Church news for Thursday, March 31, 2011

Published 1:02 pm Friday, April 1, 2011

Lime Springs United Methodist Church

Our Sunday School lesson continued our series on the Hebrew names of God. This Sunday we studied Jehovah-rapha (The Lord who heals).

Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from Ephesians 3:20-21 on “Glory in the Church.” In Galatians 6:14, Paul says we should not glory in anything except the cross of Jesus and him crucified. However, in Ephesians 3:20-21, Paul reminds us that the Church is the basis for what God glories in on earth. It is for this reason that we, the body of Christ that makes up the Church, present itself as a glorious body for God. This is accomplished by living a holy, blameless, radiant, unblemished and purpose-driven life.

Just as Jesus is the head of the Church, so we who make up the members of that body must exemplify Christ in all we do, say and think. As we present ourselves to the world, so does the Church!

Our Bible study concluded our study on the Hebrew feasts commemorated in the Holy Bible.

Happy birthday wishes to Marie Shannon.

We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.

For more information, please call 755-6356.

Christ Independent Methodist Church

On this perfect Lenten Sunday, going to church was a visual treasure. The dogwood trees have never been so beautiful or their blooms so pristine white. The legend of the dogwood tree comes to mind, and what the blooms symbolize.

Dr. Mac Stinson’s sermon for Sunday was entitled, “Changed Lives.” His scripture was taken from John 4 beginning with verse 5. This scripture deals with the meeting of Jesus with the woman of Samaria at the well where she was drawing up water to drink and Jesus asked her if she would give him a drink. This simple request becomes astounding when we recall that at that time in history, Jews and Samaritans were bitter enemies coming from different kingdoms in Israel.

When the woman voiced some reluctance at his request, Jesus offered to give her “living water” in exchange. Thus this Samaritan woman became one of many people we meet in the Bible whose life was changed when they met Jesus. This story of Jesus and the woman at the well is just one of many examples illustrating this fact.

Of course, we have stories illustrating the opposite then as now. We have all fallen short of the glory of God and failed to love the unlovable or unlovely. Thus we become their likeness.

But the story of the Samaritan woman did not end at the well. She became a recipient of God’s grace because of the living water. The same is available to each of us as a gift from our Lord.

When you pray, remember our pastor who lost three of his lifelong friends this week; also remember Everette Bagby, Bonnie Headley, Judy Garner Atkinson, Arlene Williams, Lissa Moore, Wilma Ellison, Jim Ellison and others unknown.

Pray fervently for Israel, the home of God’s chosen people, surrounded on all sides by hostile enemies.

Pray for America, our leaders, our military, our children that they are receiving instruction in qualities of leadership needed by those who choose to lead.

Remember our members traveling this week and each of the war-torn nations.

Visitors are always Welcome. Have a blessed week.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church No. 1

We welcome you to join us for each Sunday service for the period of time from now until Easter Sunday. Our choir and youth drama team are presenting the annual commemoration of the death and resurrection of Jesus. Easter is a time of new life. Come and hear the teaching and singing and see if you can bring new life into your Christian walk.

Bro. Derrell’s message was taken from Hebrews 4:16 and was entitled, “Amazing Grace.” Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need. Amazing grace hath bro’t me safe thus far, and grace will lead me home. God’s amazing grace frees us from the world. How precious did that grace appear the hour I first believed. God’s amazing grace lasts forever.

We welcome all our visitors to our church this week, and a special “welcome home” to Derek Griffin. It was good to have him and his two little daughters come and worship with us this Sunday. Our prayers are with you, Derek, as you return to your base.

Our sympathy is extended to Dee Roper and family in their time of bereavement, as her mother, Hazel Pitts, was called home to be with the Lord.

The evening service message was entitled “Seven Words from Calvary” from Luke 23:32-46. “Father, forgive them” and “Today shalt thou be with me in paradise” (John 19:26).

There is love in the cross of Calvary. Jesus spoke, “Woman behold thy son”; “Disciple, behold thy mother.” Jesus made atonement for us (John 19:28). Jesus said, “I thirst.” There was suffering on the cross of Calvary. Other examples: “It is finished” (Luke 23:46); “Father, into thy hands I command my spirit.”

Notice the first words Jesus spoke from the cross were “Father forgive them,” and his last word was “Father.”

We still have several out sick. Some are having tests, some are having surgery. Pray for all these and especially for Mary Allen Campbell; her surgery was scheduled to be Wednesday of this week.

We all stand in need of prayer, so let’s pray for one another.

New Salem Baptist Church

New Salem Baptist Church announces regular services with Sunday School at 10 a.m. and worship at 11 a.m. Evening services consist of church training at 5 and evening worship at 6. There are classes for all ages, and the public is invited to attend all services.

The New Salem church family appreciates the Chilton Baptist Association, Pates Chapel Baptist Church, First Baptist Church of Clanton, Collins Chapel Baptist Church and the many individuals who gave given time, money and materials for the upgrading of the facilities at the church building. Your prayers and contributions  have given us the opportunity to continue the ministry of this great church.

You are cordially invited to revival services beginning Sunday, April 17-20. You will always find a caring and friendly people helping you experience the worship of our Heavenly Father and soon coming King.

Mt. Pisgah United Methodist Church

We got off to a stormy start, but that didn’t prevent a good service. Brother Glenn

Walker gave the message on “Hometown Mission” and how we are all called to

tell our neighbors and friends about Jesus. The choir did wonderfully when they

sang, “Cast Your Bread Upon the Water.”

Our upcoming ministry events include:

United Methodist Women’s annual District Day Apart and flower sale. This event

is on April 9, starting at 8:30 a.m. with registration. The program will start at

9 a.m. Our men’s breakfast is this Sunday at 6:30 a.m. This is a time for food

and fellowship. Our Vacation Bible School will be June 13-17, with registration

on June 11. Living Waters has a Ladies Walk to Emmaus retreat coming up

April 7-10. This is a three-day course in Christianity. This event has changed many

lives. If you are interested in this or any of the other events, you may contact

Teresa Walker at (334) 349-5725 or visit our website at


Bethsalem Baptist Church

The morning service began with lots of great songs and recognition of church leadership. Special music included the Celebration Choir singing “My Heart, Your Home” with soloist Joanna Hill. Bro. Brad Eubank preached on God’s great mystery from Ephesians 3:14-21.

Our evening service began with Life Tracks at 5 p.m., followed by a message on the Crucifixion by Bro. Cleve Mallory.

Wednesday night is family supper night at 5:45, followed by choir practice for all children and prayer meeting for adults at 6:45.

Pray for Charles and Gladys Bryant, Gene Hucks, Betty McGee, Maci Hucks, Tricia Coles, Adelyn Fulmer, Kayla Knight, Emma Merrill, Hunter Moore, Edward Moore, Faye Legendre Glen Schrader, Robin Horton, Lawson Crawford, Robert Holloway, Dee Dee Nicolan, Tina Beard, Ruben Kelley, Louise Kelley, Johnny Smith, Debbie Lockhart, Joyce Hilyer, Stephanie Adams, James Moore, missionaries, unchurched families, those who have lost loved ones, and the people of Japan.

Happy birthday to Sharon Williams, Lewis Andrews, Brianna Moore, Abigail Powell, Branden Deavers, Braxton Jones, Carol Kelley, Aubrey Wallace and Reagan Crawford.

Thanks for a great luncheon and gifts for our leadership people.

Our mission is to share Jesus Christ with others and help them connect into His family to develop the habits of a disciples and discover their place of ministry in order to center their lives on Christ.

Inhabit weekend for students is April 1-2.

Tell someone about Jesus this week. Come worship with us.

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church

Our annual Lenten services have gotten off to a great start. Bro. Tony Smitherman brought our first message with Eddie Lightsey singing special music. Bro. Randy Reed brought our last message with Lacy Ellison on music.

Last week on March 20 we baptized Paisley Isabella Bice during the morning service. The Bice family provided a meal that was to our church family, catered by Nikki Gore and Main Street Café. It was enjoyed by all.

The call to worship was “When the Saints Go Marching In,” followed by “Soon and Very Soon.”

David Florea read scripture from Romans 5:8-11 and the Affirmation of Faith.


For next Wednesday’s Lenten luncheon on April 6, the guest minister will be the Rev. Greg DeJarnett, and the guest singer will be Patty Beam.

In two weeks our Sunday service will begin at 10:30 a.m. in the old Marbury Methodist Church at the Confederate Memorial Park in Marbury, followed by lunch and games. Collection baskets are in the foyer if you would like to donate through UMCOR for relief efforts in Japan. A baby bed is needed in our church nursery; see Debbie Popwell.

Easter Lilies can be purchased in honor or in memory of someone this Easter season. The flowers will be used to decorate the sanctuary. Please see Virginia Littlefield.

April 17 is men’s breakfast, Palm Sunday, Communion and a meeting of the Administrative Council.

Remember these in prayer: Ray Enfinger, Ruby Duke, Lavada Attaway and William Heaps (Shirley and Sheila’s dad).

The hymn of preparation was “When We All Get To Heaven,” followed by special music, “Triumphantly, the Church Will Rise” sang by Lisa Abbott and “Days of Elijah” by Kayte Culpepper and the choir.

The message was on the Rapture and that we should prepare for this day as being the day of rapture. When Jesus was taken away to be with the Father, they were told, “He is gone away but as you saw him leave, so shall you see him return.” When will this happen? We don’t know; it would be foolish for us to worry about something that He didn’t even tell his own Son! When He returns, not everyone will hear his name called; you must be born again in Christ to have your name called.

Mt. Springs

As the morning began with rain and the threat of bad weather, there was no damper on the service at Mt. Springs.  Sunday was Youth Sunday and was one of the most outstanding ones I have been privileged to witness.  To repeat the comment I heard many of those in attendance saying over and over again, “Mt. Springs church of tomorrow is in good hands.  We have an awesome group of young people.”

From the welcome through the invitation, our youth did a spectacular job carrying on the different responsibilities of the service — awesome leadership, singing and devotions. If anyone asks me, I think we should have Youth Sunday once each quarter instead of once each year.  We are so blessed to have this group of young people in our church.

Announcements:  March 31 at 6:30 is Ladies’ fellowship in the church fellowship hall (food provided).  May 1 – 4 is revival with speaker Bro. Mike Ragland.

Our Mother/Daughter/Other Banquet is May 7 at 5 p.m. Vacation Bible School is June 12-16; it will have the theme “God is Wild About You.” Youth Camp will be from July 11-15.

Sermon notes:  Our visiting preacher was Bro. John Pullen.  We always enjoy Bro. John’s enthusiastic presentation of the Gospel of Christ.  His text came from 1 Kings 17:1-6 and centered on the ravens mentioned in these verses.  The title of the message was “Blessings from the Birds.”

He began his message by saying that many times we get saved and just sit back waiting for God to supply all our needs, but explained that there are things we must do to get to the place in our life where God wants us to be and can use us, then He will supply our needs.

First, ravens are simple birds, not really pretty and not really song birds. They aren’t anything special.  God is not looking for only beautiful and talented people.  He looks for those willing to be used of Him.

Secondly, ravens are surrendered birds.  In verse 4, the ravens are commanded to feed Elijah, and they didn’t complain or whine like we often do when God asks us to do something.  Just remember, God will not ask you to do anything that He will not prepare you for.

Thirdly, ravens are consistent and steady.  We need to be consistent in what we do for God.  In verse 6, the ravens brought food morning and evening even though it was not part of their natural behavior.

And fourth, ravens are scavengers.  They will eat anything and are sometimes known as a trash bird.  God’s use of this trash eating bird represents His desire to draw us back to him from the trash/sin in our lives and forgive no matter what we have allowed ourselves to do or become involved with.  He can, He will, and He desires to draw you to him and forgive you.

Whatever God calls you to do, do the best job you can for the glory of God.

During our evening service, the youth continued to lead and did just as spectacular a job as in the morning service.  We were privileged to have as our special guest Nathan Hudson from First Baptist Church Clanton to give his personal testimony and share his saxophone music with us.  He is truly a talented young man.  Many of the young people sang solos, and the youth choir shared their Wednesday night worship songs with us.  It was truly an outstanding day at Mt. Springs Church.

Service times are: Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., morning worship at 11, evening worship at 5:30, Wednesday children and youth at 7 p.m. and adult Bible study at 7 p.m.