. We become so foolish when we take our focus off Jesus Christ because we think that we have all the time in the world to get our lives right before he returns. We need to keep our eyes on him because no man knows the day or the hour when the Lord will return.
The service ended with the altar filling with people coming to pray.
We had our fourth Sunday night singing one week early because of Easter being on the fourth Sunday. Bro Horace Wyatt got the evening service started with “I’ll Be Satisfied,” “The Glory Land Way,” “At Calvary” and “Victory Today Is Mine.” Bro Horace Wyatt sang “When Jesus Passed By,” Olivia Hughes sang “The Old Gospel Ship” and I’ll Meet You in the Morning” and Bro Dennis Smith, Angel Bavar and Wanda Chadwick blessed us with “I Am Redeemed,” “That Same Spirit,” “The Lighthouse,” “A Land of No Goodbyes,” “Farther Along,” “Right on Time,” “Glory Road” and “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary,” and as they were singing people began to come to the altar to pray. We had one that accepted Jesus Christ as his personal saviour, and we thank God for one more soul that was added to the kingdom of heaven.
Happy birthday this week to Jane Cain, Janet Castleberry and Freddie Mayfield.

Mt. Pisgah
Mt. Pisgah started Holy Week with a celebration of Palm Sunday. Palm branches graced the sanctuary and the children laid down palm branches as the choir sang, “The King is Coming.” Bro. Glenn Walker gave the message, “Preparing the World to Meet Jesus.” After choir practice, the actors for our live Easter Sunrise presentation went through the program. It promises to be a touching service at sunrise on Easter. This outdoor, hilltop service will be held on Easter Sunday, April 24, at 6 a.m. The community is invited to participate, as we track the final events of Jesus’ passion. On Thursday, April 21, we will hold a somber Maundy Thursday service at 7 p.m. On Saturday, April 23, the children are invited to an Easter Egg Hunt from 1-3 p.m. Cupcakes and cookies will be served. So come and celebrate this Easter season with us! For more information, call Teresa Walker at 334-349-5725 or visit our church website at

Mt. Springs
Brother Don taught us “Three Lessons Learned From a Donkey” taken from Matthew 21.
If you look at the Bible, there are several interesting stories that include a
donkey who played a significant role. A donkey carried Mary to Bethlehem, a
donkey carried Jesus into Jerusalem at the beginning of Holy Week, a donkey
saved Balim’s life, and still yet another donkey carried the wood for Abraham
when he was going to sacrifice Isaac.
Each one of these donkeys was a chosen vessel, not because of beauty or
goodness. Just chosen as we are chosen by Jesus, simply because He loves us.
We are chosen for a special purpose just as these donkeys and that is so we can
reveal Him to others by living a godly life.
The donkey was also submissive. We read the story of the donkey carrying Jesus
and find that this donkey had never been ridden before. Even still, he became
submissive and allowed Jesus to ride him. To be used as a chosen vessel, we
must be submissive and allow Jesus work through us.
Third, since the donkey had never been broken for riding, he was in a sense
pure. He had never been involved in the activities that would alter his
original state of being. We need to be pure and holy in our relationship with
God for him to use us. Being holy is a perfecting work, a continual journey.
It doesn’t happen all at once.
If God can use a donkey, why doesn’t He use us? Maybe we need to become more
like the donkey, just a lowly creature, not our own. We need to become a slave
of Christ, bought and paid for by His blood.
Upcoming events: Spring Fling April 23 1-5 p.m., Sunrise Service April 24 at 6 a.m.
with speaker Brother Donald Graham and with Brother Kelvin cooking breakfast.
Special Wednesday night services leading up to our revival are as follows: April 20, Brother Johnny Dutton at 7 p.m. and April 27, Brother Billy Burtrum at 7 p.m. The ladies fellowship is April 28.
Our revival will be May 1-4 at 6:30 p.m. with guest speaker Brother Mike Ragland.
The Mother/Daughter/Other Banquet is May 7 at 5 p.m., VBS is June 12-16, and Youth Camp is July 11-15.
Mark your calendars: Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Sunday morning worship 11 a.m.,
Sunday evening worship 5:30 p.m., and Wednesday children and youth programs at 7 p.m. Adult Bible study is also at 7.
We at Mt. Springs give you an open arm invitation to join us in worship.

Samaria Baptist Church
I am so happy to be reporting again after a few weeks of sickness. Our Palm Sunday service was very special. Special music was done by Russell Wyatt, singing “Feel the Nails.”
Our pastor’s message, “God Knows,” was taken from Exodus 3 :1-14. God always has a plan and knows whom he will use to carry out that plan. Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery, but those who held him learned that God had sent him there for the culmination of His plan and purpose. Many times God has sent various plagues to get the attention of His people who are not listening to Him. Some of these were the signs of blood everywhere — the promise of a firstborn dying, unless blood was placed on the doorpost of the homes of the people. Pharaoh hardened his heart, and God used many ways to get his attention.
Pharaoh didn’t relent, and God sent storms of hail and lightning, plagues of darkness, of disease to livestock, frogs everywhere, boils on peoples bodies, and still it was not to be that the people would relent.
God used David, a man after His own heart. He chose Jesus to be the Messiah. Jesus came to fulfill and obey. The Church is God’s body until Christ comes again. To know Him intimately as our personal Savior is to truly know Him. He sees our afflictions, He sees and know all that we endure. He sees the world that doesn’t respond to Him or Christians who stray away. Satan is ready to disturb a Christian’s progress with our Lord. We can fail by not doing what He asks us to do for Him. The world has sin sickness, physical sickness, and disease, but the Great Healer and Savior remains Jesus.
Join us for Easter service next Sunday, and if you are looking for a church home, please consider Samaria. God bless you and keep you until we meet again.